The early days of the Coronavirus event in the media

All info related to the new biggest hoax of our time.
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Re: The early days of the Coronavirus event in the media

Unread post by xileffilex »

SAGE [government advisory] meetings have been collated online by Law-or-Fiction ... 6/officers
Law or Fiction is a website for ordinary citizens, including lawyers, to understand their rights and how they have been affected, or not, as a result of the UK government’s response to Covid-19. Leaving aside argument over the cost to lives and livelihoods resulting from the sustained lockdown policy and economic damage resulting, the dressing up of unenforceable policy guidance as enforceable rule of law is an issue of serious public concern.

As well as numerous redactions of names, some minutes have never been published.

It is instructive to look at the early meetings from the first one on January 22 2020.
CMO [Chief Medical Officer] to share the latest iteration of the PHE isolation plan for suspected cases
and contacts with some of the SAGE participants, in particular behavioural scientists, to
get their view of its proportionality and advice on how to communicate uncertainty, in
order to improve subsequent versions.
Then came the Arrowe Park psy-op when Diamond Princess "cases" were quarantined near Liverpool in a super media staged event

The PHE attendee was Professor Maria Zambon whose speciality is RNA viruses and vaccines... ... ria-zambon

28 January
Behavioural science and public understanding of risk
31. SAGE agreed on the importance of behavioural science informing policy — and on the importance of public trust in HMG's approach.
32. SAGE will keep under review whether further sub-groups, such as a behavioural science sub-group, are needed.

PHE to open lines of communication with SAGE behavioural scientists and to share available polling data on the outbreak.

31. SAGE agreed on the importance of behavioural science informing policy — and on the
importance of public trust in HMG's approach.
This is just before the level 4 "NHS Emergency" was declared.

And these mind-benders showed up in force on March 10, shortly before the "pandemic" was declared [hmmm] with four redacted SAGE attendees.
by which time a separate Scientific Behavioural Pandemic Influenza team SPI-B had been set up to add to the SPI-M modelling group.
The behavioural science suggests openly explaining to the public where the greatest
risks lie and what individuals can do to reduce their own risk and risk to others, even if
this is ahead of measures announced by the Government — but SAGE recognises that
taking individual measures may be more feasible for some than others. Greater
transparency could enable personal agency, send useful signals about risk and build
No use of the word threat there at the March 23 meeting, when scare stories were being promulgated that the number of "cases" would exceed NHS capacity especially in London...
ACTION: SAGE secretariat to share SAGE paper from behavioural scientists on options for increasing adherence to social distancing measures with CCS and HMG Communications leads
That occurred elsewhere in the actual March 22 paper.
source - Peter Hitchens twitter.

And here's an interesting clip from the March 23 meeting of SAGE..
Excess deaths planning
38. The science suggests that a proportion of the estimated fatalities from Covid-19 would be among those expected to die within a year.
39. NHSX and ONS data need to be combined by modelling groups to give a picture of deaths caused directly and indirectly by Covid-19.
Wasn't that the key to the fake pandemic, getting the number of excess deaths up? I'd say a large proportion.

What about "asymptomatic" spread of the fake disease?
Jan 28
mild. Currently it would not be useful to test asymptomatic individuals, as a negative test result could not be interpreted with certainty.[/b]
LOL!!! Like they're wishing for "positive" tests.
Last check in for "asymptomatic carriers" May 14
33. It is possible that asymptomatic individuals are less infectious, but this cannot currently
be quantified. There is a key knowledge gap concerning how positive testing correlates
with the presence of live, recoverable virus (i.e. infectiousness), although PHE is
currently investigating this.
ACTION: PHE (Maria Zambon) to provide current summary of Covid-19 biology for consideration by NERVTAG (by 15 May) to inform its input to planned consortium researching infectiousness
Where did that go?
Here, June 10, the cornerstone of the insane rules for masking up, segregating and 'distancing'.... ... usness.pdf
NERVTAG paper: Asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection
COVID- Dynamics of infectiousness and antibody responses
Dr Cariad Evans, Prof Wendy Barclay, Prof Maria Zambon and Prof Julian Hiscox

