Things Ab likes

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Icecast Server

Our radio program is streamed from Fastcast4u. Reasonable service for a great price. Click here for more information.

Voip Service

I highly recommend getting a voip service for your computer and cell phone. It’s a great way to have a worldwide phone number using data. I highly recommend Please click here to sign up.

Password Manager

I now use Roboform password manager – again. I turned off it because of Android for a while but am now back with it. It’s faster, updated almost weekly, and fills more pages in than the competitor below.

Refer others to with my thanks.

Great download Program:


Omega Juicer

There’s almost nothing out there that I can think of to improve your health than this little dynamo. Add fresh vegetables daily and some exercise and you’ll probably live longer.

When you’re done eating, you have the other end of the equation: there’s nothing like straightening out the pipe the way we’re supposed to position ourselves to evacuating efficiently.

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5 thoughts on “Things Ab likes

      1. Michelle

        Why is it called that? LOL SMH

        All I will say is that many many moons ago I got an Omega juicer (not this model, the white one with the silver & the maroon-colored pusher thingy. I think it was the 2,000 or 250 or something like that) & it broke.

        When I called them they gave me attitude (this was in Canada.) .

        They finally agreed to have me ship it back to them out West (I was in Toronto) & they then “claimed” it arrived broken & they weren’t going to give me my money back.

        I’m not saying it didn’t arrive broken, but I packed it very tight. I have a feeling they lied, but of course, I have no proof.

        My brother had one too (same model), so a few years after that I asked him if I could have it because he wasn’t using it.


        Now maybe I was pressing down the carrots too quickly, but for it to happen twice that’s just NUTS.

        I’ll never buy that brand ever again.

        I bought a juicer where I am now that’s from Germany (I think) & I’ve never had an issue with me pressing the carrots down or it breaking.

        I’m glad you like it though.

  1. khammadkhammad

    I use my colloidal silver generator all the time. The silver water it makes has sooo many uses. The best use is for fighting infections (eye, skin, deep wounds, mouth, etc ). This product is a MUST HAVE if you don’t like going to the doctor.

    Note: Silver water, once made, oxidizes quickly in light. Always store in a sealed dark glass jar with no metal parts. I just spray paint a jar with black paint to keep out all light.

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