Sharpstuff's research

All info related to the new biggest hoax of our time.
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Sharpstuff's research

Unread post by fakeologist »

Peter has done great work in health, viri, and psyOps.
I asked him to place as much as he can here.
Feel free to interact with him in this forum forum.
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Re: Sharpstuff's research

Unread post by Sharpstuff »

Firstly, I would like to thank Ab for letting me post some of my material on his most excellent web-site and his links to September Clues for their own integrity and valuable data/information into obvious deceptions placed upon us by what I call the ignorati.

I do not claim to be an ‘expert’ on/in any of my writings, I write merely from the accumulation of knowledge from over sixty years of studying many different subjects from all angles.

One of my major thrusts here (and elsewhere) is the notion of real health (and not that proposed by others who have no notion of ‘health’ or who wish to compromise it for their own nefarious reasons), on a personal level.

Personal health is a product of what we personally require by virtue of the biologically required foods we ingest (including liquids and solids) and their adaptability within our personal environment at any given moment.

Whatever we ingest can only be used by us if we are to remain healthy, by a catalyst (something that makes a chemical reaction happen more quickly without itself being changed) is applied. That catalyst is sunlight. The more we hide from it (via tight clothing and dark glasses, sun-screens and so forth) the less our bodies have to use for conversion of the ingestion of ‘raw materials’ and aided by the sunlight to a healthy life-style.

We are all different from each other, however we might like to think otherwise. We all live in different locations on this planet, have different life-styles, colour of skin and so forth and have adapted (to some degree) to our present status providing we have not encountered the engineering* by others than ourselves to our present ‘status’ according the ‘them’, (whomsoever they may be) as such that in some way, we ‘belong to them’ (i.e. some sort of ‘State’).

We all require different ‘diets’ at whatever age we are. Diets are those food-stuffs which allow our ability to exist in certain circumstances. Lack of a suitable ‘diet’ will, of course, lead to being, or feeling ‘un-well’ to which has been adapted (and adopted) the notion of ‘diseases’ caused by some unknowable ‘germ’ or ‘virus’ not so discretely termed with ludicrous hypotheses and couched in terminology unaccessible to anyone else bar the ‘initiated’ (who produce their own dictionaries, encyclopædias, definitions and so on interminably and expect others to adjure to their ‘expertise’).

To exist at all, we must mix-and-match those food and drink substances for our personal use as individuals without proclamations by others (whomsoever they present to be) that anything else should be otherwise (vegetarianism, veganism and so forth). The human so-called ‘species’ are omnivores, lest we forget.

So at the same time, we must be infinitely wary of those who would peddle their own ‘foods’ and ‘drinks’ (a.k.a. ‘diets’) which aim (possibly) to help in a possible short-term but certainly not in a long-term.

Beware the main-stream! It will only lead to the rocky cliffs below!
Peter K. Sharpen

* My recent small book ‘The Engineering of Our Lives’ can be downloaded from here: ... 4JRGSUSn0I

Comments, of course, are most welcome.

Be well.

In good faith.

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Re: Sharpstuff's research

Unread post by Sharpstuff »

You can lead a horse to water…

… is an old proverb that says, that: ‘You can’t lead a horse to water and expect it to drink.’

The interpretation is: that you can give someone an opportunity (in this case water) but not force them to take it.

In the present state of the ‘World’, created by those who have apparently amassed paid armies (of some kind) to perpetrate their alleged leading of others, there will always be those ‘horses’ that will not ‘drink’ from the notions presented.

It is here that we must decide (where possible) whether we wish to be led to their ‘waters’ and therefor drink these ‘waters’ or find another stream of consciousness that might make a better watering-hole.

We are constantly being led (like horses, whose magnificence are one of the planet’s creatures is indefinable) to waters that are unknown to us and therefore not suspect of the purpose of the water and the end results.

Those folk who are able to read this script have the availability to make decisions as to what they might believe or disbelieve given our technologies but it is up to us to decide the ‘water’ to drink. There are many others who do not have this ability or the means. Where does it leave them?

These gentle-folk (most of them) have no means to decide upon the stream chosen by them but must (in truth) follow the herd.

