6 thoughts on “Challenger astronot brothers, frauds all of them, these are liars before your eyes

  1. xileffilexxileffilex

    I’m sorry to see this nonsense about Judy Resnik – emerging from the NASA studios and continuing her Yale law lecturership – popping up again here. I researched it years ago on the old forum after this DBI operation was aired at Cluesforum, home of the “vicsim report” lol!

    Some good discussion recently on Twitter.

    It’s always nice to imagine scenarios on the basis of wishful thinking rather than conducting actual research.

  2. GabrielGabriel

    I suspect these people being outed was likely done by the evil doers that put on the space shuttle psyop. It seems very unlikely any citizen would have been able to locate these people in the different professions. I have to wonder why the perps outed these actor agents? Maybe it’s being arrogant showing that even with strong evidence the mind-controlled masses won’t even look if shown, and if they did probably would not care. Or is it directed at truth seekers to rub our noses in it.

    All of these actornauts are despicable human beings for going along with the psyop. Then what, they all get cushy careers most likely placed by the same people they worked for in the psyop. I despise these actornauts about as much as the 9/11 family member actors. I wonder if any of them have a conscience and if their involvement ever weighs on them? Maybe they believe they are like Hollywood actors taking part in a movie. In reality they did not kill or harm anyone directly with their participation. To them it must be fun deception at expense of the unknowing public.

    1. napoleonnapoleon

      the term national defence covers all the lies from the apollo program to 911 ,

      if were talking more damage by ignoring the facts ,we have hours days weeks of audios made after i solved 911 and thats not national defence is it thats just shitbag masons ,

      american space program is straight out the minds of wizards
      a gruesome electrical flash fire ,killed grissom white and chaffe
      igniting pure cOz
      GRUESOME Definition & Usage Examples
      https://www.dictionary.com › browse › gruesome

      causing great horror; horribly repugnant; grisly: the site of a gruesome murder. full of or causing problems; distressing: a gruesome day at the office.
      White phosphorus
      World Health Organization
      https://www.who.int › Newsroom › Fact sheets › Detail

      20 Oct 2023 — White phosphorus is a chemical waxy solid substance typically appearing yellowish or colourless, and some have described its odour as 

      Chaff (countermeasure)
      https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Chaff_(countermeasu…

      Chaff countermeasures come in two main types: continuous wave (CW) chaff, used against radar-guided missiles that operate on a continuous frequency, and pulsed

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