Key findings
Viable virus has been recovered from pre-symptomatic patients, supporting the hypothesis
that patients are infectious in the pre-symptomatic phase

Viable/cultured virus data
Wölfel et al *** presented some early viral culture data on a small cohort of hospitalised patients and
virus was readily isolated during the first week of symptoms from a considerable fraction
I doubt this is peer reviewed.
This document attempts to ascertain the duration of the infectious period for individuals infected with SARS-CoV-2, by reviewing data on duration of viral shedding measured by PCR positivity, Ct values and viable virus culture

UK data, presented to NERVTAG on 74 UK HCID cases, demonstrated viral RNA remains detectable
until day 28 in upper respiratory tract secretions (though may persist for longer in some individuals,
including in faeces
other key points
• Viable virus was recovered from 70% of pre-symptomatic patients, supporting the
hypothesis that patients are likely infectious in the pre-symptomatic phase.[/quote]

*** Virological assessment of hospitalized patients with COVID-2019. - no page reference to this alleged 2020 study in Nature but here it is.

and guess what, Christian Drosten is on the paper.
Infectious virus was readily isolated from samples derived from the throat or lung, but not from stool samples...
Somebody needs to pull apart the Zambon paper which seems to have cherry picked various papers, at least one is unpublished.
Although viral culture is an important method to evaluate viral infectivity and activity, it is unavailable in clinical practice and has challenges of its low sensitivity and long turn-around time for virus detection. This may account for the lack of data in this area.
Coronaviruses can be hard to culture, many cell types are refractive to infection, and some
labs may be unable to culture from samples that are still containing infectious virus...
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Re: The early days of the Coronavirus event in the media

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An early reading of the reset script from January 23 2020, at- Davos, a press conference of the WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM on the then novel coronavirus hosted by Juliana Chan [ex- Cambridge ex-MIT biological science researcher turned media expert.
"an unfolding situation" we have had 17 deaths worldwide....

Press Conference: Coronavirus (COVID-19) | DAVOS 2020

Panel members - Jeremy Farrar [Director of Wellcome Foundation]
Dr Richard Hatchett CEO of CEPI [well connected with China, e.g with George Gau]
Stephane Bancel CEO of Moderna, Biotech company engaged in making "a vaccine" [later known as mRNA-1273 of which Canada has ordered 20m doses...]

The whole of China would have keeled over by now if these were a real pandemic.

Bancel already has "the sequence" of the "virus" so he says and can't wait to start injecting mRNA into us so we can be human pharm companies ourselves.
Farrar recommends "hand washing" "restricting travel" "social distancing" "masks" - the formula. He says they have been getting ready for this for 18 years since SARS [which he was deeply involved with] Hmmmm
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Re: The early days of the Coronavirus event in the media

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The WHO chose to bring out a guide to SOCIAL DISTANCING in November 2019. Excellent foresight. ... ncing.html
blogged Novmber 7 2019
has this guy got a crystal ball? He's aware of Event 201 just past.
and NOVEMBER 1 2019 ... ublic.html
WHO Guidance: Non-pharmaceutical Public Health Measures for Mitigating the Risk and Impact of Epidemic and Pandemic Influenza
The prospects for having a safe and effective vaccine in any meaningful quantity during the opening months of the next influenza pandemic are undeniably slim....The bottom line is, we will all have to depend primarily upon NPIs - or Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions - to slow the spread, or blunt the impact, of the next pandemic.....Social distancing, staying home when sick, hand and respiratory hygiene, avoiding crowds, even the closure of schools or other public venues are all potential NPIs.

NPIs won't stop a pandemic, but their use could slow its spread, and potentially give more time for the development or deployment of a vaccine or other countermeasures.
The reference pdf from the WHO is not dated, but one must assume it dates from October 2019 ... 39-eng.pdf
The blogger continues....
Even though the number of infections and deaths would likely be the same, a sharp, steep epi curve (shaded purple above) would be far worse for society than a longer, albeit less intense pandemic wave (grey hatched).