The current ‘virus’ scam is a patent example of a particular ‘water’ from which they (the horse owners, according to them) require their ‘horses’ to drink. Their scripts and their abilities to produce paths that seem acceptable to those who have no idea how to create a path of their own (not having been show how to do so in the first place), allow them to lead some to their water-hole since the path is a well-worn one for those horses who have been bred for their particular path.
The odd horse, of course, will not follow. It has no knowledge of why and it rankles but something stirs in its mane. It may struggle to find a means of saturating its thirst but it is on a lonely path. On its way, it may meet another of its kind and they may work together with their skills at finding water but who can say if one decides another easier path towards what it has deemed is the better way?

Our ‘odd’ horse will continue, of course, looking for a spring, a leaf that has still a drop of water yet shed.

One might ask: With whom would you share your water?

Be well.

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Sharpstuff on Politics

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According to:


politics (n.)

1520s, "science of government," from politic (adj.), modelled on Aristotle's ta politika "affairs of state," the name of his book on governing and governments, which was in English mid-15c. as "Polettiques." Also see -ics.

Politicks is the science of good sense, applied to public affairs, and, as those are forever changing, what is wisdom to-day would be folly and perhaps, ruin to-morrow. Politicks is not a science so properly as a business. It cannot have fixed principles, from which a wise man would never swerve, unless the inconstancy of men's view of interest and the capriciousness of the tempers could be fixed. [Fisher Ames (1758-1808)]

Quote from the above: ‘Politicks is the science of good sense’…really?

Like all things that may once have made sense to those who practised ‘politics’ (but perhaps not those that inflicted their notions of their politics upon others) we have been usurped by the progenitors of the ‘theory’ (especially of ‘democracy’) to the situation we have today; in a word, chaos, or whatever terms you might like to use.

As a theory, ‘Democracy’ (for example) may have been fine for those perpetrating the notion and leading, I suppose, to the notion of the ‘majority’ having the final say, which, in fact, is the imposition of the notion that given one or two or perhaps more representatives of their ‘vision’ as to the purpose of a number of people, we need to ‘choose’ between jolly old Scylla and Charybdis of Greek mythology.

Dissenters of party systems are not allowed! It is who counts the votes that matters!

The ‘science of government’, is of course, a misnomer on two accounts (at least):
The notion of ‘science’ as a subject is that the flowers of truths have been turned upside down and reduced to faded roots which bear no fruit worthy of perpetration by Nature.

As it is presented to us, ‘government’ is merely a means of control by a vested interested crowd of non-identifiable scraps of protoplasm for whom we are supposed to ‘vote’ (en masse) for their proliferation of control.

So-called ‘democracy’ is simply the product of a mass indoctrination of people who merely wish to lead their lives without hindrance and (unfortunately) seem to rely upon the media that they watch, listen or read in ignorance of the facts of alternative views, whatever they are and they do not know how to find such views.

People do not generally want others to dictate to them what or what not, they should do so to accomplish their needs for survival. There are plenty of people willing to help others to accomplish some decent life-development. They do not need others to tell them how they should act.

Without the accomplishments of the ‘artisans’, the poets, musicians, artists, cabinet makers, stone masons and anyone else with particular skills, how would they be able to establish the mansions they rely upon for their own pathetic survival (which is not a truism since they could not survive without those who build, or paint or establish drainage for their elimination of their ports and whiskies and so forth)?

In short, ‘modern politics’ (in whatever guise), is merely a dictatorship under the guise of pretending that the general public actually have a say.

As I have said so many times (correctly or incorrectly) peoples may need some sort of management to get the best from everybody, including those who are labelled ‘dis-abled’ but whose contributions to the whole are also priceless.
Politics is a dirty game of ‘Monopoly’, where the tokens are repeatedly changed, all the railway stations and streets constantly change their names, along with the Chance and Community Chest cards based upon the political war games against humanity for insane greed for themselves.

Be well.
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Re: Sharpstuff's research

Unread post by Sharpstuff »

I would like to thank Ab for letting me post some of my material on his most excellent web-site.

