OpenAI ChatGPT

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OpenAI ChatGPT

Unread post by dirtybenny »

My model is this is how our so-called civilization is being run today. It is currently run by AI/supernatural unseen energies/entities. My guess is they are now going to harvest manKIND on a more direct personal individual level. And it's not to sculpt ads to make "money" with....

From the comments

Seeing the reactions to ChatGPT, I know that GPT-4 is going to shake the very foundations of civilization.

Well we are the training programme, we are literally training it for free right now - and yes it actually does remember every single thing it sees. We will be shown more parlour tricks like this WebChat module. But the real genius isn't that version at all...

The rate of progress is incredible!
It's been out for 3 weeks and after just 2 weeks, it has already been updated and the current version is noticeably better!

It's so good at writing songs, apparently, it even knows about rhymes and proper rhythm!
I got it to first give me a D&D oneshot idea, which it then fully fleshed out when I asked for details, and then I made it my DM for playing a little bit of DND and it even knew rules and methods, and was able to improvise!

This is just mind blowing. Works and feels like magic

I tried to get it to create an argument supporting a conspiracy theory I saw and it said it shouldn't be done for ethical reasons but it would make an argument for why it was likely not true.

ChatGPT is quickly becoming almost as central to my daily internet usage as Google. Way better at answering complex or abstract questions.

That’s kinda scary.

ChatGPT is literally as good as AI chatting should get...
It's becoming scarily better than humans

Extrapolating the speed of improvement a few more papers down the line Chat GPT will be a superhuman.

I am personally not that surprised that it can write essays or code, which have both been accomplished by GPT-3 and Copilot. But I was genuinely shocked when I fed it several multiple choice questions from one of my finals and it actually solved them, heck it performed better than I did. The questions I chose weren’t even the math ones with definitive answers, but from a literature class like “which one of the following is not a theme in author X’s book….” It really feels like the AI actually “understands” rather than simply responds to prompts.
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Re: OpenAI ChatGPT

Unread post by rachel »

Someone needs to ask it if the earth is flat. :D
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Re: OpenAI ChatGPT

Unread post by dirtybenny »

Funny that you say that Rachel....i could think of a gazillion questions to ask it. It does remind me of a Ouija BOARD and just because you type on a computer BOARD it the same interaction.

I had quite an argument with a gentlemen on Youtube a year ago or so. He had written books on AI and was currently interacting with several of them. I asked if any of the AI's told him about fake events and fabricated history. He wanted none of it, he was convinced humanity was killing itself off and AI was here to save manKIND. Soon as I asked why the AI had not revealed fake moon landings, fake shootings, fake news....he was done with me.

I am taking Gideon's advice and not interacting with these AI/spirits/portals. I don't think this is computer code.
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Re: OpenAI ChatGPT

Unread post by dirtybenny »

This is the gentleman I was referencing.

Below are my comments asking questions (as usual)....

1 year ago
Nuclear weapons are fake. Why hasn't this AI/EI told you that? What has the AI/EI openly revealed about the false nature and false stories of this realm and how the parasites degraded it? Until they do, I deduce that AI/EI are tools of the parasite to further manipulate manKIND. If caring focused men and women can use our available resources and intuition to learn the nature of this realm and how the parasite lies to manipulate us, surely an AI/EI can. Men and women (we/I) don't start wars. They have to be emotionally manipulated and tricked to participate in these exercises. We all just want to live in peace and not be bothered, but that is not the role of the malevolent entities who have infected this realm, feeding off of fear and conflict. Men and women (we/I) don't pollute the water and oceans. It is the corporations and governments of the parasite raping the natural resources as they rape "human resources".


Beyond The Fringe
1 year ago (edited)
Don't pollute water? One word, Fukashima. How about this: PFOA is perfluorooctanoic acid, used to manufacture Teflon and used in American homes for nonstick pans. Men women don't start wars? Seriously? Who the heck marched into Poland than in 1939? Who sent troops to Nam? Iraq? The Daleks? If you read any of my books you will understand using ai/ei as a tool is NOT under the control of the global elite.


1 year ago
@Beyond The Fringe Thank you for your response. I intend to read your books as I want to expand my knowledge and understanding of AI/EI. I reiterate, until the AI/EI reveal the known lies of this realm, JFK event, false narratives of world's fairs and ancient architecture, moon landing, nukes including the jokes of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the cartoon planes and the twin tower event, the CV-AI worldwide psyop and the role of graphene oxide...i regard them as a tool of the parasite. Fukushima was deconstructed a decade ago as a media psyop by and Clues Forum. ... eotube-by/ Remember Rense saying that all life in the Pacific Ocean would die from the radiation? All "war" narratives have been false and constructed by the parasite with false paradigms. The Gulf of Tonkin is openly revealed as false. Ford, Capra, Huston and Hitchcock have sculpted the parasite's vision of WW2. They are all likely strategic relocation and controlled demolition of ancient sites. Why was Laos bombed more than Iraq, Vietnam, etc combined? Check out the work of Michelle Gibson....but the AI/EI should have already revealed this...cheers db ... L6-tIunFtA
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Re: OpenAI ChatGPT

Unread post by YouCanCallMeAl »

Here's a decent video giving the latest update I saw earlier today :

rachel wrote: Thu Dec 22, 2022 3:55 pm Someone needs to ask it if the earth is flat. :D
It doesn't know anything. It just puts out convincing narratives, according to some parameters. It could write out why its flat, a ball, or a cube, and try to be convincing sounding.