Box ticked. Curve not flattened. Cue the GREAT RESET.

All the restrictions in place around the world are fleshed out in the WHO document.

The blogger Michael Coston has emphasised some points in the WHO document-

NOT RECOMMENDED - in any circumstances, in pandemics....
UV light
Modifying humidity
Contact tracing
Quarantine of exposed individuals
Entry and exit screening
Border closure
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Re: The early days of the Coronavirus event in the media

Unread post by xileffilex »

On January 30 the WHO declared a PHEIC - Public Health Emergency of International Concern, the highest level threat they can announce Pandemic is not in their vocabulary unless the WHO says the emergency may be characterised as as pandemic. So what was the position on January 30?
The BBC can help us out
Jan 31 2020


Note the CASEDEMIC in China.
At least 213 people in the China have died ** from the virus, mostly in Hubei, with almost 10,000 cases nationally.
"Confirmed cases" is the description, lol!

** no doubt "With covid". All of this is unverifiable. No doubt all the cases "verified" by the brand new RT-PCR test....
"The main reason for this declaration is not what is happening in China but what is happening in other countries," said WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.

The concern is that it [color-"red"]could spread to countries with weaker health systems[/color].
not a lot was happening in other countries.
The UK for example, could be "characterised" as haing a strong health system [until it was shut down in March....] so there would appear to be no rationale, other than for global purposes not connected with healthy, to declare a level 4 health emergency [pandemic] on January 30, the very same day that the WHO declared a PHEIC.

A linked BBC article on January 30 concerned a visit of the BBC to Dr Kate Broderick *** of Inovio who was alredy beavering away for a vaccine
whose Global health correspondent Tulip Mazumdar was already in place in San Diego to interview Broderick. [VIDEO] in the
plasmiid manufactuing lab
....we've taken the DNA medicine, the plasmid, and now we've added it to the bacteria.. the next stage will be to purify the DNA from the bacteria, that will give us a pure product..used for pre-clinical testing.... "
The BBC article doesn't mention plasmids. Tulip doesn't know how long the China outbreak will last.... but I'm sure the DAVOS crowd knew the script.

Also puffed in The Times [London] on Jan 31 2020 thus.

A British vaccine expert is sleeping just two hours a night as she races to beat her latest adversary

she certainly looks very well rested in the photo accompanying the articoel ... -g5qjkj8q6

A week earlier, Jan 24 2020 Broderick's high speed work on a coronavirus vaccine was premiered -
San Diego Lab Tapped To Rapidly Develop Vaccine For China’s Novel Coronavirus ... ine-china/
The lab received funding from the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations, or CEPI, to create the new vaccine.....San Diego County's lead infectious disease expert Dr. Eric McDonald said the risk to residents is low.

"The number of people that come to this area from Wuhan is very small, but we are taking the threat very seriously," said McDonald, medical director of the county's epidemiology and immunization services branch.

McDonald said the medical community is prepared to receive any potential novel coronavirus patient but residents should be more worried about the flu. Thirty-two San Diegans have died from influenza so far this season.
Quick revision -
CEPI was founded in Davos by the governments of Norway and India, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Wellcome Trust, and the World Economic Forum.

who has worked to develop vaccines against deadly diseases such as Ebola, Lassa fever and Mers ....a co-inventor on many patents related to DNA vaccine delivery.
From Vogue, august 24
In January, Chinese scientists published the genetic sequence of the Sars-CoV-2 virus. Within three hours of inputting this code to a computer algorithm, Broderick’s team was able to design a prototype vaccine. “When the computer popped up with a message saying, ‘Covid-19 vaccine design complete,’” says Broderick, “that was major! We thought, right, ‘We are ready to go.’” How can they do this so quickly? “Imagine the vaccine’s backbone is a car,” says Wadman. “You’ve already built it; all you have to do is load a snippet of the virus’s genetic code into the car as a passenger.”
But according to the article...
We’ve used the spike protein as the target of our vaccine,
so i'm not sure how the genetic sequence is relevant to that.

