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Term References Description Notes
actor 1. Arts
2. PsyOps
1. A person who portrays a character in a performance, e.g. theater, film. 2. An actor who portrays a character in a mixed reality production, a drill, a Hyper Realistic Drill Portrayed as Real‏‎-HRDPR or a staged event which is portrayed as reality. Psyop actors are also called crisis actors or LARPers. Depending on the psyop script, their character lifespan can be short, long or even life-term. [MSM 1]
ad hominem Personal attack used as a tactic to rebutt one's argument by attacking his character or other personal characteristics [MSM 2]
alienland Disinformation and confusion strategy based on the psience of space travel and other fictional narratives which lead the imagination to illusionary fields, whereas the person affected, becomes confused or even looses his/her ability to discern reality from fiction.
Alpha-journalist A journalist who is directly subjected to intelligence services.
alternative media Media outlets that are not or not openly affiliated to big media cooperations and/or intelligence services
angle The position from which an object is viewed, photographed or filmed, or along which it travels or acts, typically as measured by its inclination from an implicit horizontal or vertical baseline. See as an example the analysis of the fake imagery depicting the collapse of WTC2 here
animation See: computer generated imagery From Latin animus : mind, the rational soul in man, intellect, consciousness, will, intention, courage, spirit, sensibility, feeling, passion, pride, vehemence, wrath, breath, life, soul. Animation means a visual medium in which images or objects are manipulated to appear as moving. [MSM 3] [MSM 4]
astronot or astronut Fakeologism: Inside joke for astronaut. See also: psience [ab 1]
Bizarre Billionaire Story - BBS Gaia A bizarre story meant as a psyop and presented by media ("alternative" or mainstream) about a rich person, not necessarily a billionaire, that was chosen for the alliteration. For example: Yoo Byung-Un. Can be a DCP, but also "missing" rich people or other strange stories are covered by this term. [ab 2]
Crash Exercise Planes Portrayed As Real - CEPPAR Gaia Pilots train air collisions, crashes and disasters all the time. What the HRDPR is for the "terror attack" psyop, is the CEPPAR training exercise for the plane crash psyops. [MSM 5]
Computer Generated Imagery - CGI or cgi General term to describe various techniques for the production of realisticly perceived moving images in film, videogames, TV and digital media. Related terms are: Animation, simulation, Virtual Reality, 3D animation, crowd simulation and many more. One of the main characteristic of CGI is, that its visually perceived characters, landscapes and other motives are not representations of real world persons, landscapes, etc., but visual data generated by computer algorithms.
character 1. Society
2. Arts
3. Technology
1. The mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual. 2. A person in a work of art (literature, painting, photo, film, simulation) 3. A letter or symbol
chroma key See also: Computer Generated Imagery A visual effects/post-production technique for compositing (layering) two images or video streams together based on color hues (chroma range). The technique is used heavily in many fields to remove and replace background from the subject of a photo or video [MSM 6]
COINTELPRO Military Intelligence Apparatus The FBI began COINTELPRO —short for Counterintelligence Program— in 1956 to disrupt the activities of the Communist Party of the United States. In the 1960s, it was expanded to include a number of other domestic groups, such as the Ku Klux Klan, the Socialist Workers Party, and the Black Panther Party. All COINTELPRO operations were ended in 1971. Although limited in scope (about two-tenths of one percent of the FBI’s workload over a 15-year period), COINTELPRO was later rightfully criticized by Congress and the American people for abridging first amendment rights and for other reasons. - Original Definition by FBI.
conspiracy A secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful. The action of plotting or conspiring.
