I’ll borrow this excellent summary page of Simon’s to illustrate that NASA is simply Hollywood South. Starting with the Apollo Series of movies, everything NASA produces, up to including today’s ISS, is simply fakery. Whether crude fakery from 1963, to the more sophisticated fakery today, it is all manufactured for your amazement and tax dollars.

8 thoughts on “NASA Hoax

  1. malcontentmalcontent

    Ab, et al.-

    Are any of you familiar with the 2016 film called “Operation Avalanche?” I am intrigued as to why this film was made and what the message was the film’s producers & director were trying to send. It’s almost as though they were trying to get in front of the “fakery” argument with an intentionally Hollywood-ized and farcical version of the events surrounding the Mercury and Appollo “space” programs.

    Here is the IMDB page for Operation Avalanche.


    1. xileffilexxileffilex

      Johnson: We snuck into NASA. All of the stuff we shot there, we shot without their permission.

      No shit? Really?

      Johnson: Yeah.

      I didn’t realize that. That’s amazing. I honestly thought those were sets.

      Johnson: Oh, yeah. We went there saying we were going for a tour and they said okay and we filmed the whole movie.

      But…how did you get away with this?

      Miller: Because they didn’t know we had done it until we were gone. And our lawyer said that once you leave with the footage, it’s yours. It’s the same lawyer who worked on that movie Escape From Tomorrow.

      Just like that…..suuuure.

  2. CarysCarys

    20 December 2013

    “In December of 1968, the crew of Apollo 8 became the first people to leave our home planet and travel to another body in space. But as crew members Frank Borman, James Lovell, and William Anders all later recalled, the most important thing they discovered was Earth.

    Using photo mosaics and elevation data from Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO), this video commemorates the 45th anniversary of Apollo 8’s historic flight by recreating the moment when the crew first saw and photographed the Earth rising from behind the Moon. Narrator Andrew Chaikin, author of A Man on the Moon, sets the scene for a three-minute visualization of the view from both inside and outside the spacecraft accompanied by the onboard audio of the astronauts.”

  3. rickpotvin

    I agree with the fakery of the space station. Your website is difficult to get verifiable feedback however. Call me 602 371 0094 [email protected] Simon Shack blocked me from his forum because his underlings thought I posted too often.. despite my bearing down on Curiosity landing speed being impossible. Call me or issue some sort of feedback. The quebe rail crash is fake… I emailed physics profs at UWaterloo about this.. not possible for zig zag collection of oil tankers as they show– to 70 cars! Que. traincrash is how I found you.

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