Category Archives: Psyops

Kamloops mass graves hoax

Actually, no graves had been discovered; their existence was extrapolated from “anomalies” in the earth found by ground-penetrating radar. Such anomalies are commonplace, however, and usually indicate a tree root, a large rock, or some other innocuous presence. Today, after three years and almost $8 million of publicly unaccountable funds being expended, no graves have been found. No one has bothered to even start the digging necessary to verify anything.


Darkside Papers weighs in.

If it was faked, then how would they fake it? Well, they’d start by convincing you that there were “real bullets” flying through the air in Butler, PA, and they’d use methods such as publishing this ridiculously improbable photo.

Trump assassination attempt 2.0 in Milwaukee? 

Anyone who has read my July 12 article (the one in which I predicted an assassination hoax for July 15, 2024), however, understands that it has everything to do with the script that a real death (at least, not real, but hoaxed) is yet to follow, in connection with the planned messianic resurrection. I also explained in the July 13 article why this all has to do with the Gaza war in the upcoming Phoenix moment and how the 70-day calculation, explained in that article, also leads to July 15. By the way, I ha

Source: Trump assassination attempt 2.0 in Milwaukee? ‘My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?’ – Martin Freeland

Trump “shot”

Monday, July 15, 2024 appears to be the big day when the assassination attempt on Donald Trump takes place. This will be accompanied by a collapse of the financial markets and herald the beginning of civil war in the US. For a long time I have been talking about that assassination attempt here, very specifically hinting that it will likely be a knife wound to the left eye and even hinting why I suspect Robert de Niro will turn out to be the assassin.

IPS is live

Scott Adams

If you know their name (because the mainstream media has ensured you do by giving them blanket coverage), they’re in the game.

Awesome breakdown of another fake missing person case.

Up until recently, foreign holidays and international travel have been a big part of life, for young people especially… but we know the overlords want to ban this – ostensibly because of the “carbon footprint” – and phase flying and foreign holidays out, for all but the uber-rich.

Scaring people off foreign travel;

Creating burgeoning clamour for a more reliable way to keep loved ones safe than mobile phones;

Demonising “conspiracy theorists” who have speculated about the Slater case, thus creating more demands for a clampdown on the internet and free speech

Ht Christine

Phone staged Israel War hoax

Miles has two papers on this topic. Paper 1. Paper 2.
Here’s a quote from the latest.

I have already proved this whole thing has been staged from the ground up. There was no attack on a
Peace Party and no taking of supermodel hostages. No rapes or murders. But we already knew that
before this happened since there is no Hamas. It is just a vaudeville act staged by Israeli military, like
Hezbollah, ISIS, PLO, and every other pseudo-Arab organization in that part of the world. They are all
CIA or Mossad fronts. This was all staged to spend your taxdollars and further enrich the military
Today we got more easy proof of that, as it was reported that Israeli arms exports set a record high for
the third year in row, rising sharply since 2018. Israel sold $13.1 billion in arms in 2023, double what
it sold five years ago. 70% of these weapons come from the US.

Cooling the mark out

Awesome term I’ll try and remember how to use it from now on.

The entire “Fauci grilling” is a classic psychological manipulation known as “cooling the mark out”
Fauci is not going to jail, and he does not have to return any of the money
We are the mark, and they are “cooling the mark out”
?GOFFMAN E. On cooling the mark out; some aspects of adaptation to failure. Psychiatry. 1952 Nov;15(4):451-63. doi: 10.1080/00332747.1952.11022896. PMID: 13014214.…