conspiracy narrative Fakeology Strategy of the Military Intelligence Apparatus to undermine, disrupt, misdirect and dominate the political discourse
conspiracy theory Military Intelligence Apparatus From Latin spīrāre: breathe, expire and con: in common. Conspiracy means a secret plan by a group to act in an unlawful way in order to achieve political or military advantage. The term conspiracy theory although not invented by the U.S. military intelligence, was strategically implemented and weaponised by them, as part of the narrative management of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in order to combat skepticism toward the Warren Commission’s findings. The use of the term has two effects: 1. It discredits the content of statements, questions and arguments of a debate when attested; 2. It discredits the individual integrity of a person, attesting him/her mental incapacity, insanity, diminished accountability, incompetency. [1]
conspiracy candy Fakeologist Fakeologists use the term to describe a narrative or an element of a narrative that has been produced and implemented as part of the hoax management of a psyop in order to attract the attention of a thinker with seemingly convincing information and direct him/her to disinforming, time spending and dead end interpretations.
conspiracy fatigue Unreal [2]
controlled conspiracy media outlet Unreal A media outlet that is produced and distributed by intelligence operatives in order to influence the public in a specific direction. Controlled conspiracy media outlets are important for the hoax management and they are part of the concept of a staged event. Depending on the envisioned radius of the staged event, they can unfold in several waves and continue to their productions over several years or decades. [ab 3]
controlled opposition Military Intelligence Apparatus
corruption Latin corrumpere: mar, bribe, destroy Dishonest, fraudulent, unethical, immoral, unscrupulous, shameful, unrighteous conduct by anyone in power, with the aim to gain personal profit of any kind.
cover-up To prevent the discovery of the truth about a crime
culprit general Person or group responsible for a crime or other misdeed
culprit: target culprit Fakeology The person or group designated by the script of a psyop to be blamed for it. Target culprits are being chosen for long-term planning. In the cold war period the main target culprit were the communists. After 9/11 the main target culprit have become the muslims. Depending on the radius of a strategic decision, the target culprits have been e.g. the Serbians in Yugoslavia, the autonomous left in Italy, France and Germany and many more.
cut Film Technical term in film and video (post-)production stemming from the time when film was physically cut and montaged, put together, on a special montage machine. [MSM 7] Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; invalid names, e.g. too many
Discredit By Association - DBA A method used to discredit a person or a production of his/her because it is associated with established disinformation. Typically they are a result of the implementation of limited hangouts, disinformation agents or controlled opposition within a discourse.
Death of Celebrity Person - DCP Fakeology Describes the end of contract for a prolific media character. The real Individuum who encorporated that character may encorporate another character or retire. [ab 4]
debunk To demonstrate the falseness of a story, statement, theory.
deceive Deliberately cause someone to believe something that is not true, especially for personal gain. Deception: The action of deceiving someone. [MSM 8]
deceptive language Art of language -written or oral- used consciously in order to deceive. Signs for deceptive laguage: To avoid self-reference; inappropriate present tense usage; Oaths; Answering questions with questions; Equivocation; Alluding to actions; Lack of Detail; Lack of Narrative balance. Synonyms: confusing, equivocal, ambiguous, fallacious, specious, spurious, false, mock, pseudo, illusory, delusive, evasive.
disinformation agent
disinformation artist
See also: Hoax management, Narrative management A person who is a professional in the use of deceptive language.
divide and conquer Latin: dīvide et īmpera; Strategy of gaining and maintaining power by breaking up opponents. [MSM 9]
drill Military Intelligence Apparatus Instruction and/or training in military exercises.
drill; live drill Military Intelligence Apparatus A military exercise whith a realistic scenario played out under real circumstances as training for emergencies, accidents, natural catastrophes, etc.
Elite Gender Inversion - EGI Unreal
Field of research. Introduction by UNreal: Comparable to a cancer in our society, the elites have made war, misery and disinformation their prime material on which they’ve built their fortune, fame and even nations. The elites seem to be constituted of closely related families across every individual nations borders. Are they jews or gentiles, jesuits or black nobility we often ask ourselves. There seem to exist an invisible bond and a common accord between those in higher positions of power and influence that just seem uncanny. [ab 5]
free energy
psience The term is part of conspiracy narratives that imply that the Powers that Be do have access to supernatural resources, knowledge, etc. of which they deprive the public in order to use it for their sole advantage. Similar to the dialectics of public interests, there is position and opposition, mainstream and alternative, energy and free energy. In fact the term itself is a contradiction in terms, it is a non-sense term, because speaking of energy implies always the use of a resource for a specific function. The use is managed through a particular technology. Without the parameters of use for a specific function and technology it is obsolete to speak of energy. A waterfall is just a waterfall. Only if there is a powerplant we can speak of the waterfall as a source for energy.
