September Clues – The Soundtrack

Help support Simon’s research by purchasing his music.

AUGUST 2010: Hi all and welcome! I’m Simon Shack and this is the download page of the long-promised September Clues soundtrack. Ever since I published the film on the web, I’ve been ‘tormented’ with requests to the tune of “hey, Simon!How the heck can I get the music of September Clues?” Well, here it is – hope you won’t mind my band and I asking you to purchase it : it is the product of relentless, passionate efforts met with, so far, the sole reward of playing our songs live – barely covering our travel expenses & guitar strings! In fact, it’s been a while since we’ve been gigging – and it’s all my fault, the September Clues research having recklessly hijacked our touring schedule – grr…Anyhow, we hope you’ll enjoy the tunes !

3 thoughts on “September Clues – The Soundtrack

  1. Pingback: Best soundtrack  –

  2. Pingback: ep113-September Clues soundtrack album party |

  3. simonshacksimonshack

    To anyone who might purchase via Paypal my SC soundtrack on this mp3 download page,
    – I just wish to notify that there have been occasions in the past where some customers have experienced problems / glitches with the download process. If you should run into such problems, please just contact me at simonshack(at) – and I will promptly send you the soundtrack via jumbo e-mail (in high-quality mp3 format).

    Simon Shack

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