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The pain and suffering of the realm....the loss of a parent.

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2024 9:22 pm
by dirtybenny
I was listening to a Fakeologist audio chat

in particular

One of my favorite participants, CCK, shared that he has lost his mother. It was heartbreaking to hear. I have lost both of my parents within the past year, and it is a struggle for me on a day to day basis.


I think the emotional trauma of the loss has led to physical illness in myself.

To CCK, I am truly sorry for your loss and offer the most sincere condolences. You are changed forever once a parent is gone. I never really understood this when my Mom lost both of her parents by her mid 20's.

I enjoyed and appreciated my parents while they were still here. It still doesn't take away the void in your life. They are the only people in the whole world who not only are attached to you biologically, but have known you from Day One. They have likely shared in your strengths, weaknesses, fears, and struggles.

Regardless, of what mate one might get attached to, there is no replacement for the role of a parent in your life.

I maintain it is one of the most cruel elements of this realm...the not knowing....who we are, where we are, our purpose or lack thereof, and what happens before and after our incarnation. The natural attachment to loved ones in this place I believe is being used as an emotional harvesting tool in this place.

I will post for CCK (and myself) John Gora's beautiful Polish waltz in tribute to his passed parents. The last verse is done in English


Re: The pain and suffering of the realm....the loss of a parent.

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2024 5:53 pm
by Sunshineuk
Sorry for your loss... no matter what age , de are all Orléans when we lose our parents.