evidence Society The available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid. [MSM 10]
fabrication 1. Workshop or Industry
2. Society
1. The process of manufacturing or producing something. 2. An invention; a lie. [MSM 11] [MSM 12]
fake 1. Adjective
2. Noun
3. Verb
1. Not genuine; imitation or counterfeit. 2. A thing or person that is not genuine; a forgery or sham. 3. Forge or counterfeit (something). Pretend to feel or have an emotion, illness, or injury. Make an event appear to happen. [MSM 13]
fakeologist Fakeologist The term was invented by Fakeologist Ab Irato to describe the studies of media and science fakery as Fakeology and himself as Fakeologist. Everyone who studies Fakeology can call himself or herself a fakeologist. Fakeologist Website of Fakeologist about Fakeology [ab 6]
Fakeology Fakeologist The studies of the art of media fakery, science fakery and other kinds of fraudulent and deceptive productions which aim to manage, regulate, influence, control the perception of reality on a local, regional or worldwide level.
false 1. Not according with truth or fact; incorrect. 2. Made to imitate something in order to deceive. 2.1 Artificial. 2.2 Not sincere. 3. Illusory; not actually so. 4. Disloyal; unfaithful. [MSM 14]
false flag or
false flag operation
Military Intelligence Apparatus Covert operation designed and acted out by military means in order to be blamed on a party that is not responsible in fact. See also: target culprit. [MSM 15]
falsification 1. Society
2. Science theory
1. The term means the process of proving something false. 2. Principle of the scientific process. A statement, hypothesis etc. can be scientific, only if it is falsifiable. [MSM 16]
fascism Stemming form the Italian Fascist Movement of Benito Mussolini, it has become common term to signify nationalist movements of the far-right spectrum. [MSM 17] [MSM 18]
fear fear porn, fear tactics, fear strategy
Female To Male-FTM) EGI, Elite Gender Inversion Category within the research into Elite Gender Inversion investigating theory and praxis of female to male gender inversion.
femifascism Gaia
fiction 1. Literature
2. Society
1. Literature in the form of prose, especially novels, that describes imaginary events and people. Synonyms: novels, stories, creative writing, imaginative writing, works of the imagination, prose literature, story telling; romance, fable 2. Something that is invented or untrue. Synonyms: fabrication, invention, lies, fibs, concoction, untruth, falsehood, fantasy, fancy, illusion, sham, nonsense; [MSM 19]
frame Material or abstract form which strengthens and supports something within that form.
framing Conspiring to incriminate someone
fraud Wrongful or criminal deception.
gaslighting To manipulate someone by psychological means into doubting their own sanity. [ab 7]
[MSM 20]
guerilla marketing 1. Marketing 2. Geopolitics 1. Guerrilla marketing is an advertisement strategy concept designed for businesses to promote their products or services in an unconventional way. The original term was coined by Jay Conrad Levinson in his 1984 book ‘Guerrilla Advertising’. The term guerrilla marketing was inspired by guerrilla warfare which is a form of irregular warfare and relates to the small tactic strategies used by armed civilians. Many of these tactics includes ambushes, sabotage, raids and elements of surprise. Much like guerrilla warfare, guerrilla marketing uses the same sort of tactics in the marketing industry.
2. - marketing guerillas, like the FARC in Colombia
Guilt by Association - GBA Guilt ascribed to someone not because of any evidence but because of their association to some other person/belief. It is, to an extent, a version of a non sequitur. [MSM 21]
green screen See also: computer generated imagery, chroma key Technique to replace backrounds in moving images in post-production.
hoax Fakeology
1. Noun
2. Verb
1. A falsehood deliberately fabricated to masquerade as the truth. 2. To trick or deceive someone. The English philologist Robert Nares (1753–1829) says that the word hoax was coined in the late 18th century as a contraction of the verb hocus, which means to cheat, to impose upon or (according to Merrian-Webster) to befuddle often with drugged liquor. Hocus is a shortening of the magic incantation hocus pocus [MSM 22] [MSM 23]
hoaxbuster Chris Kendall One who debunks hoaxes. [HB 1]
hoax management Fakeologist The organizational structure of all necessary means for the realization of a psyop.
