NASA lies - does that mean all things ball earth are up for debate?
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Unread post by napoleon »

play the game find me a man ,one that can read ,find me one of them good men you defend to step up ,cos you don't count ofcourse your'e honest ,the rest are not ,hence all the shite since tryptamine was editing smj or geris the swiss hacker or rollo upto simons bummerboys entering the frey
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oh and you won;t find anymen
cos your mods banned them
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shabby as fuck allowing grown men to act like shills ,and defending them ,get rid of the lot of the lads start again ,and it's naive to think you could have a group of men discuss what i post ,,,,hence the masonic hackers swiss bullshit ,and californian dolts

embarrassing me is one thing ,,,,,,but now they embarrass you with every audio
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i was never meant to demoralise and i tried my fucking best not to ,but the arrogance of thinking anyone knows what 911 was is funny to me

so get your boys to do an audio on 911 from the construction of the towers to invading the middle east

i told you day fucking 1 what 911 was ,and had to deal with scumbags at every fucking point
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'Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.' In chemistry, vitriol is iron or copper sulfate salts and their derivative, sulfuric acid. The name comes from the Latin for “glassy,” after the resemblance of iron sulfate to shards of green glass. Vitriol is symbolized alchemically as the “green lion,” a poisonous substance that appears when metal is degraded by acid. Sulfuric acid, or oil of vitriol, was used in the synthesis of the lapis philosophorum- the Philosopher’s Stone. One unique peoperty of sulfuric acid is the dissolution of metals- all except for gold, on which it has no effect.
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93 bombing fountain same as the chmaber of reflection
93 bombing thirty foot below the towers is representative where historically but mythically rozencreuz tomb was discovered thirty feet below the ground
and thats why the memorial fountain for the 93 bombing 30 foot above the blast is the same architecture as his final resting place
The alchemical motto for vitriol is “Visita Interiora Terrae Rectificando Invenies Occultum Lapidem,” “Visit the interior of the earth and rectifying (purifying) you will find the hidden stone.” The motto originated in L’Azoth des Philosophes by the 15th Century alchemist Basilius Valentinus. In Freemasonry, the motto is a common component of the symbolic “Chamber of reflection,” where a Mason contemplates and reflects on the nature of death. In both Freemasonry and Alchemy, the motto refers to a process of internal, spiritual purification.
apply this to 911
so you do not need to trust one fucker ,but you do have to be loyal to the lads who are fakeologists ,not the lads that give you money
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oh and i can;t think of a better shrewdness of apes than the lads are so so sure of what 911 was to divulge the masonic ceremony to the fakeologists audio fans and listeners ..............can you ?

a shrewdness assured
call me space tarzan
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The New Atlantis describes a utopian society governed by a scientific institution, the House of Salomon!!
The Father of the American Enlightenment Bacon is best known as the “father of the modern scientific method” and one of the originators of the Enlightenment. Bacon was also a statesman of noble ideal and character, poet, editor of the King James Bible, historian of ancient wisdom, and philosopher.

Francis Bacon authored the vision of the American Commonwealth. It combined scientific progress, spiritual enlightenment, and the union of polarities.
As co-founder of the Virginia Company which financed expeditions in 1607 and 1620, as well as a member of the Company of Adventurers that established a settlement in Newfoundland, Francis Bacon has been commemorated as “The Guiding Spirit in [the] Colonization Scheme.” As Solicitor General to James I, Bacon oversaw the progress of the American colonies and drafted the second and third Royal Charters of the Virginia Company in 1609 and 1612. These documents, which outlined the rights of investors and settlers, as well as the governing structure of the colony, are among the founding documents of American constitutionalism.

The object of the mysterious Order of Rosicrucians was to throw occult light upon the misunderstood Christian religion and to explain the mystery of Life and Being from the scientific standpoint in harmony with religion. A high spiritual teacher with the name of Christian Rosenkreuz appeared in Europe to commence that work. His very name is an embodiment of the manner and the means by which the present day man is transformed into the Divine Superman. And the symbol, the Christian Rose Cross, shows the end and aim of human evolution, the road to be traveled, and the means whereby that end is gained. cosmism! by any other name a rose is a rose after all.

Few people know that Bacon is reputed by others — primarily within the Rosicrucian tradition in American esoteric spirituality — to also be a mystic responsible for organizing a network of spiritually independent visionaries, philosophers, and thinkers in support of settling the New World in accordance with higher designs of governance (reference: Manly Hall). Thus, Bacon is honoured in different quarters as the father of the scientific revolution, as the father of American constitutionalism, and as the father of American esoteric spirituality.

The New Atlantis describes a utopian society governed by a scientific institution, the House of Salomon, which, serving the principle of Christian charity, is devoted to expanding knowledge of the world and converting that knowledge into measures that improve the human condition: “for the finding out of the true nature of all things, whereby God might have the more glory in the workmanship of them, and men the more fruit in the use of them.” The people are described as embodying the qualities of “generosity and enlightenment, dignity and splendor, piety and public spirit”.

