FAC1324-Silas Speaks to Rick and Frank

Rick starts off with Frank the Salt Guy and both get a history lesson from Silas Speaks.

Later Ab joins in, and new voices Francois from Belgium calls in, and then inspires Youyou from Paris, France to make an appearance to discuss Bataclan.


Youyou offers to buy Ab a johnlebon.com membership as part of V4V. fakeologist.com/donate to support fakeologist.com!

Calm Card Ken then critiques some latest audio.

Record your bumper at fake11.com/bumper!


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9 months ago

why don’t you boys do audios on your own ,instead of waiting for the fakeologist,this 6 hour present let the man catch up on research

ken step up

9 months ago

cCK would make a good shotgun for the shows that you do not have a guest

9 months ago

ken the lag between the discord ab speaks in live and what appears on a tablet or phone as fakeologist for some reason is usually between 2 mins and three mins ,i often transfer to a tablet part way through

9 months ago

nice to hear silas again ,and a fantasic and much needed history and geography lesson for me

i usually hop from one alchemist or tribe to another and never pay attention to the locations think i’m in spain and find out i’m reading about romanians

the chaps start in armenia and finish in scotland ,i prefer the old names of countries native names i expect

water highway

Last edited 9 months ago by napoleon wilson
9 months ago

At 5 hours and 16 minutes in, Calm Card Ken brings up how Gilbert Gottfried was putting on act with his voice and he doesn’t really sound like that Also if you watch the Howard Stern videos from back during the E! Show days, the exit interviews have the show guests commenting on how nice Howard Stern is off the air or privately and how Howard doesn’t come across the way he is on radio like hinting at how Howard Stern is putting on an act for his audience. This stuff isn’t hidden. It’s in plain site and people don’t… Read more »