Holocaust Story Gaia The story presented as true, known under the mainstream term Holocaust. I prefer not to use the commonly used term Holohoax, because it was not a full hoax, with people kidnapped against their will, transported, put in transition camps, dying of typhus etc. It is to describe the story that allegedly there was a mass extermination of jewish people in Europe in WWII. There somehow was, but only if you define the literal "extermination" part; ex termina; "outside of the border".
Hyper Realistic Drill Portrayed as Real - HRDPR Fakeologist
hypothesis A projected explanation on the basis of limited evidence, which is used to further the reseach on the topic in question.
Intelligence Military Intelligence Apparatus
Intelligence service Military Intelligence Apparatus
lala land Fakeology Disinformation and confusion strategy based on entertainment, aiming at the private capitulation in the face of complexity. See also: overload
LARPer Fakeologist
limited hangout Military Intelligence Apparatus
logic Logic (from the Ancient Greek: λογική, translit. logikḗ[1]), originally meaning "the word" or "what is spoken", but coming to mean "thought" or "reason", is generally held to consist of the systematic study of the form of valid inference. [MSM 24]
lone gunman Military Intelligence Apparatus
lone survivor Military Intelligence Apparatus A single person surviving an event (attack, crash, accident, etc.) from a group of people, see lone survivor psyops
male to female - MTF EGI Category within the research into Elite Gender Inversion investigating theory and praxis of male to female gender inversion.
mass shooting Military Intelligence Apparatus Type of PsyOps involving one or multiple shooters who attack people randomly with guns. This kind of psyops mostly aims at spreading fear among society about the possession and use of guns. Possibly the strategy is to educate next generations in order to concede to give up their constitutional right of carrying guns. Mass shooting psyops can be specified as school shootings, church shootings, theater shootings etc.
media; asocial media Gaia Alternative way to describe the so-called "social" media
media; mass media Description of media technologies refering to the target group mass, meaning that the consumers of the information offered by the media do transform the political subject of the public sphere into an indistinctive element of a mass. Relevant terms are mass psychology, mass manipulation, etc.
media; corporate media Description of media technologies refering to the ownership ot media, meaning that the control of almost all of the media is concentrated in few big cooperations. [CF 1]
media; social media Description of media technologies that were enabled by the internet. The term implies that social media are not mass media and not cooperate media but under the control of society. In fact social media are produced and controlled by the same or new big players in the field of communication although they enable forms of exchange that were not possible in previous states of technology (Print media)
media fakery Fakeology One of the main fields of research in the Fakeology studies as it is one of the main technological aspects of psyops and social deception strategies.
media fakery warfare Fakeology
Medical Celebrity Program - MCP Fakeologist Lifetime acting role to help fund unknown diseases or conditions [ab 8] [ab 9]
medical scare Fakeology
Chris Kendall
A play of words on medical care, psyops meant to scare the people with mass panic. Examples are AIDS, Ebola, Zika and many others. [HB 2]
memorial [4]
method [4]
mind control Military Intelligence Apparatus
modus operandi Military Intelligence Apparatus Pattern, scheme, art, way, method of conducting a psyop.
muslim scare Fakeology Fakeological term to describe that the war on terror is in fact a constructed narrative for psychological operations - psyops. The muslim scare was used also in previous historical periods and it was reinvented as the narrative for the 21. century warfare after the end of the cold war and therefore the end of the narrative of the communist scare or red scare.
