Chemtrail angle

If I had to pick a version to be accepted into the chemtrail community, this would be it.

Are “they” trying to kill us with chemtrails? I doubt it, vaccines are more efficient.

Most of the Geo engineering taking place in our skies is not implemented by special spray planes. Barium salts, aluminum oxide, and other toxic compounds are added to the jet fuel at the industrial level. Under a US Department of Energy/UN program in operation since 1993 passenger jet aircraft are used to disseminate the agents into the atmosphere through the jet engines.

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2 months ago

The cows on the plantations and farms across our great land would clearly say you were crazy if you were to show them the larger agenda. They’d use bovine-level tactics and arguments like: “Why would they feed us if they are just going to kill us?” Perhaps this is why no plantation or farm of cows ever “actually” revolted to free themselves. The concept of plantation gets in the way of ruminations over salt-lick time. Similarly, one may ask: “What is your definition of ‘poison’?” or If they find toxins, does that lead automatically to “they’re trying to kill us”?… Read more »

2 months ago

Clear skies for much of the day today, fresh north wind. Not a single “chemtrail” to be seen anywhere. Guess every plane taking off from every airport in the world was told it was a no-spraying day, lol!

What a load of nonsense this “chemtrail” charade is.

2 months ago
Reply to  xileffilex

Well, if there are no trails today, perhaps this is because no weather alteration is required, no? As one swallow does not make a summer.. nor does a lack of trails one day dismiss the idea that sometimes trails may be being used to modify weather. In fact, I’d be interested to understand what the official reasons are for there being no trails. Its certainly is possible to get trails in the summer, ie in similar or warmer conditions. What do you think of the link I posted below, where it seems that someone/something abruptly switches off whatever is causing… Read more »

Last edited 2 months ago by YouCanCallMeAl
2 months ago

Further down on the link you provided, I see this tweet where the trails abruptly stop. I find this evidence compelling, and have seen it for years around here (UK). If it was atmospheric conditions, it wouldn’t stop like that, it would fade. I think it’s as if the sky is modelled as a grid, and then when the plane enters a new quadrant that doesn’t need whatever-it-is, things are switched off. I don’t know that anyone on board would need to press a button either – it could be managed remotely with access to the position of the… Read more »

2 months ago
Reply to  realalex
2 months ago
Reply to  realalex

100% agree not a slam dunk. I am maxxed out on the thread and cant reply to you. I have a full theory how he did get it out. biggest fan. have more of his stuff and know more off the top of my head and can show. its not fair I cant defend and expound on something that is important to me. I am upset that I am stuck on that thread looking like that. I went out on a limb as a fan that spent 2 months trying to find him alive. I do have that shill theory.… Read more »

2 months ago
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In the other thread, about Aaron Dover: you said, about Aaron: he is lying. Yet on this page, you are saying you are mega-fan and even tracked evidence of his birth to suggest he was at least a real person. Its fine to be a bit inconsistent.. … but if you’re also going around throwing accusations of “shill” then it is also fair to take a look at the basis of your accusations others of shilling. I asked and you kindly provided a reference – thanks. However there was no evidence of a lie; no reason to call him… Read more »

Last edited 2 months ago by YouCanCallMeAl
2 months ago
Reply to  realalex

Other thread Max’s out 5 replies. This site is bizarre. That is my opinion on that 5 minutes. I said that I have everything and am his fan and I stated part of that was in reference to talking to ab previously. You have members throwing crazy replies everywhere in this site. Ask me an Aaron Dover question. Your response and actions are fitting of the other members. You have people throwing around crazy statements. I can say whatever I want about Aaron Maurice George Dover. I also said I have a theory why he isn’t a Shill. I assume… Read more »

2 months ago
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This site always 5 replies per blog. I would have gladly stayed in one area. You know that Aaron Burr Sr is the beginning of 9/11 not the wizard of Oz right? 1630 land with gov Winthrop is much closer than Aaron Dover and Napoleon Wilson. I’m sure you know that the ogli is what you are looking for. Is that too wild on a site that makes it’s living in hoaxes. And in that definition it throws around wild accusations. So wild accusations is the start and end of this site. Aaron Burr killed the first treasurer of the… Read more »

2 months ago
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The 5 replies thing is very irritating. I’m only glad it’s not 3, like it was for a while. I think it was put in place on account of nw, who would sometimes reply many many times on a thread. I like Aaron Dover, so I was interested to hear why you called him a liar. It turns out there wasn’t much. If you had said he was 100% real I would have asked you about that too. Feel free to explain your other theory. Perhaps if you are running with multiple theories, you should make that clear? If you… Read more »

Last edited 2 months ago by YouCanCallMeAl
2 months ago
Reply to  realalex

Fair. In a place that calls everything fake and a hoax I wasn’t sure a reference to 7 years dead guy the owner says is a country shill would ruffle feathers. A guy that can be proved to be dead or alive besides the paper I sent you. I assume you know is father worked on Eugenics and under alias. Do you know those alias? His mother is tavistock. I have read her work and thesis she has signed off on. Have you clicked a couple his family members on FB until about the third click and you are in… Read more »

2 months ago
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About his father – all I recollect is what he said in one of his shows – that his dad was some sort of government scientist. About all the evidence.. How do I confirm or deny it? You must recognise the idea that information can be falsely planted/created – eg that someone can create fake imagery. Or that it can be real but inconsequential (chickenfeed). One can read and hear all sorts of things… but what should one do with all that information? How should one sift through it all and get to something important? Its an impossible task! and… Read more »