This is cutting-edge stuff: no DNA or RNA vaccine has yet been approved for use in humans.
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Re: The early days of the Coronavirus event in the media

Unread post by xileffilex »

Crisis actor 'with covid in ICU" busted 7 months later

Woman in ICU warns of Covid-19 dangers: 'Don't take any chances'
3 million views - picked up by the Guardian [lol!] from a whatsapp post.

March 20 2020 - an ideal time to scare people
3 million views, mainly believing it...

Listen to her rehearsed f-bombs as she's at death's door... ... red-online
Woman who filmed coronavirus warning receives online abuse

Also from March 20...

So the "online abuse" was allegedly from the whatsapp post.
Richard Langston, Tara Jane’s husband, said unfounded online claims that a widely shared video in which she described her experience was bogus had made the experience even more upsetting. “It made me question humanity,” Langston said from his home in Middlesex, where he is self-isolating with his children. “How could people be that negative? It just doesn’t make sense.”

Langston said his 39-year-old wife was a fit and healthy mother of two before she contracted the virus and was hospitalised in intensive care.
The requsite back story is there.... all totally credible, lol... with the emotive 'how dare you' accusations of accusation of fakery while so sick... terrible!
Fast forward to late October, 31.10 2020

Is she an Actress Hired by Facebook? | Bazza Investigates

resident-Elect jack Lord oatkon
3 Nov
Another quality 'Bazza Investigates' clip
Follow him on Twitter

Tara Jane Langston aka Tara Keatley IS a Crisis ACTOR

Is she an Actress Hired by Facebook? YES! Is the answer
Watch Bazza's illuminating clip!
Is she an Actress Hired by Facebook? | Bazza Investigates
When Tara Jane Langston went viral many people were suspicious of her performance. Will Bazza crack the case wide open?
President-Elect jack Lord oatkon @Bookhimdannom1
3 Nov ... red-online

"If anyone is thinking of taking any chances, just take a look at me. I’m in the intensive care unit. I can’t breathe without this. They’ve had to sew that into my artery. I’ve got a cannula and a catheter" 🙄
Woman who filmed coronavirus warning receives online abuse
Video depicting Tara Jane Langston, 39, in hospital struggling to breathe was originally posted on WhatsApp
President-Elect jack Lord oatkon @Bookhimdannom1
3 Nov ... ?r=US&IR=T
A 39-year-old coronavirus 'patient' who could "hardly breathe" posted a stark video from the ICU (which turned out to be FAKE. to warn people who think it won't happen to them, BUT! The HOAX has been exposed by @Inspector_Norf

also pushed as real by Business insider as noted above and the actor was later paraded on various TV stations to further scare the population into obeying.

If the pandemic was real in any way, they would't need to fake it so obviously - just as people were dropping like flies in China for the cameras.

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Re: The early days of the Coronavirus event in the media

Unread post by xileffilex »

The very next day - obviously a coincidence.... - Canadian TV aired similar stories ... -1.4862793
March 21 2020
Richard Lam, would you believe, documenting his rapid death on instagram. Suuuure
And Matt Greenshields managed to recover, but he was ONLY 20 - take home message, it doesn't just affect 82 year olds. Suuuuure.

The sister [or perhaps half sister] of Tara [see previous post] ^^^ was also busy posting the ordeal of Tara Jane [born Keogh] on facebook
Nicole Poppy Keatley
Nicole Poppy Keatley
March 18 2020
My sister is in her 30’s & normal health she contracted CV-19 and has been in intensive care for a while now. Please please please be careful & follow all guidelines & health measures. Just because the news is highlighting the elderly & people with under lining health issues as being high risk that doesn’t mean if/ when you catch this your body will be able to handle/ fight it easily. Taras had BIG issues breathing & with the help of the hospital & NHS she’s back talking & can share her experience. Love you 600 Tara Jane Langston your so strong & doing amazing we miss you so much can’t wait to annoy you again after all this is over 🥰👍🏻🤜🏼💪🏻