narration 1. Society 2. Media 3. Fakeology 1. The act of storytelling which is an anthropological constant. 2. Concepts of variating the storytelling in order to produce interesting, artistic, but also deceptive or manipulative effects. These concepts differ depending on the technichal potentials of the media and the creativity of the producers. 3. The theory and praxis of narration built a core element of psyOps insofar a psyOp aims to become integrated into the public discourse as a "natural" phaenomenon.
narrative 1. General 2. PsyOps 1. General term which describes the storyline of an event, an experience, a plan, a story. 2. The concept of a psyOp. See: Hoax management, Narrative management
NaZionism, Nazionism Gaia The collaboration of the planned removal of millions of normal, ordinary jews from Europe to Israel and other parts of the world, perpetraiting the agenda set out by Theodor Herzl (Father of Zionism), funded by the same Zionists, with many jews or crypto-jews planted into the highest ranks of the Nazi party (NSDAP) [5]
New World Order - NWO Military Intelligence Apparatus
nuclear scare Military Intelligence Apparatus
Nutwork Simon Shack Simon Shack describes it as follows: "media fakery is the weapon of mass distraction used by a pesky network of nutty power brokers (I like to call it "The Nutwork") to fool the world to their advantage. It has worked out nicely for them for centuries, for such is the essence of human nature that, when squarely duped, a man's ego will prefer to ignore the fact rather than dealing with it. The Nutwork and their subservient media conglomerates have long been well aware of this inherent weakness of mankind; their news-hoaxing tricks are routinely employed to generate incalculable profits and public consensus for waging murderous, barbaric wars of aggression. But their insane obsession for mass mind-control is now turning against them. Their wretched deception ploys are now exploding in their faces - one by one." [CF 2]
obilistic, oballistic Delcroix 1 - something that looks like an obilisk
2 - someone that goes ballistic, "going postal", also see Going postal
[ab 10]
Operation Gladio Military Intelligence Apparatus
opposition; controlled opposition Military Intelligence Apparatus
overload 1. General
2. Military Intelligence Apparatus
1. Load with too great a burden or cargo. 1.1 Give excessive work, responsibility, or information to. 1.2 Put too great a demand on an electrical system. 2. As part of the Hoax management the method of overload means the distribution of too many information (information overlod) about too many possible (conspiratorial) narratives within a psyop. See also: Conspiracy fatigue [MSM 21]
perpetraitor Gaia Contamination of perpetrator and traitor
Military Intelligence Apparatus The target group of a psychological operation - psyop. They are accused of having conducted an attack or other criminal offence, while in fact they are targeted to be blamed for the offence. The term is of military origin. From a fakeological point of view the perpetraitors are called the target culprits of a military intelligence psyop.
photo analysis Analysis of imagery that appears to look like photographic material.
photoshop Computer programm used widely for editing digital imagery regardless if it is photographic or computer generated.
predictive programming Military Intelligence Apparatus Term to describe media productions and publications before a planned staged event which are believed to pre-programm the people for the upcoming event
prescriptive programming Fakeology
Kham introduced this term to describe the fact that media productions and publications before a planned staged event do in fact announce the script of the upcoming event that shall be accepted and propagandized as reality by the media [ab 11]
production All that originates in human activity.
propaganda Misleading, misinforming biased content, used to promote a political cause and /or war. See also: Jaques Elull, Propaganda: [ab 12]
psience Fakeology Fusion from Greek: ψ (for psychology) and ψεύδο (for false, fake, untrue) and science; false non-empirical science used to conduct psychological operations
psyop Military Intelligence Apparatus Psychological Operation; Organized plan which executed aims to change the perception of reality on a local, regional or worldwide level. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; invalid names, e.g. too many
psyopath Gaia contamination of psyop and psychopath
rabbit trail
scripted out
self fulshilling prophecy Gaia By constantly repeating the idea that "they are mind controlling us" with a topic, you actually reinforce the mind control and thus do more work for the perps than against them HBC
shill Urban dictionary: "A person engaged in covert advertising. The shill attempts to spread buzz by personally endorsing the product in public forums with the pretense of sincerity, when in fact he is being paid for his services." [MSM 25]
shill sleeper shill Fakeologist
shot 1. Weapons 2. Photography 3. Film 1. The firing of a gun 2. A photograph 3. A film sequence taken continuously by one camera.
