
Spread the love
  1. fake11.com/bitchute
  2. Homeless People living in Venice Beach Bathrooms – YouTube
  3. Germany’s far-right AfD is soaring. Can a ban stop it? – POLITICO
  4. 1983 Ernst Zundel – The Art of Photo Retouching
  5. Ernst Zundel last interview with Jim Fetzer 2012
  6. Adrien Arcand – Wikipedia
  7. My personal theory about the Holocaust (not a final conclusion).After having spent some time digging into the character of Ernst Zündel and Holocaust revisionism paired with my understanding of the fake world that is shown to us, I tend to believe door number 3 to be the most accurate version of what is hidden behind this event.
    Here is my thesis. We agree we are not being told the truth, the official version (door number 1) presented in history books and the mainstream media. People who see through the fallacies and apply logic and reason (to door number 1) are then presented an alternative version (door number 2). Door number 2 is heavily guarded by the controlled opposition. Yes, they can admit it was fake and a hoax. But be careful, don’t talk about it. The system will get you, destroy your life, imprison and bankrupt you. You’ve heard of that fella Ernst Zündel, have you? He is a “nutcase”, a Nazi, a right winger, a person you don’t want to be associated with. The last part is what most normies would probably tell you.
    Door #1 and Door#2 are both business models. The first one is there to milk the public for money. Create sympathy for the Jews and create an enemy, in this case the evil Nazi German. this also serves as a template for future fake villains and other fake war atrocity stories.
    Door#2 is also dangerous. It relaxes the critical thinking skills of the researchers and has most of them trapped. They think they have figured it out and there is nothing left to be discovered. They think the camps were used to intern enemies, but the inmates were not gassed. Basically, almost nobody died. At least not on a large scale, but war crimes still happened occasionally.
    This leads us to door #3. What if these camps were just movie sets used to create propaganda? If wars are big movie productions to fool the masses into handing over their wealth and are (as seen by evidence) faked for a big part, then why shouldn’t it be plausible that these camps were nothing more then movie sets turned to museums like Disneyland?
    We have heard of people being in camps and there most likely were improvised camps for enemy soldiers. But those real camps look nothing like Auschwitz or the other big camps. The real camps were probably cordoned off areas with barbwire fence on big fields with no housing and toilets. That’s were German prisoners most likely ended up in. There are no remains of these camps. Official history doesn’t even recognize them.
    So door number 3 gives you a broader perspective about history and how this world works. You are watching a movie and when you want to go to the movie set, you have to pay again. Just like visiting universal studios and going backstage. Say hi to one of the hoax actors, get your picture taken and a signed autograph. When you return home you can tell your family and friends how real and nice your experience was, not knowing that you’ve just become part of the lie.

6 thoughts on “FAK826-ZeroOne

  1. jobberz6439a32b73jobberz6439a32b73

    I like your door analogy.

    I agree with you with Door 1 Germany is bad, Hitler is evil, the West is Good, it wanted to save the Europeans, the real bad event is the holocaust where 6 million Jews were killed.

    At door 2 is the opposite (but the same set-up in the dialectical process) The allies are bad, Hitler wanted to do good for his Volk, he just wanted to do it for the people, the real bad event is Dresden where 100.000s of innocent Germans were killed.

    For long I was sitting behind door 1, then door 2 (loads of people on Bitchute are here)

    I now think both are false, are actually the intended division of the people.

    Door 3 in my opinion is where we see that elites in Germany and the Allies are not that much different. More or less the same even. Like the Russians and the US, friends.

    I need to nuance that, as I think the propaganda lies of the allies are of a higher level that the Germans used. 

    I also think Germany was fighting the internationalist hegemony, which is now ruling the world.

    I think both movements are mass propaganda movements. Lies basically. Both desired a megastate, servile citizens that behaves as the leaders foresee it. 

    In my opinion Zundel is behind door 2. Yes the germans have been mocked and degenerated, but we in the west have been lied to just as hard, we are though not portrayed as the oppressor in this media war.

    We are all deceived, with space, nuclear weapons, orbiting satellites, V2 rockets, iron domes, climate change.

    And all states are in on this deceiving scheme; China, Russia, Japan, US, Europe etc.

    Door 3 is the revelation we are constantly played from all sides. There is no truth in any of these narratives.

    This is where through individual freedom lies (under God)

  2. realalexrealalex

    Reposting this after the outage:

    So far, just 40 mins in, this is a great call. 01 is a great talker.

    What prompted me to call is this quote from Ab at ~40 mins

    Maybe there is a white force out there that does want these things to be revealed to all of us. They really want the apocalypse where we do discover all this and we can free ourselves.

    This is the hope isn’t it? That everyone is freed as we finally get the good information.

    This is also the reason why it will never happen – and I want to explain why.

    There is no ‘we’. There is only ‘I’. When you associate yourself to a collective, you’re a Canadian or Brit (eg “we bombed the houthis”), a doctor, a Man U supporter (eg “Who are you?”, “I’m Man U”), whatever collective, the fakeologist collective even – if you are bought into a group – you’ve already lost! You are not really yourself. Your thoughts are on behalf of the collective you perceive yourself to be. In doing so, the individual literally creates a golum idea that becomes one’s authority. You are one of a “we”, you are not “I”. “We” cannot make you free, you can only do that for yourself.