I do not claim to be an ‘expert’ on/in any of my writings, I write merely from the accumulation of knowledge from over sixty years of studying many different subjects from all angles.

One of my major thrusts here (and elsewhere) is the notion of real health (and not that proposed by others who have no notion of ‘health’ or who wish to compromise it for their own nefarious reasons), on a personal level or have any knowledge of biological systems.

Personal health is a product of what we personally require by virtue of the biologically required foods we ingest (including liquids and solids) and their adaptability within our personal environment at any given moment.

Whatever we ingest can only be used by us if we are to remain healthy, by a catalyst (something that makes a chemical reaction happen more quickly without itself being changed) is applied. That catalyst is sunlight. The more we hide from it (via tight clothing and dark glasses, sun-screens and so forth) the less our bodies have to use for conversion of the ingestion of ‘raw materials’ and aided by the sunlight to a healthy life-style.

We are all different from each other, however we might like to think otherwise. We all live in different locations on this planet, have different life-styles, colour of skin and so forth and have adapted (to some degree) to our present status providing we have not encountered the engineering by others than ourselves to our present ‘status’ according the ‘them’, (whomsoever they may be) as such that in some way, we ‘belong to them’ (i.e. some sort of ‘State’).

We all require different ‘diets’ at whatever age we are. Diets are those food-stuffs which allow for our ability to exist in certain circumstances. Lack of a suitable ‘diet’ will, of course, lead to being, or feeling ‘un-well’ to which has been adapted (and adopted) the notion of ‘diseases’ caused by some unknowable ‘germ’ or ‘virus’ not so discretely termed with ludicrous hypotheses and couched in terminology unaccessible to anyone else bar the ‘initiated’ (who produce their own dictionaries, encyclopædias, definitions and so on interminably and expect others to adjure to their ‘expertise’).

As far as ‘germs’ or ‘viruses’ (what is the difference?) are concerned, it is ‘main-stream’ that tells us that they require a ‘host’ cell to do their dirty work. It would seem obvious, therefore to ask a few simple questions:
1. How do they get into the cell in the first place?
2. If they require a ‘cell’ (and that theory is still very open to question) how do they get out of the cell to go wander about to ‘infect’ others?
3. Are their no ‘good’ ‘viruses’? No, because they are an impossible entity to being with.

To exist at all, we must mix-and-match those food and drink substances for our personal use as individuals without proclamations by others (whomsoever they claim to be) that anything else should be otherwise (vegetarianism, veganism and so forth). The human so-called ‘species’ are omnivores, lest we forget.

So at the same time, we must be infinitely wary of those who would peddle their own ‘foods’ and ‘drinks’ (a.k.a. ‘diets’) which aim (possibly) to help in a possible short-term (for possible special reasons) but certainly not in a long-term.

Beware the main-stream! It will only lead to the rocky cliffs below!
Peter K. Sharpen



You can lead a horse to water…

… is an old proverb that says, that: ‘You can’t lead a horse to water and expect it to drink.’

The interpretation is: that you can give someone an opportunity (in this case water) but not force them to take it.
In the present state of the ‘World’, created by those who have apparently amassed paid armies (of some kind) to perpetrate their alleged leading of others, there will always be those ‘horses’ that will not ‘drink’ from the notions presented.
It is here that we must decide (where possible) whether we wish to be led to their ‘waters’ and therefor drink these ‘waters’ or find another stream of consciousness that might make a better watering-hole.

We are constantly being led (like horses, whose magnificence are one of the planet’s creatures is indefinable) to waters that are unknown to us and therefore not suspect of the purpose of the water and the end results.

Those folk who are able to read this script have the availability to make decisions as to what they might believe or disbelieve given our technologies but it is up to us to decide the ‘water’ to drink. There are many others who do not have this ability or the means. Where does it leave them?

These gentle-folk (most of them) have no means to decide upon the stream chosen by them but must (in truth) follow the herd.

