FAC1421a-Soundboard showdown

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Part 1 of 2
esoterick_, tobysfreedom, livingman1, fakeologistv8, dwrex_, velo4077, zealberg, johnlebon, , farcevalue, calmcardken4383, zero_one_fakeologist, lindac33andcounting, .typoerror, notshocked.

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7 months ago

Personally I enjoy the FAK/FAC audio on my phone ( no buds)

Back in the day, Rollo’s musical fag (cigarette) breaks used to annoy me because if I wanted to listen to shite tinny tunes on my phone I would tune into MW radio. I come to Fakeologist.com for the chat.

The Fakeologist.com audio has now evolved from Rollo’s shite tinny tunes to tunes that are now overlayed by a shite tinny tunes karaoke vocal…. I. E. The Producer.


Nigel Tilbury
Nigel Tilbury
7 months ago
Reply to  Vespadouglas

Hi Vespa!!! did you know that you have made 2 comments about my wife? I’d just like to pop in and let you know that I am hoping all your children get cancer and die. Alrighty! what was it you said? Woof Woof!

7 months ago

At 4:20, JLB and Sarah are talking about communication.

Imo, communication is a rare thing. Everyone presumes it is occurring, but I don’t think so, at least not often, and not when it relates to non-trivial things. Meanings are not being conveyed, but everyone is suffering from the illusion that the other understands. Perhaps communication is mostly non verbal, conveyed with tone, eyes, perhaps spiritually – perhaps the non-verbal carries the meaning. People hear what they want to hear, what they are able to hear – one is mostly just talking to oneself. Perhaps language is more of a throttling, flattening technology, than anything else. Occasionally not.

John le Bon
7 months ago
Reply to  YouCanCallMeAl

Thanks as always for taking the time to share your thoughts on the show, it is nice to know that there are at least some people out there listening and engaging with the discussions on these audiochats.

It would be fascinating for me if I could somehow be present (fly on the wall style) when a fakeologist (or other ‘awake’ person) is chatting with another person ‘in real life’. How do they talk with each other? Do they listen? Do they really care what the other person has to say? Are they able to express themselves effectively? Do they enjoy the interaction? And so forth.

I have come around to the opinion that most people in this corner of the internet are not actually interacting with normal people in real life all that much (outside of work and other established relationships), and this may go some way to explaining some of the things about some of these folks which used to puzzle me.

7 months ago
Reply to  John le Bon

Probs a lot of people don’t/can’t listen to others in conversation, cos their ‘enlightenment’ is something they got to on their own.

Actually, have you ever heard it called ‘endarkenment’? The tweet you read out, sounded in that vein – ie mostly an awareness of the loss of ‘normal’, in a bad way; they would go back for the steak (matrix reference).

John le Bon
7 months ago
Reply to  YouCanCallMeAl

Probs a lot of people don’t/can’t listen to others in conversation, cos their ‘enlightenment’ is something they got to on their own.

I don’t understand what you mean here.

have you ever heard it called ‘endarkenment’?

No, but I like that, and I’m going to use it, thanks and cheers.

7 months ago
Reply to  John le Bon

I don’t understand what you mean here.

I mean that to look into whatever-it-is regardless of what ‘the world’ says may be easier for quarrelsome, bad listeners who didn’t accept their lessons.

John le Bon
7 months ago
Reply to  YouCanCallMeAl

I still don’t understand what you mean or how it is relevant to the comment of mine which you replied to.

7 months ago
Reply to  John le Bon

I was responding to your questions.

Do they listen? Do they really care what the other person has to say?

I don’t know, but perhaps the school indoctrination didn’t stick so strongly for them because of their bad listening – so, in a way, their ‘bad listening’ was a blessing that helped them move outside of the norm.

I’m now wondering about the reverse – is being a ‘good listener’ like being a ‘good student’ and whether those ‘good’ states are actually a disadvantage, if one wants to reach the pinnacle of commenting on the fako blog.

John le Bon
7 months ago
Reply to  YouCanCallMeAl

I don’t know, but perhaps the school indoctrination didn’t stick so strongly for them because of their bad listening – so, in a way, their ‘bad listening’ was a blessing that helped them move outside of the norm.

Okay, I see what you mean now.

First of all, I am not sure if it is a ‘blessing’ to be outside of the norm. Why are there so many angry, negative, toxic people at fakeologist? In what way do these people seem blessed to you?

Or maybe you don’t see these people as angry, negative, and toxic. If this is the case, there would be an obvious inference for me to make about yourself (which is not an inference I want to make, mind you).

People getting into fights with their neighbors. Visited by the police for their drunken rantings. Spending their mid life alone because they don’t have any friends, and / or they are divorced, and / or their children don’t speak to them. Still battling with alcoholism and / or other substance abuse issues after decades of adulthood and time to get their shit together.

None of this seems like a blessing to me.

A lot of people who make their way to this corner of the internet do so not out of any virtue or concern for the ‘truth’, but instead because in real life they don’t have anywhere else to go for their social fix.