Nicole Poppy Keatley is with Tara Jane Langston.
· March 20 2020
I'd like to say a massive thank you to all my friends & family who have wished Tara Jane Langston well. She's recovering & is getting stronger everyday. Everyone who knows her knows how much she uses her lungs!!! It's been hard to be in isolation & being separated from each other. Our family has been through a lot recently. Thank you to all the people who have shared her story, we all just wanted to let people know her situation being a healthy person & how bad the CV-19 affected her. It can happen to anyone right now. The video was originally meant for a Whatsapp group for work friends. I believe it's important for everyone to follow the Government guidelines & the NHS advice. As more people catch this virus the less beds in hospitals, less treatment space & staff there is to help you. Please don't put yourself,loved ones or anyone in danger. Stay safe & be kind ✌🏼️ thank you to all the hospital staff who have helped save tara & will save others ❤️

Nicole Poppy Keatley
·March 26 2020
So proud of you Tara Jane Langston stay strong , following the process for a healthy world, we all have our part to play. This is just for a short while #coronavirus will affect so many we are all in this together. So important to all help one another & combat this together 🤜🏼💪🏻 not everyone will be as lucky as our family so help the NHS look after us 🤗 #stayhome
job done.

ITV March 22 - on the way to 'recovery'

Tara on her 'recovery'

and looking back June 18 2020 .....lots of detail.

she was also on Good Morning Britain on March 26.
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Re: The early days of the Coronavirus event in the media

Unread post by xileffilex »

Evacuation of foreign nationals by plane from Wuhan

Coronavirus rescue flights, uploaded Feb 8 2020
How fake is that? Laughable really.. A psy-op from start to whenever it finishes [never]

Upload compilation by a plane and flight enthusiast.
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Re: The early days of the Coronavirus event in the media

Unread post by xileffilex »

As the highest alert which can be given by the WHO is a PHEIC, a public health emergency of international concern, the scare-mongering term 'pandemic'' has no real meaning.
So when Dr Tedros announced that eh PHEIC could be "characterised" as a pandemic, it did lead some people to ask what in f

act had changed [apart from giving the green light to a lot of restrictive measures around the world] ... -pandemic/

MARCH 11, 2020
expert reaction to WHO say COVID-19 can be characterised as a pandemic

here are a few clips...
the reason for the announcement of a pandemic was because of inaction and uncontained spread. Many countries were waiting to hear the announcement of a pandemic
All pandemic means is that the disease is in ‘all people’ – literal translation. In WHO terms, there is recognised widespread person-to-person transmission in several countries. seemed to 'miss' a good number of countries.
Whether the WHO calls an epidemic, a pandemic or not has no direct consequences. The important step was when the epidemic was declared a public health emergency of international concern which WHO did on the 30th January.”

Prof David Heymann, Professor of Infectious Disease Epidemiology, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, said:

“The WHO Director General has indicated that the reason for the announcement of a pandemic was because of inaction and uncontained spread. Many countries were waiting to hear the announcement of a pandemic – it is important now for them to collect the evidence of what has been done since the announcement to determine whether the goal of WHO has been met.”

Biological Anthropologist Dr Jennifer Cole, Royal Holloway, University of London, said:

“All pandemic means is that the disease is in ‘all people’ – literal translation. In WHO terms, there is recognised widespread person-to-person transmission in several countries. It does not change the severity of the disease or (necessarily) the way it should be approached, it is a measure of quantity of cases more than anything.
“WHO has been reluctant to use the term ‘pandemic’ during this outbreak as they were criticised for doing so during the Swine Flu pandemic because cases were mild, even though the severity of the disease makes no difference to how widespread it is.

Prof Paul Hunter, Professor in Medicine, UEA, said:

“The fact that the WHO have now started calling the current epidemic a pandemic is not a major change in policy but rather a recognition that the disease is now spreading globally. The very rapid increase in cases seen in several European countries including Italy, Spain, France and Germany and in the United States and Iran this past few days show sustained person-to-person spread across multiple countries in several different regions. This increasing evidence clearly indicates that we now have a pandemic.