The current ‘virus’ scam is a patent example of a particular ‘water’ from which they (the horse owners, according to them) require their ‘horses’ to drink. Their scripts and their abilities to produce paths that seem acceptable to those who have no idea how to create a path of their own (not having been show how to do so in the first place), allow them to lead some to their water-hole since the path is a well-worn one for those horses who have been bred for their particular path.
The odd horse, of course, will not follow. It has no knowledge of why and it rankles but something stirs in its mane. It may struggle to find a means of saturating its thirst but it is on a lonely path. On its way, it may meet another of its kind and they may work together with their skills at finding water but who can say if one decides another easier path towards what it has deemed is the better way?

Our ‘odd’ horse will continue, of course, looking for a spring, a leaf that has still a drop of water yet shed.

One might ask: With whom would you share your water?

Be well.

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Re: Sharpstuff's research

Unread post by Benoit »

Hi,I'm known as geris on the audiochats,I wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed your
Chat with ab ,if you ever want to record another ,it will be my pleasure to listen to it

Sent from my Redmi 7A using Tapatalk

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Re: Sharpstuff's research

Unread post by Sharpstuff »


In pursuing this particular subject, I am indebted to Seneca (who recognised Dr. Hamer’s German New Medicine in a very earlier post of mine) and especially Patrik whose input into the subjects about which I have studied for many years regarding my passionate efforts to examine health care and despite my age and why I remain apparently remain healthy, I am grateful.


Of all so-called ‘diseases’ (‘viral’ or otherwise) the very word ‘CANCER’ is paramount. It represents an apparent ‘ultimate disease’ to be feared by the whole of what is called ‘humanity’ upon the ‘planet’ we call ‘Earth’.
It appears from the notion of ‘diseases’ that the term ‘cancer’ as a ‘disease’ is the worst that can befall Humankind (at least). Firstly, the word ‘disease’ in toto is derived from ‘dis’, meaning bad and ‘ease’ meaning something compatible with what we might call, a ‘life’ devoid of too much strife within which we may or may not cope in some way or other without being in some form of distress.
Many other so-called ‘dis-eases’, apparently may pale into some sort of insignificance. In short, ‘disease’ as a complete word should not exist. We may have a ‘bad’ ‘ease’ (we do not feel as good as we may like). ‘Cancer’ is apparently the dis-ease par excellence.

Cancer is usually ‘diagnosed’ as the presence of a particular agglomeration of ‘cells’ which clump together and become what is called a ‘tumour’, (that is, a swelling of a particular part of the body which, left untouched, apparently replicates itself somehow and ‘invades’ the body thus producing other tumours etc.). This ‘invasion’ (another of the ‘war’ terminology coined for such) is called (by the alleged ‘medical profession’) as ‘metastasis’ which means it can ‘travel’ to other parts of the body and in the end to KILL you unless ‘treated’ by means prescribed by the lack of knowledge of those propounding the generally accepted theory or theories of ‘dis-ease’.

There is abundant literature on all sides of the notion of ‘dis-eases’ as portrayed and their ‘causes’. However, the very word ‘causes’ begs explanation. ‘Causes’ merely are the notions of inexplicable behaviours (or processes) of Nature supposedly anathema to continued existence. These are, in real terms, unanswerable.

Anyone following this introduction must take in consideration that the basis of exploration of any one subject, invariably links to others. Thus we must/may be able to establish a pattern of events that make some sense to those exploring (locating a particular piece in a jig-saw puzzle, for example to complete a pictogram).
An explorer, does just that but does not necessarily make conclusions but observations, findings that may be interpreted as ‘fact’ by some without the ability to explore further than their means of such immediate exploration or the means by which they were explored.

Thus the following is intended to explore the notion of ‘cancer’ (in particular only) and the means by which it has been studied by others not attached to any ‘main-stream’ views (the dissenters of investigation) and which are not accepted by the ‘main-stream’ (for whatever their motivations) or by the orthodoxy which imperils their livelihood.

With permission, I offer this written conversation with Patrik, a well-respected member of this forum regarding the notion of ‘cancers’ (and other health important issues) but only if pursuance of the links are undertaken for others to generate their own views on the subject matter.
It is not up to me to try to explain G.M.N. (German New Medicine) since its significance has already been established by Dr. Hamer and as one might say, ‘You can lead a person to a book but one cannot make them read it.’

