
All info related to the new biggest hoax of our time.
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Re: Monkeypox

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DISCUSS: WHO declares monkeypox “global emergency” ... emergency/
Following their second emergency meeting on monkeypox in less than a month, WHO Director-General Thedros Adhanom told the press:
  • "In short, we have an outbreak that has spread around the world rapidly through new modes of transmission about which we understand too little and which meets the criteria in the international health regulations […] For all of these reasons I have decided that the global monkeypox outbreak represents a global health emergency of international concern.”
For anyone living under a rock for the past two years, a PHEIC is defined as:
  • "an extraordinary event which is determined to constitute a public health risk to other States through the international spread of disease and to potentially require a coordinated international response”
It is the highest alert WHO can issue, and grants them legal authority to issue travel warnings or restrictions, inspect and critique the public health measures of member states and other things of that nature.

Exactly what that means in this instance, and what form the “coordinated international response” will take, it is currently too early to tell.

Interestingly, according to the Guardian, this was entirely Ghebreyesus’ decision, that the committee was “deadlocked”, and he broke the deadlock and declared the PHEIC without a majority vote:
  • the WHO’s director general, said at a press conference that the committee met on Thursday to review the latest data, but that they were unable to reach a consensus. However, he has since decided to break the deadlock by declaring a PHEIC
Just last month, at their first emergency summit on monkeypox, the WHO declined to brand it a PHEIC (to some confusion among the pundit class).

Presumably Ghebreyesus could have “broken the deadlock” then, too, but declined to do so.

What’s changed since then? ...
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Re: Monkeypox

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More countries are reporting their first “monkeypox case” every week. This week Indonesia finally joins the club and – in a reminder that “pandemic” narratives bridge any supposed ideological divide – so did Cuba.

New York has reported the first “case” of monkeypox “in a child under 18”. While a new CDC report warns that the virus can “live on household objects for days”.

The US has pledged to buy another 1.8 million doses of monkey pox vaccine – sorry, that should read “repurposed smallpox vaccines that they’re choosing to call monkeypox vaccines”. That works out at 600,000 doses per monkeypox related death, or 140 doses per “case”, in case you’re interested.

There’s a more permanent solution incoming – the US is signing a new production deal with Danish vaccine manufacturer Bavarian Nordic, so they will be able to make (and sell) all the doses they cold ever want.

The Telegraph is reporting that monkeypox may be “reclassified as a sexually transmitted infection”, according to new WHO guidelines. What difference that will make moving forward is unclear.

In the Australian state of Victoria “cases” have “DOUBLED!” since August 4th…from 22 to 40.

In the UK, the BBC reports 27(!) “cases” in Northern Ireland, as well as warning about a potentiall “spike” due to a vaccine “shortage”.

Where is all of this leading us? Who knows!

It’s honestly baffling.
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Re: Monkeypox

Unread post by Sunshineuk »

When someone first spoke to me about "monkeypox" I laughed out loud. It was a similar reation to my when I saw the footage of the "storming" of the "Whitehouse"... so funny and fake, like a Mel Brooks movie. Sophia Smallstorm said she laughed out loud when she saw the planes make a plane shaped hole in the twin towers... she laughed out loud. A word to the wise ..people don't seem to like it when you do that.

Go figure !

Monkeypox... nope they are going to have to change the name
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Re: Monkeypox

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Why Are We Calling Them ‘Breakthrough’ Infections? ... e-failure/
Based on some rough estimates, Lyons-Weiler calculated that the risk of monkeypox after vaccination, based on a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), is about 50 times greater than in the unvaccinated population of similar at-risk people.

So he asked his readers, “What (respectfully) do you think is going on?”

Lyons-Weiler is (respectfully) pointing out the obvious: If a therapy results in more disease in those who are treated, couldn’t the therapy be causing the disease?

Medpage Today also covered the results of the JAMA study in this article: “Breakthrough Monkeypox Cases Seen Weeks After Second Jynneos Dose,” with the subhead, “However, most post-vaccination cases in at-risk group occurred within 14 days of first dose.”

When so many cases occur — and they occur immediately after the therapy — should these really be called “breakthrough” infections?

The term “breakthrough infection” is a euphemism for “vaccine failure.”

The word “breakthrough” connotes an excusable lapse in protection, an inevitable one-off when a wily and ubiquitous virus manages to penetrate a formidable wall of vaccine-mediated protection.

But is it really a “wall of protection” if the incidence of disease is greater in those who stand behind the wall compared to those who face the attack head on?