“But no one, not even WHO, declares a pandemic. It is only a description of the nature of the global spread of the epidemic. Whether the WHO calls an epidemic, a pandemic or not has no direct consequences. The important step was when the epidemic was declared a public health emergency of international concern which WHO did on the 30th January.”

Dr Jeremy Farrar, Director of Wellcome, said:

“The WHO is right to declare this a pandemic. We are in extraordinary times, the continued rapid spread of this virus is extremely challenging to control and poses an unprecedented global challenge.

“The COVID-19 outbreak is not just a public health crisis, it’s a global crisis – of health, economics and politics. This requires an immediate response co-ordinated by the WHO, with the full support of the international community.
predictable.....I think he means it requires a global reset.....
Prof Mark Woolhouse, Professor of Infectious Disease Epidemiology, University of Edinburgh, said: An important word missing from that statement is “sustainable”. It is now clear that COVID-19 is going to be with us for a considerable length of time and the actions that we take must be actions that we can live with for a prolonged period.”
This decision will likely have been made on the basis of the majority of the world’s continents now seeing significant and ongoing person to person spread of SARS-COV2
er really?
Devi Sridhar [Scotland] All countries need to continue their emergency response mechanisms, find, isolate, test and treat every COVID-19 case[ and trace every contact
...that came later...the main job initially was shutting down the economy.

A key video January 27 featuring Gabriel Leung of Hong Kong University predicting the novel Coronavirus will become a global epidemic....

"we are looking at substantial, draconian measures limiting population mobility that should be taken sooner rather than closures...deployment at short notice..."

lots of graphs of estimates in Wuihan.[dated Jan 25 2020], only 5 days before the PHEIC was declared, and 3 days into the new year of the rat.
"professor Wu and his team have not slept for four days" suuuuuure and just after Tedros landed in Beijing. Sent the team a pre-print of this report to WHO! This is a key operator in the global fraud.

The Economist magazine was also a key player in the early days.. ... get-worse/
February 29 2020
Covid-19 is now in 50 countries, and things will get worse
On February 21st the Italian authorities announced that a cluster of 16 cases of covid-19, the disease associated with the novel virus sars-cov-2, had been detected around Codogno, a small town in Lombardy 60km south-east of Milan. By the next day the number was up to 60, and five elderly people had died
cases cases cases
if economic models developed for other diseases hold good, the rich world stands a distinct chance of slipping into recession as the epidemic continues...The World Health Organisation (who) has not yet pronounced covid-19 a pandemic—which is to say, a large outbreak of disease affecting the whole world. But that is what it now is.

Part of the who’s reticence is that the P-word frightens people, paralyses decision making and suggests that there is no further possibility of containment
that's plain silly, the WHO can't declare a pandemic. The time to frighten people is the MArch 11 declaration, or rather, the starting gun for governments to intimidate their own people.

The Economist also popularised "flattening the curve"
It is already clear that, for the majority of people who get sick, covid-19 is not too bad, especially among the young: a cough and a fever. In older people and those with chronic health problems such as heart disease or diabetes, the infection risks becoming severe and sometimes fatal. we are, and the total number of deaths is hardly any different from years with bad flu seasons.
Last edited by xileffilex on Sun Dec 13, 2020 4:59 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: The early days of the Coronavirus event in the media

Unread post by xileffilex »

As the highest alert which can be given by the WHO is a PHEIC, a public health emergency of international concern, the scare-mongering term 'pandemic'' has no real meaning.
So when Dr Tedros announced that eh PHEIC could be "characterised" as a pandemic, it did lead some people to ask what in f

act had changed [apart from giving the green light to a lot of restrictive measures around the world] ... -pandemic/