A word of warning regarding the posted videos by Caronline Makolin on YouTube, a self-professed ‘expert’ on G.N.M. She is the basis of controversy as attested by Ilsedora Laker. You may read her views and an explanation of G.N.M. at:

I have uploaded a number of books to my MEGA account which you are free to download (36Mb). The folder contains a number of books on Various health matters, including Dr. Hamer’s book, including, if I might be so bold, including two of my own books on health I wrote some years ago, for those interested.
A text file giving some idea of the contents of each book is also included.

Here is a preview:

Brief notes on the books listed here which are as .pdf files in my possession and yes, I have read every one of them!

Bacteria Inc.
By Cash Asher

'In which is Told the Story of New York's
Half Million Dollar Bedbug'

Dr. Hamer
By Caroline Markolin
Included for reference

Exposing the Myth of the Germ Theory
By Arthur M. Baker

Florence Nightingale's Book:
Notes on Nursing
My view: A must read for many reasons (158 pages)

Flouride Risk
U.K. Councils Against Fluouridation
(of water supplies)

Horrors of Vaccination Exposed
(From Google Library)
By Chas. M. Higgins
'A Petition to the President to abolish compulsory
vaccination in army and navy.'

Into the Labyrynth
By Jack Doubleday
'Discovering the Truth about Vaccination'

The Five Biological Laws the New Medicine
Presented by Dr. med. Ryke Geerd Hamer
May 14//15, 2005 Madrid, Spain

Rational Bacteria
Rational Bacteriology
J.R. Verner, C.W. Welant, R.J. Watkins
(Speaks for itself)

The Dream and Lie of Louis Pasteur
By R.B. Pearson
Probably the most valuable resource and a must read in my view

By James C. Thomson
The Question of V.D.

Toxemia Explained
By J.H. Tilden, M.D.
'How to cure is an obvious sequence'
also: 'An antidote to fear, frenzy and the popular mad chasing after so-called cures.'

Man Versus Toothache
By Dr. George W. Heard
Also called: 'The Town Without a Toothbrush'

Virus Hoax
The Monstrous Virus Hoax
By T.C. Fry

Virus Mania
By Torsten Engelbrecht, Claus Kohnlein
'How the Medical Industry Continually Invents Epidemics
Making Billion-Dollar Profits at Our Expense.’

My Own Books

Easy Health
By Peter K. Sharpen
Basic health issues

Sharpen’s ‘Alternative’ Encyclopaedic Medical Dictionary
By Peter K. Sharpen
(Speaks for itself)

MEGA link:


In the meantime: The following is a transcript of Patrik’s letter to myself and I have his permission to use it.

Patrik: I have now as many men and women of present and past interested in medicine, finally arrived at the conclusion that different chronical diseases does not exist.

Sharpstuff: My thoughts entirely.

Patrik: What we call disease are various symptoms of healing from mental and/or physical trauma plus toxification, de-toxification and malnutrition. The drugs and therapies used today can sometimes suspend or divert these symptoms into different ones and that is interpreted as being cured. In essence however, it is all Pharmakeia.

Sharpstuff interjection: Pharmakeia : the use of medicine, drugs or spells. ... -deception

This matches all that I have been saying in perhaps different guises.

Patrick: As for cancer (but also heart disease and dementia), I think it is mainly severe symptoms of toxification, de-toxification and malnutrition. But the million dollar question and where many seems to disagree with me is what causes this. What I did when I put up an hypothesis that I find reasonable and that I haven't been able to disprove so far, is that I assumed people have had these diseases (cancer, heart disease and dementia) historically and that the modern "disease engineers" have looked at past science when looking for a way to engineer them though diet-health recommendations and medicine.

Sharpstuff: How many times has the ‘food pyramid’ changed from one time to another!

Patrick: If we go back to the 19th century and look at medicine, leprosy and syphilis was quite common. When people hear the word leprosy today they think of a beggar with disfigured limbs, but that is in fact a late stage of the disease. As Hansen, the definitive authority on this disease in the 19th century, states in his books and papers leprosy had a slow onset and the symptoms he describes can easily be compared to those related to cancer, heart-disease and dementia, but also other diseases like glaucoma.