shot establishing shot 2. Film A long shot at the start of a scene (or sequence) that shows things from a distance. Often an aerial shot, it is intended to help identify and orient the location or time for the scene and action that follow.
shooting 1. Weapons 2. Photography 3. Film
shooting; school shooting
shooting; mass shooting
science Intellectual and practical activity to systematicly study the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment. [MSM 26]
science fiction
simulation 1. General 2. PsyOps 1. Term to describe the loss of distinctions between images ( or moving images, models, systems, concepts) and reality as a consequence of digital technologies that enable the production of images (or moving images, models, systems, concepts) that do no more have a representational relation to reality. Further reading: Walter Benjamin, The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction and Jean Baudrillard, Simulacra and Simulation. 2. Term used to describe characters, narratives or complete psyop events that are fabricated, constructed and acted out as being real.
sim Abbr. for simulation or simulated
simformation Hoi Polloi For the needs of psyOps the Military Intelligence Apparatus produces information which is completely fabricated.
sim sim character Hoi Polloi
sim sim event
sim sim victim
Hoi Polloi
smoking gun Military Intelligence Apparatus
stage 1. Noun 2. Verb
storyboard Film A sequential series of illustrations, stills, rough sketches and/or captions of events, as seen through the camera lens, that outline the various shots, indicate camera angles, blocking of actors, and the size of the frame; they provide a synopsis for a proposed film story (or for a complex scene) with its action and characters; the storyboards are displayed in sequence for the purpose of visually mapping out and crafting the various shot divisions and indicating camera movements in an animated or live-action film; a blank storyboard is a piece of paper with rectangles drawn on it to represent the camera frame (for each successive shot); a sophisticated type of preview-storyboard (often shot and edited on video, with a soundtrack) is termed an animatic [MSM 27]
strategy [4]
strategy of tension Military Intelligence Apparatus [4]
structure [4]
target Military Intelligence Apparatus [4]
tactic Military Intelligence Apparatus [4]
template [4]
theory Contemplation; Unintentional form of undirected attention, as an art of imagining. [4]
theory: conspiracy theory Military Intelligence Apparatus Concepts of possible conspiracy narratives which are produced and implemented as part of the strategy of the Military Intelligence Apparatus to undermine, disrupt, misdirect and dominate the political discourse [4]
theory: nuclear theory psience [4]
timeline [4]
trans- “across,” “beyond,” “through,” “changing thoroughly,” “transverse,” [4]
transgender [4]
transhumanism [4]
TRIOMF Gaia Trolling Right In Our Muddled Faces, an acronym used when the perps or psyopaths are revealing the truth while trolling, consciously or not. The use of language ("taking place on the world stage", "photos painting a picture", "based on a true story", etc.), clear revelations of truth ("we cannot go through the Van Allen Belts"), or the use of trolling names ("Joker Tsarnaev", "A. Frade", many more) are examples of TRIOMF.
truth [4]
truther or truth seeker [4]
victim A person harmed, injured, or killed as a result of a crime, accident, or other event or action. [4]
vicsim Hoi Polloi Fusion of 'victim' and 'simulated', created by Hoi Polloi in his research about the events of September 11, 2001 where none of the alleged victims was verified. [CF 3]
Vicsim Report Hoi Polloi [CF 3]
virtual [4]
Virtual Reality [4]
virus [4]
VNC Unreal Virtual News Coverage [4]
wall of tears [4]
war, warfare [4]
warfare psychological warfare Military Intelligence Apparatus [4]
witness A person who sees an event, a crime or an accident, take place. In the context of a psyop witnesses are part the concept and management of the staged event. Their role can be a wounded character, police or first responders, media personel and many more depending on the script.
witness; sleeper witness In case of psyops with a long-term plan, sleeper witnesses enter the stage at a predetermined time after the event in order to fulfill specific roles. [4]
Zal rule Zal "When a movie of an event is made, the event can safely be considered fake."

See also






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