In the case of the JAMA study, vaccination wasn’t a “wall of protection” — it was actually a magnet for disease.
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Re: Monkeypox

Unread post by xileffilex »

Before we go any further, what exactly IS smallpox? What causes it [we can ignore airborne variola "virus"] I can't seem to find out from the usual sources we use here. I'm instructed that the vaccine creates the condition it was meant to protect against and that advances in sanitation etc were responsible for the reduction or eradication of certain diseases. Er, so there was no smallpox until the vaccine?
What then is cowpox? What was causing it? I can't get to the bottom of this either.

However, a 15 year oldd boy was diagnosed with cowpox in 2018 in England....because he had spots on his body after feeding cows which had nibbled him [lol!]
We are not told how the hospital diagnosed "cowpox". Of course, the 'disease' has largely disappeared because we don't milk cows by hand these days...

Any links would be helpful
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Re: Monkeypox

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Equatorial Guinea confirms first Marburg virus disease outbreak ... tbreak-who
Equatorial Guinea has confirmed its first outbreak of the Marburg virus, a highly infectious and deadly disease similar to Ebola, following the deaths of at least nine people, the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Monday.

The small Central African country quarantined more than 200 people and restricted movement last week in its Kie-Ntem province after detecting an unknown haemorrhagic fever. Neighbouring Cameroon also restricted movement along its border over concerns about contagion.

Marburg virus is apparently big in the news currently...and we know the utterly corrupt dodgy skin-toned Tedros WHO dictator tried to float Monkeypox as the next pandemic in 2022, clearly because of its EVIL-UTION gullible monkey link. So my bet, Marburg would have a less in-your-face monkey connection....and guess what...


...a FILOVIRUS which normally lives in AFRICAN MONKEYS. ...The current scriptwriters are so void of new ideas, it's painful to watch.


So let's look to the past for a wider perspective - Global Research, October 20, 2014 - before the current clown-show took the reins of power.

Secret Project Created Weaponized Ebola in South Africa in the 1980s ... 0s/5408896
Operating out of South Africa during the Apartheid era in the early 1980’s, Dr. Wouter Basson launched a secret bioweapons project called Project Coast. The goal of the project was to develop biological and chemical agents that would either kill or sterilize the black population and assassinate political enemies. Among the agents developed were Marburg and Ebola viruses.

Basson is surrounded by cloak and dagger intrigue, as he told Pretoria High court in South Africa that “The local CIA agent in Pretoria threatened me with death on the sidewalk of the American Embassy in Schoeman Street.” According to a 2001 article in The New Yorker magazine, the American Embassy in Pretoria was “terribly concerned” that Basson would reveal deep connections between Project Coast and the United States.

In 2013, Basson was found guilty of “unprofessional conduct” by the South African health council.

Bioweapons expert Jeanne Guillemin writes in her book Biological Weapons: From the Invention of State-Sponsored Programs to Contemporary Bioterrorism, “The project‘s growth years were from 1982 to 1987, when it developed a range of biological agents (such as those for anthrax, cholera, and the Marburg and Ebola viruses and for botulinum toxin)…“

Basson’s bioweapons program officially ended in 1994, but there has been no independent verification that the pathogens created were ever destroyed. The order to destroy them went directly to Dr. Basson. According to the Wall Street Journal, “The integrity of the process rested solely on Dr. Basson’s honesty.”

Basson claims to have had contact with western agencies that provided “ideological assistance” to Project Coast. Basson stated in an interview shot for the documentary Anthrax War that he met several times with Dr. David Kelly, the infamous UN weapons inspector in Iraq. Kelly was a top bioweapons expert in the United Kingdom. He was found dead near his home in Oxfordshire in 2003. While the official story claims he committed suicide, medical experts highly doubt this story.

In a 2007 article from the Mail Online, it was reported that a week prior to his death, Dr. Kelly was to be interviewed by MI5 about his ties to Dr. Basson.

Dr. Timothy Stamps, Minister of Health of Zimbabwe, suspected that his country was under biological attack during the time that Basson was operating. Stampstold PBS Frontline in 1998 that “The evidence is very clear that these were not natural events. Whether they were caused by some direct or deliberate inoculation or not, is the question we have to answer.”

Stamps specifically named the Ebola and Marburg viruses as suspect. Stamps thinks that his country was being used as a testing ground for weaponized Ebola.

“I’m talking about anthrax and cholera in particular, but also a couple of viruses that are not endemic to Zimbabwe [such as] the Ebola type virus and, we think also, the Marburg virus. We wonder whether in fact these are not associated with biological warfare against this country during the hostilities… Ebola was along the line of the Zambezi [River], and I suspect that this may have been an experiment to see if a new virus could be used to directly infect people.”