Hansen had the new fad of those days - a microscope, and was really into the latest science from Pasteur in France - Germ theory. So naturally in his microscope he saw something he identified as a new bacteria - bacterium leprae. And for this he of course received great accolades from Pasteur and his fellow fraudsters. Their scam was gaining momentum. And as you may know Peter, onto this day this is the official cause of this disease. I do not suspect Hansen was in on it. He was most likely the "useful idiot" that is needed when you tell a big lie and repeat it until it becomes the truth. Hansen repeatedly states that he was never able to infect anyone with bacterium leprae and cause leprosy, but he nonetheless considered it to be the cause of the disease and gained a lot of support for that, despite that no one onto this day has been able to prove that.

But there was another doctor with a very different theory on the cause of leprosy that few had heard of and that has not received much attention neither when he was active at the same time as Hansen or afterwards - Sir Jonathan Hutchinson.

This is what Wicked Pedia has to say about it:

"After his retirement from active consultative work, he continued to take great interest in the question of leprosy. In one of his few scientific errors, he was firmly convinced that a link existed between getting leprosy and eating salted or rotted fish, even after the pathogenic agent, Mycobacterium leprae, was discovered in 1873."

Now there's where it "clicked" for me. What type of food substance has been heavily promoted since the end of the war Peter? Margarine. And what is margarine made of? Chemically oxidized unsaturated fat.

Sharpstuff: So far as I understood it, it was Napoleon 3rd who required a nutritional, easily made and nutritious food for his armies in place of food not readily available. It was an unappetising grey compound but apparently did the trick. The following link may give some guidance: ... margarine/

Patrick: Fish also contains unsaturated fat and like all unsaturated fats it oxidases (become rancid) quite easily. And if we look at the work Sir Hutchinson did on this:

I think we find a theory with far more substance than Hansen’s. Now to be clear it is not olive oil that's the problem, but the seed oils that are chemically made stable (artificially oxidized) so that they can be spread on a piece of bread or used in food products. And coincidentally heart-disease became a big problem at the same time as the first margarine Crisco became a success in the 50’s, but this was blamed on smoking. And I believe after that margarine was re-engineered to be a bit slower acting poison than what it was at the time, so that the public wouldn't catch on.

But Sir Hutchinson does not say that salted or badly conserved fish was the only contributing factor to leprosy. I should also mention here that his "rival" Hansen lived in Norway where leprosy was prevalent in the 19th century and that had a big fishing industry and since the refrigerator was not invented the fish was either salted, dried or fermented. He also points at bad food in general with to little animal protein and fats.

Anyway, the engineering of cancer and all the other diseases, I think, and I believe and you do too Peter, is done "scientifically". And the oxidized vegetable oils that is put in practically all foods today, they even deep fry in it although they didn't used to, plays a big part.

Additives, conservatives, fluoride in toothpaste/water, hygiene products plays a big part as well. AND, this where I get the most dislikes because of the current brainwashing, vegetarianism/veganism plays a big part too. To avoid animal fat/protein is decremental to health, especially in the long run.

Sharpstuff:I totally agree, (for myself) except ‘any’ run, not only the ‘long run’.

Patrik: So why this rant? You brought up German New medicine :-), which I think is right in many ways but in my view focuses a bit much on trauma and psychology. I DO think that plays a big part as well, but could perhaps be seen more as a triggering factor. When we loose the will to go on for some reason and also don't get proper nourishment, the body simply stops trying and falls over. But have a lot of I would say pretty mentally happy people that despite this has severe health issues (whether they recognize it or not).

And then we of course have the Pharmakeia. The above has the purpose of bringing the person under Pharmakeia. And regarding cancer a person in a white robe will tell you that you will die if you don't poison, radiate yourself or cut away essential parts of the body's detox system - the lymph glands. And few sadly dares to defy such a sentence from a medical authority.

Sharpstuff: One might ask what is an ‘authority’ of any description and how do they come by that appellation, consent of the willing to go along with it?

