FAC1424b-Sarahhhhthon 2/3


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1 month ago

The number of Christologists in the fakery arena IS quite astonishing. It makes no sense that a person can reach a level of understanding of the fakery we are sold,( that brings them to fakeologist) yet they still parrot the fables and scriptures that were used as a mind con on their ancestors for centuries.

Last edited 1 month ago by Vespadouglas
1 month ago
Reply to  Vespadouglas

the number of people here that use the term fakeologist, to justify acting like gatekeeping, close minded, alienating assholes is quite astonishing. “they aren’t fakeologists like us”. Yeah? Now we don’t want to be one because everyone who says that acts like assholes. What brings us to fakeologist is that it is the best site on the internet for this content. What makes us leave are the forum and blog members like Vespa, napoleon, gaia/aSHIFT, dave J and the others that act like you Vessy. I haven’t seen you contribute one helpful thing. You sit around and buddy up to… Read more »

1 month ago
Reply to  Vespadouglas

Vespa. Could you please show some references to what you do around here? I haven’t seen anything but negative quips at people. You’ll find all of mine after one of yours or another members aimless rudeness. used as a term to describe your actions and how you should leave this site, I would like to suggest you consider this wiki link. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/fuck_off

1 month ago
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Shoo fly

1 month ago
Reply to  Vespadouglas

AA Morris reicarnate

1 month ago
Reply to  Vespadouglas

Napoleon used this reference. His was better. He called me a retarded AA Morris. I am none of that. I am none of you. I am telling you everything is fake. I am saying you are fake. I am saying this site is Cult. A gang. A bunch of cowards. Holocaust is fake? yes. The news is fake? yes. The wars are fake? yes. And so is every single person I have met here. Potatoesforever is the only person that I currently would say is not fake. Reinstate me on forum. Answer me here. Ask me to explain myself. I’ll… Read more »

1 month ago
Reply to  Vespadouglas

Ab. These are the members you protect. Is this helpful to you? I asked a question on a Blog post. It was met with Vespa talking shit about my wife. Once I told him I hope his children die of natural causes in his arms, all he has is one word answers. Do you think these people are going to grow your site? Do you think you need merchandise with people like this? Do any of them donate? Because you aren’t getting any new members. Show me the new members since I joined 2 months ago. There are none on… Read more »

1 month ago
Reply to  Vespadouglas

Vespa. You had no answer. What do you contribute here? Just show me and I’ll move on. Show me what you contribute besides talking shit and small talk with a few people you like or mock.

Show me something that doesn’t make you a coward. You talked about my wife twice. You called me names before you met me. You never tried to meet me.

You are a coward. a little weak coward. Nigel Tilbury is my real name. Would you like to come meet me? I’ll send my address.

1 month ago
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1 month ago
Reply to  Vespadouglas


1 month ago
Reply to  Vespadouglas

Type guy…. Ish

1 month ago
Reply to  Vespadouglas

Lol.. Nuff said

1 month ago

In the last 20 mins of this they are talking about the history hoax. Sarah strongly agrees with JLBs position about history, as do I. And then she starts talking about Jesus and his disciples as if what is in the bible was a literal account of a historical event. I find this position highly confused. Perhaps Sarah would say that in her interpretation the Bible is a metaphor, not a literal account – which is fine… But then I couldn’t animated about the characters in a story and start taking their actions seriously. I mean, I can be inspired… Read more »

Last edited 1 month ago by YouCanCallMeAl
1 month ago
Reply to  realalex
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