FAC1441-JLB hosts

johnlebon, tobysfreedom, meditatingisahabit, , notshocked., buzzingfrets, farcevalue, misom3160, not_sure1255

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1 month ago

Good chat everyone! Hope to hear, or participate in more constructive discussions like that! Funny “sync” moment as I paused it during lunch break, played stairway to heaven on guitar, resumed after my break to hear Farcevalue mentioning Stairway to heaven was overplayed ?

1 month ago

From 1974: The Towering Inferno I’m very glad that people are finally tackling blind alleys like synchro-mysticism or “retro causality”. I really despise the “woo woo” talk induced by predictive programming (cultural engineering) in the movies and on TV. I’ve never seen anything especially “predictive” about the cover of that Supertramp album. The Towers were iconic images of NYC and America. There was a 1993 “truck bombing” of the WTC (FBI “sting” op) so nobody would have been especially prescient to predict another “attack”. Viz. the pilot episode of “The Lone Gunman” in March of 2001. As far as I… Read more »

Last edited 1 month ago by lynnertell