The House of Salomon was named after the biblical King Solomon who was known for his wisdom and justice; the House of Salomon was thus a House of Justice in which spiritual principles and material knowledge would be integrated for the judicious and equitable government of the commonwealth. In the philosophical speculations of the Renaissance, whose symbolism can be found throughout the work of Francis Bacon, the Temple of Solomon symbolises the union of the transcendental divine wisdom, serenity and detached selflessness of the spiritually enlightened, with the quest for practical knowledge of the masters of metal-working, arts, and sciences. [In the Rosicrucian and esoteric alchemical traditions

Bacon’s vision of the House of Salomon inspired the foundation of the Royal Society and other academic societies that began to sprout throughout Europe in the mid and late 17th centuries, laying the foundation for the collegial production of knowledge that characterizes modern academic networks and institutions. His works, in particular his Advancement of Learning, were central to Samuel Johnson’s “new model” of higher education that re-formed the curricula in American elite colleges in the mid 1750’s, with the help of Benjamin Franklin, that would later educate revolutionary leaders like Jefferson, Adams, Hamilton, Jay and Madison.
In the New Atlantis, The House of Salomon was also called the College of the Six Days. This is also an allusion to how Bacon named his entire body of writings, as the “Great Instauration” or “Six Days Work”, which he envisioned as a step-by-step restoration of paradise on earth, in imitation of the Six Days of God’s work before the Seventh Day of rest, inaugurating a new cycle of history, a new Great Age. The six stages included systematic knowledge of natural, human, and divine realities, to understand and fully realise God’s law of universal love .

Similar to many natural philosophers of the Renaissance, key to Bacon’s vision was his interpretation of the Fall from Eden as coming from the human desire to become the same as God, to substitute himself for God by becoming his own judge of good and evil.

Was this the original mission of America to which men like Franklin, Jefferson, and even John Adams and Alexander Hamilton were attuned? To be the place, the “ideal commonwealth” where it was possible to finally integrate the polarities of material and spiritual, Heaven and earth, religion and science? Is this not the vision of Christ? The unified being who is beyond all duality. The one who embodies and manifests all the faces of God

THE MILLENIUM FALL-CON HOUSE OF SALOMAN (solo-mans temple) which consists of herrods ,solomons,and the twin towers temple ,all fell historically on 911 A spaceship toy made from j tobin plaza called the millenium fall-con and you can only see it by standing in the tomb of rosencreuz,the 7 walled chamber of reflection that was the twin tower complex at the gold sphere the koenig sphere , kapow !! illuminated as fuck........
no one was meant to solve 911 were they ,this little club of artistocrats and wizards with endless resources pay apes and recruit them
,thats why they have no defence to the millenium fall-con solo-mans temple they didn't know did they ,and now they do they know they are sellouts ,worthless men
oh and do pardon me for saying things and setting a standard the masons cannot match ,it stands out a fucking mile whos a fakeologist and who is a whore
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Tish’a Be’av

On February 26th 1993, a truck bomb was detonated underneath the North Tower of the World Trade Center in New York City. The terrorists responsible had hoped to bring down both towers with the explosion. They failed, but over a thousand people were injured and six were killed. A memorial to the six was installed directly above the blast site in the plaza between the towers. It was a fountain made of granite, and a reasonable person might have expected it to last for a thousand years, but it was destroyed after only eight. One recovered piece has been incorporated into the 9/11 memorial park. ... ions[quote]1993 WTC Bombing Artifacts Part of Memorial Museum Exhibitions
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The first attack on the World Trade Center came in the winter of 1993.

Today, 21 years ago terrorists detonated an explosive-laden van on the B2 level of the underground parking garage in the North Tower of the World Trade Center. While the terrorists’ mission to destroy the towers failed, six people were killed in the attack and hundreds were injured. At the World Trade Center, the 1993 bombing lead to an enhanced security and safety plan, which included faster evacuations of the buildings on 9/11. PIX 11 News recently highlighted 9/11 victim Douglas Karpiloff, who was a security director at the World Trade Center and the architect of a multimillion dollar security upgrade at the site in response to the 1993 bombing.
even though you knew 911 was staged ,you never thought you could prove it and now your scared ..............................good
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A wall fragment from the B2 parking garage level will be displayed in the 9/11 Memorial Museum, which opens in May. The soot stains on this fragment are the result of the fires that burned following the 9/11 attacks.

Also, a small piece of rose-colored granite from the memorial to the Feb. 26, 1993 bombing victims will be on display in the Museum. The memorial to the 1993 bombing was destroyed on 9/11, but this piece was recovered after the attacks. On the 21st anniversary of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, the National September 11 Memorial & Museum remembers those who were killed in the attack: John Giovanni, Robert Kirkpatrick, Stephen Knapp, William Macko, Wilfredo Mercado and Monica Rodriguez Smith, who was pregnant at the time.