In connection with your comment, perhaps some of these people have ended up lonely and miserable because they were unable to adjust to normal life and socialisation, and this may have led to (or been connected with) contrarian tendencies. This too is not a blessing. Disagreeing with people and ideas just because is a sad way to be. There’s a reason why such people end up lonely (chicken and egg element involved with this).

There’s plenty of decent people to be found in this corner of the internet, for sure. But just because somebody seems to know that the gov or media is lying, does not in and of itself make them a good person, or even indicate that they are likely to be a good person. Look at how they behave, how they treat others, the energy they bring to the world. It’s obvious what is going on here.

7 months ago
Reply to  John le Bon

I think I know what you mean. I find your comment quite funny, in a black humour sort of a way, though I think you are serious.

Personally, I’m glad to be here, and happy not to be living my old life. Had ‘bad listening’ played a part in my ending up here, I would find that flaw a blessing. I think the concentration of authentic, free thinking individuals around here is far higher than most places – I appreciate that, and try to accept it all, even if it is the case that some can be considered as ‘toxic’.

Maybe some people are not happy, but who can say ‘happy’ is the metric? There seem to be many and various ways to go about one’s life. Maybe ‘happiness’ is the metric, or ‘truth’, or ‘good’, or something else, or maybe it varies for each person, or maybe it varies according to the situation. Who can say what the metric is?

John le Bon
7 months ago
Reply to  YouCanCallMeAl

I think the concentration of authentic, free thinking individuals around here is far higher than most places

I agree with you on this.

Maybe some people are not happy, but who can say ‘happy’ is the metric?

I don’t think I used the word ‘happy’ in my comment. I said that a lot of people in this corner of the internet, and specifically at fakeologist, are angry / negative / toxic, and I base this on how they behave here, and on how they say they behave in real life.

I’m sure if you asked these people if they were happy, many would tell you quite confidently that they are happy — unless you were trying to tell them that they are happy, in which case many of them would argue and tell you that they are not happy (because they are contrarians without any consistent and substantial thoughts on anything abstract).

Perhaps in real life, some of these people do lead generally pleasant lives, and they have lots of friends and family who enjoy their company, etc. Maybe they simply come to fakeologist to vent and to explore their darker / nastier side, almost like a therapy of sorts, before returning to their more pleasant persona in real life. Perhaps this is the case in some instances, I don’t know.

All I can go by is what I see and hear here, the available evidence, and it paints a very clear picture. A lot of these people are genuinely damaged and not apparently making any attempt to improve themselves. In fact, some of them seem intent on bringing others down to their level. Like I said, toxic.

7 months ago
Reply to  John le Bon

I don’t think I used the word ‘happy’ in my comment. I said that a lot of people in this corner of the internet, and specifically at fakeologist, are angry / negative / toxic, and I base this on how they behave here, and on how they say they behave in real life.

Yes – I used ‘happy’ as a sort of opposite, positive expression to “angry / negative / toxic“. My general point is that I don’t know there is a single metric for all – therefore I’m not that clear about how to approach what may seem like a ‘toxic’ person. Perhaps not being “angry / negative / toxic” (or in reverse ‘happy’, as I called it) is a good metric.

In one way, these sorts of expectations of others are surprising to me. I’ve no idea what other people are here to do, what determines success to them. In another way I agree with you, in that I personally seek joy, truth and try to avoid what I think is ‘toxic’.

I also have sympathy for others. I get that when one first recognises the level of deception, that can leave one quite traumatised and shell-shocked. And then there are several further layers of trauma available to the seeker, lol. With each layer/understanding there is a sort of grieving period too, as one grieves for others, the wasted time, one’s own ignorance, gullibility, etc. All the drastic personal changes are a sort of PTSD which itself can drag on for some time. Perhaps some people find a special ‘life-raft’ – eg religion, cynicism, proselytising some ideology – so they will protect the thing that they think is keeping them afloat. The fakeologist site even can be considered a form of group therapy to help get through that. In all, I’ve no idea where people are on their journey.

I guess, as one goes through that, it seems inevitable that one will, at times, be angry and negative. And that at those times, one could well look to cope by self-medicating, seeking ‘natural’ talk-therapy (outside of system-provided answers). It seems fair enough behaviour – I sympathise.

Given your pretty public position on fako and in running and contributing to forums etc, I’m not at all surprised to hear you say that there is a lot of negativity – a lot is directed at you, and you must surely have experienced more than your fair share!

But you have my thanks – I appreciate the skeptical outlook and research.

7 months ago
Reply to  YouCanCallMeAl

In 1423c, at around 35 mins, Sarah read out the above comment. What is bizarre to me, is that she touched on the idea of telepathy… which is what I had in mind! It seems to me that we assume the other person is receiving the meaning unambiguously, as if telepathically… but, in general, its more like the meaning has lost resolution. But not always! Cheers.