MARCH 11, 2020
expert reaction to WHO say COVID-19 can be characterised as a pandemic

here are a few clips...
the reason for the announcement of a pandemic was because of inaction and uncontained spread. Many countries were waiting to hear the announcement of a pandemic
All pandemic means is that the disease is in ‘all people’ – literal translation. In WHO terms, there is recognised widespread person-to-person transmission in several countries. seemed to 'miss' a good number of countries.
Whether the WHO calls an epidemic, a pandemic or not has no direct consequences. The important step was when the epidemic was declared a public health emergency of international concern which WHO did on the 30th January.”
you are here: science media centre > roundups for journalists > expert reaction to who say covid-19 can be characterised as a pandemic

MARCH 11, 2020
expert reaction to WHO say COVID-19 can be characterised as a pandemic
The World Health Organisation has now characterised COVID-19 as a pandemic.

Prof David Heymann, Professor of Infectious Disease Epidemiology, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, said:

“The WHO Director General has indicated that the reason for the announcement of a pandemic was because of inaction and uncontained spread. Many countries were waiting to hear the announcement of a pandemic – it is important now for them to collect the evidence of what has been done since the announcement to determine whether the goal of WHO has been met.”

Biological Anthropologist Dr Jennifer Cole, Royal Holloway, University of London, said:

“All pandemic means is that the disease is in ‘all people’ – literal translation. In WHO terms, there is recognised widespread person-to-person transmission in several countries. It does not change the severity of the disease or (necessarily) the way it should be approached, it is a measure of quantity of cases more than anything. A ‘pandemic’ will not be characterised until this is clearly the case – which there now is – though it may previously have been clear that it was inevitable (and indeed, several people from the healthcare sector and government have been saying this for some time). The is the end of the ‘watching brief’ period in which countries should be preparing for a pandemic, and should now be enacting pandemic preparedness plans.

“WHO has been reluctant to use the term ‘pandemic’ during this outbreak as they were criticised for doing so during the Swine Flu pandemic because cases were mild, even though the severity of the disease makes no difference to how widespread it is. There used to be distinct phases (1-6) of a pandemic but following Swine Flu this was reimagined as a ‘continuum’ – shown here ... g-508.html or here ... sequence=1 where there is not such a clear distinction between one phase and another – which may be more appropriate as different countries and regions can be in different stages of the continuum simultaneously. Countries are encouraged to make their own decision on whether the outbreak constitutes enactment of their pandemic preparedness strategies (e.g. largescale lockdowns, school closures etc.) or not and to enact national plans accordingly.

“The move from pre-pandemic to pandemic cases can (and has been in the past) been interpreted as a point at which containment in a single region or regions is no longer possible. This can encourage loosening of quarantines, border controls, contact tracing, testing etc., as it may be thought there is little value in continuing with these measures. HOWEVER, in the case of COVID19, due to the reasonably large number of severe cases in the high risk groups (over 70s and immunocompromised) there is value in continuing with containment measures as these will still be able to slow spread, even if they cannot stop it, and this will help to ease the pressure on the healthcare system over time – e.g. ‘Flattening the Curve’ ( ... &q&f=false), by reducing the number of simultaneous cases (and thus hospitalisations) even if the cumulative number of cases is high.”

Prof Paul Hunter, Professor in Medicine, UEA, said:

“The fact that the WHO have now started calling the current epidemic a pandemic is not a major change in policy but rather a recognition that the disease is now spreading globally. The very rapid increase in cases seen in several European countries including Italy, Spain, France and Germany and in the United States and Iran this past few days show sustained person-to-person spread across multiple countries in several different regions. This increasing evidence clearly indicates that we now have a pandemic.

“But no one, not even WHO, declares a pandemic. It is only a description of the nature of the global spread of the epidemic. Whether the WHO calls an epidemic, a pandemic or not has no direct consequences. The important step was when the epidemic was declared a public health emergency of international concern which WHO did on the 30th January.”

Dr Jeremy Farrar, Director of Wellcome, said:

“The WHO is right to declare this a pandemic. We are in extraordinary times, the continued rapid spread of this virus is extremely challenging to control and poses an unprecedented global challenge.

