FAC1351-Saturday Chat

With Esoterick, Dtrain, Wandering Monster, ZeroOne, Tobysfreedom, Silas Speaks, Wildtimes, Calm Card Ken, Verilicious, Anounceofsaltperday

Sorry CCK for your loss.

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5 months ago

so brian v wild oats is suggesting to rick and the other non fakeologists playing a card game on air about news stories being real or fake

you could not make this bullshit up
1 hour in we have had crowley and bush but the suggestion from the cunt stoordinator to rick was worth the interjection
think ill quit there whilst im still laughing

Last edited 5 months ago by napoleon wilson
5 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

Look, I point blank asked Wild Times Brian, are you the Brian V. over at Clues Forum, since you boys look like you have similar topics you talk about and writing styles are identical. Brian said he is not Brian V of Clues Forum. So I guess that puts that to bed.

5 months ago
Reply to  grandillusion

everyone is scared of me lover boy ,911 toys do that to ya

i am a monster

5 months ago
Reply to  grandillusion

i am a big believer in doing the work ,i wonder how many more of the socalled truthers have the front to talk to ab pretending to be an educated man ,but oblivious to the fact he cannot find a man . a man ,that’s all ,as basic as that in all his encounters a man ,and yet we are still waiting for one you see i know i am a man and i know ab is a man ,but we are still allowing these pissants and frauds to continue ,i left for a reason knowing what was coming i… Read more »

5 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

I read Wild Times Brian’s responses to you recently in this Forum Topic: Immoderate Discord https://fakeologist.com/forums2/viewtopic.php?t=1028

Do you feel his invitation for you to come on the Fakeo Discord was really a set up? A ruse? Like he was trying to walk you into a trap?

5 months ago
Reply to  grandillusion

i’m educating ab petal
why would i waste time on you boys ?

i think ab has now realised why he hasn’t had one fakeologist read the millenium fall-con

i solved 911 years ago

you are funny

Last edited 5 months ago by napoleon wilson
5 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

Oh come on, don’t lump me in with Brian. Please, he has his own demons that I have nothing to do with. I would never go on Discord Banning Sprees or spam people in their DMs or send messages in other Discords with a Pornography Discord Server invite and then claim I was hacked. That is not me. If you don’t trust any us except Ab, fine I don’t blame you but lets make sure we get our ducks in order on who is guilty of what here.

5 months ago
Reply to  grandillusion

every character friendly or foe is limited to either arguing with houseclowns or perpetuating the illusion of freewill and freedom of choice

i took you boys freewill away a long time ago

5 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

Fair enough because I just want you to get that none of us are like that Man Child, Ab has running the Fakeo Discord.

5 months ago
Reply to  grandillusion

i have wonderful conversations with lads i would consider top notch fakeologists

but even i would not send them into a discord run by the lads that run dangerous conspiracy data mining sites like that discord

i left after 50000 posts and never once spilled the beans on solo-mans temple

ab deserves the best

that’s why i am still about

5 months ago
Reply to  fakeologist

brian v in clues forum thinks 911 was cgi when hollywood uses miniatures ,and he bans anyone pointing out this out

clues forum had it’s day ab

seize yours

Last edited 5 months ago by napoleon wilson
5 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

you deserve more

5 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

and you give without any expectations
,i have witnessed this on every occasion

i wouldnt be here if you didn’t

Last edited 5 months ago by napoleon wilson
5 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

you will neve find a man that can give you what you set up the site to acheive i have tried and decided to show you their rules ,not ours we can read an idea on air and dismiss it or take it onboard but solving 911 is not an option for controlled opposition you must understand that after years of watching gatekeeping and wahtnot you find an unbiassed man goodluck ,i have been waiting for years and you don’t count because i am on your site ,that makes you one step beyond the gatekeepers ,try it if you don’t… Read more »

Last edited 5 months ago by napoleon wilson
5 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

and when frank wanted me to come back ,i said it’s not my place to solve 911 on air i am not here for glory , solving 911 was the eye opener of the century for me ,finding out the men i listened to on your audios for years are just there to spin plates , even rick wanted me to return ,anyone ever asked why all these lads want me to come back and divulge information that houseclowns cannot introduce i can’t can you all they have is fishing ab ,remember give a man a fish and he can… Read more »

Last edited 5 months ago by napoleon wilson
5 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

so now is the time

if your boys can have a napoleon wilson day ,elaboarting and showing my images and premise and magick ,to a suitable level video platform and atleast five of your lads that complain about me

without you even being around,no fakeologist in the audio or even a part of it

i will leave

Last edited 5 months ago by napoleon wilson