FAC1421b-Soundboard showdown

Part 2 of 2
esoterick_, tobysfreedom, livingman1, fakeologistv8, dwrex_, velo4077, zealberg, johnlebon, , farcevalue, calmcardken4383, zero_one_fakeologist, lindac33andcounting, .typoerror, notshocked.

DaveJ went to Speakpipe to drop his feedback as he’s banned from active participation.

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1 month ago

I know everyone loves the soundboard, but I will confess I’m not a fan. My feeling is that there are already have ads, repeated (kinda irrelevant) additional sounds are mostly in the way, for me, though some drops are good – 10 mins of happy birthdays though? Apart from the interruption and confusion it can cause, there is also the nature of some of the inserts. I’m certainly no fan of the mocking and ridiculing noises over certain voices – it seems a bit mean. It can’t be that only certain people (those with the soundboard) are able to have their voices heard without… Read more »

John le Bon
1 month ago
Reply to  realalex

That is very interesting feedback, thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts. It seems as though your main concern with the soundboard is how much time it can take up during the calls, rather than the soundboard concept at a fundamental level. For the record, there are two different soundboard in operation in this particular episode. The discord-based soundboard only allows clips of five seconds or less (this is a discord thing, not a fakeologist-specific limit). Vel and Goldie/ITD have more professional setups and they can play audio through their mic, with no time limit. Any longer… Read more »

1 month ago
Reply to  John le Bon

Firstly let me say I’m an especially big fan of what both you (JLB) and Joel have to say. I really enjoy both your contributions to the discussion. I get there’s a time for fun – I don’t mind “fun”. Lol. But in this recording I’m pretty sure one or 2 people left because of the soundboard – eg I think Farce left (but came back later). It isn’t this way, though. Sometimes Vel uses his soundboard to take the piss out of me, sometimes I use my (discord) soundboard to take the piss out of him (e.g. on the… Read more »

Last edited 1 month ago by YouCanCallMeAl
John le Bon
1 month ago
Reply to  realalex

Thanks for the reply. I think I get where you’re coming from. in this recording I’m pretty sure one or 2 people left because of the soundboard – eg I think Farce left (but came back later). If Farce left because of the soundboard then maybe this is a good thing. Most of the time, Farce simply wants to play the role of the grumpy curmudgeon. Is that really what you or anybody else wants to listen to? If so, fair enough. Not me, though. I don’t know if you have noticed this but he only does that when the… Read more »