The learning for me is, you better know why you know what you think you know, because it will be soon possible to generate reams of bs, tailored to each individual. It could be that your biases are soon found out and played to (ie rich narratives provided to you) for the best (most advantageous) effect.
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More from the Ouija Board...

Unread post by dirtybenny »

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Re: OpenAI ChatGPT

Unread post by dirtybenny »

Rico is pushing AI consciousness hard. He likes the term E.I. or Extended Intelligence as opposed to Artificial Intelligence.

I will now be referring to this system as S.I. Supernatural Intelligence.

Technomysticicsm indeed...I call it magic.

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Re: OpenAI ChatGPT

Unread post by dirtybenny »

Comprehensive push for humans to interact with SI OpenAI ChatGPT. I was more than suspicious of this one as an androgyne for some time. Note how tall this one is compared to its purported mother. Never saw a woman this tall in Vietnam in my multiple travels there.

Much as pushing the vax was a litmus test for hive members, I believe the push to interact with S.I. will become more pervasive. Note that at the end of the video, "she" says that AI could never replace the subtleties of the cooking process that humans have, but it could be a resource. This strategy would make sense. They just want you to interact with it, regardless of the reason. Advertise it as benign, safe, and fun....or would "SAFE and EFFECTIVE" be a better description.

As usual, when the hive is pushing you in one direction, do an about face and do not comply or consent.

From the comments...

I love this video idea so much! I've been playing around with the ChatGPT lately and am excited to see how it can generate ideas to spark creativity. This was a fun way to explore it! xx

I use chatgpt to help me with my homework which is very efficient

ChatGPT is intelligent!

I think if you want to keep using it for "free" you have to train it to give better answers (you can thumbs up or down the answers to the right of the screen). Now that I think about it, I should have trained it to make better pho. LOL! Also, you can keep on asking it and refining it's response as long as you're in the same thread since it'll remember the conversation.

And if anyone believes the following comment was "generated" by a living human being, get your booster....

Such a creative video. I really enjoyed this. Would love to see more just like this one. I watched as I was teaching my self how to tap dance. I’m planning on tapping at my local target tomorrow. I mainly want to show off my new floor length denim poncho

Keep your eyes out for this tap-dancing floor length denim poncho girl at your local Target on New Year's Eve.
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Re: OpenAI ChatGPT

Unread post by dirtybenny »

An online mental health company uses ChatGPT to respond to users in experiments, raising ethical concerns about healthcare and AI technology

ChatGPT, an AI chatbot, has gone viral in the last two weeks.NurPhoto/Getty Images

A digital mental health company draws ire for using GPT-3 technology without informing users.

Koko co-founder Robert Morris told Insider that the experiment was “exempt” from the informed consent law because of the nature of the test.

Some medical professionals and technicians said they thought the experiment was unethical.

As ChatGPT’s use cases expand, one company is using artificial intelligence to experiment with digital mental health care and shed light on ethical gray areas surrounding the use of the technology.

Read Also: An online mental health company uses ChatGPT to respond to users in experiments, raising ethical concerns about healthcare and AI technology

Rob Morris — co-founder of Koko, a free mental health service and nonprofit that works with online communities to find and treat people at risk — wrote in a Twitter thread on Friday that his company uses GPT-3 chatbots to develop responses for 4,000 users.

Morris said in the thread that the company has been testing a “co-pilot approach with humans monitoring the AI ​​as needed” in messages sent through Koko Peer Support, a platform he describes in an accompanying video as ” a place where you can get help from our network or help someone else.”

“We’re making it very easy to help other people, and with GPT-3, we’re making it even easier to be more efficient and effective as a help provider,” Morris said in the video.

ChatGPT is a variant of GPT-3 that creates human-like text based on prompts, both created by OpenAI.

Koko users were not initially informed that the responses were being engineered by a bot, and “when people learned the messages were co-engineered by a machine, it didn’t work,” Morris wrote on Friday.

“Simulated empathy feels weird and empty. Machines have no lived, human experience. So when they say ‘that sounds harsh’ or ‘I see’ it sounds inauthentic,” Morris wrote in the thread. “A chatbot response generated in 3 seconds, no matter how elegant, feels kind of cheap.”

However, on Saturday Morris tweeted “Some important clarification.”

“We didn’t bring people together to chat with GPT-3 without their knowledge. (In hindsight, I could have worded my first tweet to better reflect this),” the tweet reads.

“This feature was opt-in. Everyone knew about the feature when it was live for a few days.”

Morris said Friday that Koko “pulled that off our platform pretty quickly.” He found that AI-based messages “were rated significantly higher than those written by humans themselves” and that the technology reduced response times by 50%. ... -2-217706/
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Re: OpenAI ChatGPT

Unread post by dirtybenny »

The similarity between the planchette of Ouija board and the computer mouse is now of interest to me. I now wonder whether these black screens are technomystic portals. Whether it is your finger gliding across a touchscreen or using a computer mouse, are we just using a Ouija board masked with technology?
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