About audios:
Fakeologist.com produces two separate audio ‘channels’:
The evening broadcast of Ab Irato; The Fakeologist and various other show replays.
Fakeologist members from across the world host conversations which are streamed live and recorded.
- FAK944-September Clues with Frank the Salt guy watch party
- FAK943-September clues w/Fakenukes Phil watch party going on all week or until we’re done
- FAK942-September clues w/Lynn Ertell watch party going on all week or until we’re done
- FAK941-September clues watch party
- FAK940-Simon Shack on 9/11 23rd hoaxiversary
- FAK939-Frank the Salt Guy
- FAK938-Fakenukes Phil and Jim Rizoli discuss Apalachee ICE
- FAK937-Lynn Ertell on Elvis and polio shots
- FAK936-Symbia-Autohoax musical artist
- FAK935-IPS joint Monkey business
- FAK934-Fakenukes Phil talks Titanic
- FAK933-Lynn Ertell – Elvis is still dead
- FAK932-Frank the Salt Guy talks investing
- FAK931-Fakenukes Phil
- FAK930-Lynn Ertell Show
- FAK929-Frank discusses Vaccine deaths
- FAK928-Fakenukes Phil
- FAK927-Lynn Ertell on George Floyd Psyop
- FAK926-Mr. E. on Kamala and the Olympics
- FAK925-Suzanne M on Richard Hall trial
- FAK924-Armunn Righ in Portugal
- FAK923-Fakenukes Phil and Jim Rizoli
- FAK922-Lynn Ertell on Trump’s magik ear
- FAK921-Jim Fetzer
- FAK920-Fakenukes Phil and Frank the Salt guy
- FAC1464-Truthmeets Fakeologist Joint
- RAR002 – September 11 Anniversary Roundup
- FAC1463-Esoterick and Misom on 911
- FAC1463-JLB wants a refund
- FAC1462-Too many questions
- FAC1461-Crumb on the war NOT a hoax
- FAC1460-Wild Ride
- FAC1459-Misom leads again
- FAC1458-Misom and her 9/11 research
- FAC1457-Mind over matter and Argueman on 9/11
- FAC1456-Typo gets the jukebox
- FAC1455-Collywobbles
- FAC1454-Raccoons and second hour is free
- TMC002 – FART Reunion Aftercall
- FAC1453-Sunday all day affair
- FAC1452-Saturday Smorgasboard
- FAC1451-Odds and Ends
- Boil your vinegar and other nonsense
- GWR001 – Rick and noiz Intro their show
- FAC1450-Rick back with a crowd
- FAC1449-Rickless Saturday
- FAC1448-Meet Sud from Austria
- FAC1447-Crumb and Sledge
- FAC1446-JLB and Farcevalue
- FAC1445-Templer template