FAC1215-Be Told with Esoterick

Rick has his own rss feed that you should be able to find in your favorite podcast app directory.


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1 year ago


Brian Wilshire is a retired radio broadcaster for 2GB Sydney. He hosted the ‘Australia overnight’ programme 

1 year ago

rick was talking about bruce lee,and researching a subject then adding to the research till you uncover more and more info,not so much a collaborative effort . more filling in the gaps ,or connecting the dots , i still think this is the best way of researching a subject . for example there is lots of experts on paul mccartney and the beatles ,and the paul is dead or manufacturing the beatles . now i don’t agree with a specific part of some beatles conspiracy theorists ,ie the viv stanshal played paul part ,but i am really interested in the… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by napoleon wilson
1 year ago

At around 3 hours and 1 minute in, I was completely stunned to hear Rick say that he has CONvid or the alleged symptoms (no sense of smell). Wow! I thought Rick was suspicious of the invisible boogeyman we have been sold for the last 3 years.  It doesn’t make any sense that Rick has been saying he’s been sick for the past month and not trying any alternative healing methods that he has spoken about on many audio chats in the past such as Turpentine. It begs the question why is Rick mentioning alternative healing on audio chats but… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by Grand Illusion
1 year ago
Reply to  grandillusion

Why can’t you accept him? Are you jealous of his real life success? 

i think you all should do an audio ,don’t you

Last edited 1 year ago by napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  grandillusion

rick aka esoteric is an excellent person to have around on Fakeologist. Amazing ability to critically think and that is why Ab has had him on as a show guest. You obviously hold a grudge against gay aussies because of what happened in the australian gay nightclubs

quit fucking around

Last edited 1 year ago by napoleon wilson
1 year ago

homosuperior gets a mention at 103 ,it’s childhoods end put to music ,rick is real good !! https://www.bitchute.com/video/Jv9VJ5AC4bVc/ Wake up, you sleepy head Put on some clothes, shake up your bed Put another log on the fire for me I’ve made some breakfast and coffee Look out my window, what do I see? A crack in the sky and a hand reaching down to me [Refrain] All the nightmares came today And it looks as though they’re here to stay [Verse 2] What are we coming to? No room for me, no fun for you I think about a world… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

I don’t know about Homo Superior but I see Homo Techno everywhere…

1 year ago
Reply to  dirtybenny

Going the way of Ghost in the Shell (1995) imo. Everybody wants to rule the world.

1 year ago

57 mins rick reads

jupiter saves earth cosmic voice magazine .


i’d hazard a guess alot is in here ,i prefer ricks reading


Last edited 1 year ago by napoleon wilson