“The COVID-19 outbreak is not just a public health crisis, it’s a global crisis – of health, economics and politics. This requires an immediate response co-ordinated by the WHO, with the full support of the international community.
predictable.....I think he means it requires a global reset.....
Prof Mark Woolhouse, Professor of Infectious Disease Epidemiology, University of Edinburgh, said: An important word missing from that statement is “sustainable”. It is now clear that COVID-19 is going to be with us for a considerable length of time and the actions that we take must be actions that we can live with for a prolonged period.”
This decision will likely have been made on the basis of the majority of the world’s continents now seeing significant and ongoing person to person spread of SARS-COV2
er really?
Devi Sridhar [Scotland] All countries need to continue their emergency response mechanisms, find, isolate, test and treat every COVID-19 case[ and trace every contact
...that came later...the main job initially was shutting down the economy.

A key video January 27 featuring Gabriel Leung of Hong Kong University predicting the novel Coronavirus will become a global epidemic....

"we are looking at substantial, draconian measures limiting population mobility that should be taken sooner rather than closures...deployment at short notice..."

lots of graphs of estimates in Wuihan.[dated Jan 25 2020], only 5 days before the PHEIC was declared, and 3 days into the new year of the rat.
"professor Wu and his team have not slept for four days" suuuuuure and just after Tedros landed in Beijing. Sent the team a pre-print of this report to WHO! This is a key operator in the global fraud.

The Economist magazine was also a key player in the early days...
February 29 2020
Covid-19 is now in 50 countries, and things will get worse
On February 21st the Italian authorities announced that a cluster of 16 cases of covid-19, the disease associated with the novel virus sars-cov-2, had been detected around Codogno, a small town in Lombardy 60km south-east of Milan. By the next day the number was up to 60, and five elderly people had died
cases cases cases
if economic models developed for other diseases hold good, the rich world stands a distinct chance of slipping into recession as the epidemic continues...The World Health Organisation (who) has not yet pronounced covid-19 a pandemic—which is to say, a large outbreak of disease affecting the whole world. But that is what it now is.

Part of the who’s reticence is that the P-word frightens people, paralyses decision making and suggests that there is no further possibility of containment
that's plain silly, the WHO can't declare a pandemic. The time to frighten people is the MArch 11 declaration, or rather, the starting gun for governments to intimidate their own people.

The Economist also popularised "flattening the curve"
It is already clear that, for the majority of people who get sick, covid-19 is not too bad, especially among the young: a cough and a fever. In older people and those with chronic health problems such as heart disease or diabetes, the infection risks becoming severe and sometimes fatal. we are, and the total number of deaths is hardly any different from years with bad flu seasons.
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Re: The early days of the Coronavirus event in the media

Unread post by xileffilex »

I just found this 2022 [June] critique of the very early January 2020 papers on which the whole fake Corona pandemic [along with the Drosten PCR paper] was built.

There seems to have been some collusion between the Chinese teams in these hurriedly peer-reviewed and published papers [check!] such that one submitted [Zhou et al ***] two weeks after an earlier one was actually cited by the first Fan Wu et al ** paper in Nature.

Of course all the "science" in the papers amounted to clever computer simulations and observation of questionable cytopathic effects, which is nothing new to us.

The first reference in the Fan Wu paper is a much earlier PCR paper from Drosten in the earlier fake SARS event in China.

** "A new coronavirus associated with human respiratory disease in China"....[from a single patient]
*** "A pneumonia outbreak associated with a new coronavirus of probably bat origin " [lol!!]

So keen was the system to get the latter out into the public domain, it was received at Nature on January 20 2020, accepted for publication [after peer review] January 29 2020 and published online on February 3 2020, simultaneously with the above.
The former was received on January 7, citing the latter lol!!!

The Drosten paper was also accepted and published in the obscure Eurosurveillance journal [with Drosten on the editorial board...] in double quick time before the Nature papers. A triple whammy, your pandemic is ready, Sir. All based on nonsense.
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