They entered the vault. It had seven sides and seven corners; each side was five feet wide and
eight feet high. The sun had never penetrated this tomb, but they claimed it was brilliantly
illuminated by a mysterious light . In the center was a circular altar.

In each of the seven sides was a small door. When these doors were opened, they found a number of boxes
filled with books, secret instructions and a record of Rosenkreuz‟s life and travels. Then, they
moved the circular altar and lifted the heavy bronze plate beneath it. There in a miniature vault,
they found the body of Christian Rosenkreuz,
According to Livingstone, the founding of the Order of the Rosy Cross took place after
about three centuries of dormancy, and “as a result of pressure from the Catholic Inquisition to
suppress witchcraft. . .

About Dr.John Dee
The John Dee Society › DEE
Founder of the Rosicrucian Order, the protestant response to the Jesuits. 6. An alchemist; hermeticist, cabalist, adept in esoteric and occcult lore. 7.
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OZ 77 - 7th Armored Regiment

Oz 77 movie, presented in Kibbutz El-Rom, reviews the heroic battle of the Israeli Oz 77 tank unit during the Yom Kippur War in 1973. On October 6th
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Battle Analysis
The Saga of OZ 77 in the Arab-Israeli War of 1973:
A Small Armor Unit’s Fight in a Large-Scale Combat Operation
by retired LTC Lee F. Kichen
The Arab-Israeli War of 1973,
1 otherwise known as the Yom Kippur War, began Oct. 6 with surprise attacks by
Egypt and Syria on the Sinai Peninsula and the Golan Heights, respectively. Israel’s survival hinged on the
outcome of its fight with Syria. The ensuing four-day fight was the largest tank battle since World War II.
It was not a fight between divisions or brigades separated by long ranges; for the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), it
was a series of short-range engagements fought by small units and, at times, individual tanks. IDF commanders
operated largely on their situational awareness rather than strict adherence to their superiors’ plans. With Israel
facing an immediate and perilous threat, the IDF’s culture allowed for the maximum degree of freedom of action
and command initiative.”2
The OZ (the Hebrew acronym for courage)strong 77th Armored Battalion, commanded by LTC (later BG) Avigdor
Kahalani, would conduct a classic area defense culminating with the Battle of the Valley of Tears. Despite
overwhelming odds, the fight Oct. 9 turned the tide of the Golan Heights Campaign in Israel’s favor.

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Unread post by napoleon »

this comment is in reference to simon shack calling judy wood a clown ,do not insult clowns !!! or dismiss judy the wicked witch wood
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i don’t rely on anyone else to solve 911,and calling judy wood a clown is naive and dismissive ,she is a million times more helpful than any truther was ,especially her copilot hutchenson using oz schema ,flying broom ,magic water,yellow stones ,and a zero point energy battery which is a copy of lukes light saber

the cointel from clues forum gatting away for a decade saying 911 was a sega saturn graphics and amateurs pulled it off …………….that shit might be allowed over in substandard forums but not in here !!
and as always the clues are in psi fi and fantasy of films and literature
for instance the whore of babylon woman of the apocalypse ,the sign of solomons cube in the heavens that day a big fucking wand!,,that was the trigger for 911,that governs all the greaseball magic to date islam,judaism,christianity

this premise was set up and explained in a dan brown novel the lost symbol,interchanging woman with symbol is what the whore of babylon became a sign all religions follow ,she's not a whore no more !

And at the center of The Lost Symbol is Katherine (Solomon) this young girl is the whore excuse me !the lost symbol the psipher , who helps Brown’s returning hero, Harvard professor Robert Langdon, solve the mysteries of Freemasonry gone wrong.

brown is just alluding to to the analagy of the whore of babylon. not a whore perse or a woman just a universal hexagram(star of david,solomons cube) every scumbag secret society got serviced by this lost symbol on 911 all of them!! the solomons cube in the heavens ,which held an upside down crucifix that day aiming at the towers as they fell under the star of sirius the rainbow star,when viewed from washingtons arch
after all it is only amateurs who dismiss judy wood,knowing that she claimed there was a wand (directed enrgy weapon)responsible should have made amateur conspiracy theorists slaver at solving 911 but the big boys dismissed her ?and her wand and her twister ,all these clues combined with the images of 911 should be as plain as the psilver nose on your face

unfortunately most people who consider themselves truthers are copying what had come before them ,i don’t rely on anyone to do something important for me ,i do it my self
why so sirius !!

but lucky for you our rey of light regained consciousnees and stole the 7 headed beat that was 911 complex solo-mans temple
the millenium fall-con

if i was cointel and i couldn't acknowledge oz at 911 sites i think id act like bitches too
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