    Its no use proselytising your information, and trying to get you and everyone else to buy into your half-arsed idea of heaven on earth or whatever. Its not about more information. Its about recognising the parameters of your own existence – there is oneself, and that is all for each individual. Yes, you live in a “country”, yes you are a member of a family, have a job, do this or that… but that is not the integral “you”. To think in those terms is mistake the car for the driver.

    The reason political answers are appealing is because if you think of oneself in terms of “we”, you have already bought into the materiality of oneself (and have moved on from the only thing that matters – your soul), and are then trying to work out how to make the material existence better. So, you naturally ask – how to protect the body (no vaccines), how to protect the white race (national socialism), etc.

    When you talk about history, what you are talking about is the ridiculous, artificial edifice that has been built up by lots of “we-thinkers”. The MSM view, this-or-that view – these are all different group interpretations of the past. But, put that alongside the fact that no one “knows” their own birthday – as they were too young to remember. Realise, that its all interpretation, distraction, and history is endlessly re-written to provide the appropriate backdrop for the present day. Like any MSM story, history too is to be dismissed.

    Anyway, I can go on – but that main point is that we cannot “free ourselves” – this is impossible, its the wrong question. One can only free oneself.

    PS I think there is a white force that helps one.

    1. jobberz6439a32b73jobberz6439a32b73

      Great post.

      I have been thinking on this recently.

      I listened to a great speech by Bishop Fulton Sheen on activism.

      So, let us have activists, but let them be men of intense prayer and concerned with the salvation of individual souls. The only reality there is in the world is a soul. The reality is not an entity except in the mind. Society is made up of persons. When we begin dealing with a person, then we are really beginning to work with the poor.

      He outlines the individual.

      When people are representing groups they just talk, and force others to do stuff, but they themselves do nothing.

      It’s deeply individual. Helping is 1 soul to the other.

      I’m thinking more and more that these fake groups (nations, race, football teams) are all imaginations of the mind.

      In the end I think need to report to God, judgement day, and it won’t be about how politically active I ahve been, and which laws I passed, but it will be about if I gave my sandwich to the beggar, if I was there for my family when they needed me, if I took my personal responsibility.

      We can’t hide.

      Deep down were all one soul and that fact unites us.

      All just one under God.

      And all groups/ leaders/ bosses/ structures seem to lead to perversions. That hide the fact we are unique souls.

      And in those fake structures we hide.

      1. realalexrealalex

        Thank you – there’s lots I agree with here – but I mainly disagree – sorry.

        When you say God, I think you mean “Christianity”, Jesus and the Bible as you mention the Christian authority: Bishop Fulton Sheen. Feel free to correct me. To me, religious info is just another means of collectivising – anything that act as an intermediary does this, even religion. If the intermediary determines your value system, what is “good” or “bad” for you, you have adopted a metric that is not your own. You may do something that your heart/soul says is wrong, because your authority says its “good” – think of doctors, teachers, soldiers, parents (with circumcision, vaccinations), etc.

        Deep down were all one soul and that fact unites us.

        I absolutely do not think this is the case. I’m only aware of my own consciousness. I can imagine that my own consciousness acts like other peoples’, I can imagine we are of ‘one mind’ or something, but these are just ideas in my own mind. This is another collectivising mind virus, imo.

        it will be about if I gave my sandwich to the beggar, if I was there for my family when they needed me, if I took my personal responsibility.

        These are considered to be “good” deeds.. but I’m not sure they are. If I give my sandwich to a beggar, I am supporting him in a course of action that is detrimental to him – begging. So is that actually a help, and am I just virtue signalling and actually prolonging his bad situation? Why is doing things for family (tribal duty) a particularly “good” thing – if I bend the rules for family have I done a good deed? Taking personal responsibility I agree with.

        About the metric of “good/bad”. I think this idea is a false, collectivising notion. It doesn’t exist except as an idea. There is ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ for the individual following their own heart (if they can).

        I get that we can use the terms ‘good/bad’ for things that are generally held to be ‘right/wrong’ for the individual but are being projected on to others we see doing similar actions, as if we have can have insight into their soul or heart. But we cannot look at another’s heart/soul, so what are we talking about? Its fine as a loose term, but if the idea become hard and is to be adopted as metric (as with religion or law) we once again lose personal authority.

        Perhaps an example will help – take something that is universally acknowledged to be “bad” such as killing another person. We can see that this is not always bad – it can even be considered good. We are told that the conquistadors were acclaimed and honoured for their “good” deeds (aka forcible conversions and killings) in South America. The idea that “we” can judge things to be “good” or “bad” is wrong. I can only say what I think is right or wrong.

        1. jobberz6439a32b73jobberz6439a32b73

          I actually totally agree with you.

          Only we disagree on faith.

          I see it’s very different from the rules of modern society. The sandwich is a bad example. You are right, we don’t know, it depends on the moment, the situation, and then we feel what is right.

          This is not to be set in stone. “always give a beggar your sandwich”

          Faith helps me to distinct, to develop wisdom of feelings, to combine the rational and the instinctive, the sensitive.

          To me the priesthood is very different from doctors and teachers.

          The idea that “we” can judge things to be “good” or “bad” is wrong. I can only say what I think is right or wrong.

          Exactly no man can judge. As another man never knows the full situation.

          Deep down were all one soul and that fact unites us.

          I meant what you said. One individual soul. We are unique.

          1. realalexrealalex

            Thank you for clarifying, and great to hear that you follow my reasoning, which I think is actually obvious and self-evident. It’s a case of a/recognising who one is, and b/ not applying stories to one’s life.

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