The Ghanaian Times reported in early September on the recent Ebola outbreak, noting connections between Basson and bioweapons research. The article points out that, “…there are two types of scientists in the world: those who are so concerned about the pain and death caused to humans by illness that they will even sacrifice their own lives to try and cure deadly diseases, and those who will use their scientific skill to kill humans on the orders of… government…”

Indeed, these ideas are not new. Plato wrote over 2,000 years ago in his workThe Republic that a ruling elite should guide society, “…whose aim will be to preserve the average of population.” He further stated, “There are many other things which they will have to consider, such as the effects of wars and diseases and any similar agencies, in order as far as this is possible to prevent the State from becoming either too large or too small.”

As revealed by The Age, Nobel prize winning Australian microbiologist Sir Macfarlane Burnet secretly urged the Australian government in 1947 to develop bio weapons for use against the “overpopulated countries of South-East Asia.” In a 1947 meeting with the New Weapons and Equipment Development Committee, the group recommended that “the possibilities of an attack on the food supplies of S-E Asia and Indonesia using B.W. agents should be considered by a small study group.”

This information gives us an interesting perspective on the recent unprecedented Ebola outbreak. Is it an organic natural phenomenon? Did this strain of Ebola accidentally escape from a bioweapons lab? Or, was it deliberately released?
@xileffilex, I've linked to your Dr. David Kelly thread, interesting connection.
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Re: Monkeypox

Unread post by rachel »

What Is Marburg? What You Need To Know About The Deadly Virus Detected In Equatorial Guinea
Key Facts
  • Marburg is a highly infectious viral hemorrhagic fever in the same family as Ebola.
  • The virus is initially transmitted to people from fruit bats and spreads among humans through contact with the bodily fluids of infected people, according to the WHO.
  • Illness begins suddenly and symptoms include high fever, muscle pains, bleeding, severe headaches, diarrhea and vomiting blood.
  • Marburg causes serious illness and can be lethal, with fatality rates from past outbreaks varying from 24% to 88% depending on virus strain and quality of care provided.
  • There are no vaccines or treatments approved to treat the virus—several are in early stages of development—though supportive care like rehydration and the treatment of specific symptoms can improve outcomes.
  • Experts recommend people avoid eating or handling bush meat—or to thoroughly cook it before consumption—and to avoid caves and mines that might be occupied by bats to minimize the risk of catching and spreading the virus.

Another interesting Key Fact about the Marburg virus not mentioned above.


So does that mean MARBURG is a NOVEL VIRUS?

Marburg virus novel.jpg
Marburg virus novel.jpg (19.65 KiB) Viewed 943 times

And what do you know, the COVID CONNECTION...

BioNTech announced this morning it has started the production of mRNA at its new facility in Marburg, Germany: which will become one of the largest mRNA manufacturing sites in Europe.
Original article dated 10-Feb-2021:

But actually the article I wanted to post before taking a little look on TWITTER. It is from around the same time - October 21, 2014 - as the one from the previous post, and curiously, another German connection.

US Army Withheld Promise From Germany That Ebola Virus Wouldn’t be Weaponized ... ed/5409004
The United States has withheld assurances from Germany that the Ebola virus – among other related diseases – would not be weaponized in the event of Germany exporting it to the US Army Medical Research Institute for Infectious Diseases.

German MFA Deputy Head of Division for Export Control Markus Klinger provided a paper to the US consulate’s Economics Office (Econoff), “seeking additional assurances related to a proposed export of extremely dangerous pathogens.”

Germany subsequently made two follow-up requests and clarifications to the Army, according to the unclassified Wikileaks cable.

“This matter concerns the complete genome of viruses such as the Zaire Ebola virus, the Lake Victoria Marburg virus, the Machupo virus and the Lassa virus, which are absolutely among the most dangerous pathogens in the world,” the request notes.

The Zaire Ebola virus was the same strain of Ebola virus which has been rampaging through West Africa in recent months.

“The delivery would place the recipient in the position of being able to create replicating recombinant infectious species of these viruses,” the cable notes.

However, it also points out that Germany has in place an “exceptionally restrictive policy,” adding that approval would not be granted to the export until US assurance was provided.

“A decision about the export has not yet been made. Given the foregoing, we would appreciate confirmation that the end use certificate really is from the Department of the Army and of the accuracy of the data contained therein,” the document stated.

There is no follow-up document available to confirm whether the US Army eventually provided Germany with the necessary guarantees.

Bioweapons were outlawed in the Biological Weapons Convention of 1972 and was signed and ratified by 179 signatories, including Germany, the US and Russia.

It dictates that signatories, “under all circumstances the use of bacteriological (biological) and toxin weapons is effectively prohibited by the Convention” and “the determination of States parties to condemn any use of biological agents or toxins other than for peaceful purposes, by anyone at any time.”

The original source of this article is RT News
The bottom red highlight, I wonder what their definition of "peaceful purposes" actually means? That you can use it on your own populations only, maybe?
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