Be well,
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Re: Sharpstuff's research

Unread post by Unreal »

Appreciate the research from Sharpstuff and glad to see him here on FAK forums.
There is quite a lot of material in this thread which makes it very rich. In these days of virus scaremongering, it seems everyone are startled into concern for their health. Dis eased about our health, we all will need to turn to experts of course - be it mainstream or alternative guidance.
The German New Medecine precepts of health does not convince me of being a holistic manner to heal our ailments when we are sick - not every illness is a mental conflict that materialises as some form of ailment of cancer. We are sold Dr Ryke Geerd Hamer as a discredited but honest doctor - which is a troublesome position that in itself has required official attention through various trials and offial practice bans.
Have you researched Dr Hamer ?
Referring to Dr Hamer wiki page he comes into being an opponent to regular medecine upon loosing his son in a shooting - with no other than Prince Victor Emmanuel of Savoy. This much publicised murder went to trial and has definate fake news smell about it.
So, we have Dr Hamer loosing his Dirk, then developping teticular cancer... Seems to me like a very scripted tale of untruths - from the dead son to the unfortunate cancer*.
Today we witness how powerful the vaccination lobby is, but so is the Cancer lobby. It seems to me that Dr Hamer is very useful tool to the cancer cartel as he in numerous countries has been judged and denied right to practice leaving nasty cases (Olivia Pilhar and others) and bad alternative health press coverage behind him.
Much like in alternative media (TCC) we must equally expect medecine and health be a minefield of mostly controlled opposition. And Dr Hamer sure seems like a very good candidate for controlled opposition to the cancer industry, using the proven effects of placebo and nocibo concepts to make some odd cases then to build a theory around to discredit in the mainstream media.
The true nature of cancer and tumours is difficult to estblish as it seems to be a banner name for several different conditions. What remains certain nevertheless is that the continous, well funded cancer research is designed to fail. And that chemiotherapy and surgery are making more harm than good in the "war" against cancer. Funding controlled opposition would be a no-brainer and a common occurence in the cancer industry.
Some curious language around cancer can be deciphered by french-english speakers as the term tumor ("tumeur" in french) seems overly well designed to have a definate nocibo effect on any patient - knowingly or not.
Tu meurs - You Die (french - english)

* from dr Hamer's own website it stipulates testicular cancer (link), whereas Wikipedia writes Hamer down with prostate cancer (wikipedia)
Prince Victor Emmanuel of Savoy 'admits killing of German teenager on secret video recording five years ago ... s-ago.html
Apparently We Can Blame Jewish Doctors for Cancer ... w-medicine
The dangerous cancer quackery that is the “German New Medicine” ... -quackery/
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Re: Sharpstuff's research

Unread post by napoleon »

read sharpstuff above ,he's sharp lol
a little bit before rudolphs court we had Paracelsus,(in satr wars clues this is Darth Plagueis )

father of toxicology
Paracelsus, Philippus Theophrastus Aureolus Bombastus von Hohenheim, the “father of chemistry and the reformer of materia medica,” the “Luther of Medicine,” the “godfather of modern chemotherapy,” the founder of medicinal chemistry, the founder of modern toxicology,

1493, he called himself Paracelsus. He was well known as a Swiss German physician, botanist, alchemist, astrologer, and general occultist. He founded the field of toxicology better known as pharmacy. For hundreds of years physicians used natural herbs and food for healing

.Paracelsus disdained this idea, and offered the novel suggestion that illnesses can arise from outside the body. He pioneered chemotherapy, the treatment of disease with chemical medicines. (Regrettably, his medicine cabinet included mercury, antimony and even sulfuric acid.)

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Darth Plagueis claimed he could influence the midi-chlorians to create life. In the New Republic Era, Imperial scientist Doctor Pershing experimented with blood samples that he harvested from sensitive youngling with a high midi-chlorian count.(ana means without) (kin means family) (without family) anakin skywalker homunculus,s are tight!! you ready for a kick ass nun too take over your church

The homunculus first appears by name in alchemical writings attributed to Paracelsus (1493–1541). De natura rerum (1537) outlines his method for creating homunculi:
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