Chris Sky activated against no virus idea

Chris Sky has been right about most things, but he’s certain that viri exist and that contagion is real.

I think he’s dead wrong and surprised at the absolute contempt he has for this correct view. Is this part of an op?

Even his best Muslim friend was jettisoned.

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7 months ago

its psimple pretend everyone is controlled and find the solution ourself ,weve all done it

but in the past four years everyone just parroting other fucks ,it’s never gonna get any easier than now to figure the whos a houseclown

when yur hungry you dont look in next doors cupborads do you ,we have an opprtunity to ditch the deadwood and make the solutions

dave j
dave j
7 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

Any ideas on why “fakeologist” keeps pushing these shills early and often …even after being told from day 1 they are shills? TO lie to your so called friends and family is Murder, to do it just because you “like a guy or gal” is just plain Lazy. This entire network need to do better. the ama-zing “Polly” wants a Cracker girl(eastern star) as well. Yet each and every time they are Highlighted here early, where are they found and What is ab looking for that cause him to NOT see the Hoax, It is like each and everyday he… Read more »

7 months ago
Reply to  dave j

all the acts are good dave ,all the acts do their bit ,the best acts have been around us for years ,and these new ones sound like the ones we heard when early on in the dance and say all the right things but it’s hard to resist what has been taught to us for years as truthing is now feeding the beast ,especially if the people around are deliberately ignorant sometimes you just have to take matters in your own hands ,thats all and lets face it whos around to start again ,cluesforum?, them boys follow me now ips… Read more »

7 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

how are you gonna mobilse 200 lads that dont read the blog and or a bunch of sock accounts that spin plates ,and what kind of dialogue would that generate ,ill tell you waht dialogue that would generate same as the past four years my ways the best pull the plug on the lot of em,and we’ll get a batphone installed ,anyone honest will call in having read the blog as i say 911 toys are a good starting point gets rid of all masonic stains including pesky odours ,youd be surprised how many stains that you get used too,that… Read more »

Last edited 7 months ago by napoleon wilson
7 months ago
Reply to  dave j

im more concerned at the masonic angle being ignored for years dave ,people can watch what happens to the others afterwards ,after the masons have been shown to be nothing more than cockknockers who donate and sweettalk psychotic psycophants from a cult

thats the genius of it its their temple i jacked ,not some muppet trying to make a few quid

and to this day all i have seen is shit talking and pointing fingers ,i dont need this abs passed i found the tepmle and fixed it up ,the rest are lacking

Gerry Kowaltz Cummin-Downe
Gerry Kowaltz Cummin-Downe
7 months ago
Reply to  dave j

Self-centered fear is at the core of our worldliness. It’s an addiction. Even as the things of this world lose their luster and we start to divest ourselves of them, our fear can be the hardest thing to let go of. If a guru tells us we don’t need money, cars or houses then even the most materialistic person will be willing to listen. But if somebody tells us we don’t need to be fearful? We get offended by his quackery. Our worldly pride and our fear are wound together. The freedom to be fearful is the most cherished freedom.… Read more »

7 months ago

-scared of what

bunch of pricks that have been spinning plates since jfk

dont be a tart ,dave j was addressing the years of cointel that at every opportunity pretend to be riteous ,or have shamefully dipped out of fakeologist and now resort to psilly comments

we hear these dicks everytime ab goes live ,and see their inane comments

7 months ago

i fear no one ,hence we got sock accounts or forced status quo of clues forum from 2008,psilly fuckers

Dave j
Dave j
7 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

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7 months ago
Reply to  Dave j The year is 1890 and Bible Professor Russell Carlisle (D. David Morin) has written a new manuscript entitled “The Changing Times” . His book is about to receive an unanimous endorsement from the board members at Grace Bible Seminary when, surprisingly, Professor Carlisle’s friend and colleague, Dr. Norris Anderson (Gavin MacLeod), dissents raising an objection. Dr. Anderson believes what Carlisle has written could greatly affect future generations. Using a secret time machine, Anderson sends Carlisle over 100 years into the future, offering him a glimpse of where his beliefs will lead. sounds like fun ,tomorrow i will watch .cheers… Read more »

Last edited 7 months ago by napoleon wilson
7 months ago

Ofc it’s an opp. Chris is giving the no virus controlled opps an opponent to challenge and ridicule. This is in order to assimilate and galvanize the novirus crowd behind other controlled opposition like Alec Zeck. The no virus argument has gained enough notoriety that the latest disease psyop, white lung, is being blamed on bacteria and not a virus. It is also a way for the “controllers” to get a feel for the room regarding how many people know virology is pseudoscience.

7 months ago
Reply to  govtisajoke

i don’t a give a toss what houseclowns think ,its all scripted ,from ips to jlb to christski ,all paid to talk bollocks

opinions hahaahaha

operation warpspeed hahaahaha

7 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

I’m enjoying the show. Sky exposed himself this week, Tommy Robinson exposed himself last week.

7 months ago
Reply to  govtisajoke

i shouldnt mock and i dont belittle your opinion its as valid as others ,but the plan was explained for a reason ,IM A FAKEOLOGIST

introduce a little anaerchy

7 months ago

i did say don’t feed the pied pipers or follow prophets especially ones called christski ,noone ever fucking listens ,i know why the masons ignore me in fakeologist ,but to totally stop reading and addressing the blog posts i post is not becoming of anyone ,need to stop talking to the retards that ignore the blog ,dont wastte time now tearing down a false prophet ,the only place going for me fakeologist

ozmacare ,lockstep

first step is most important

You know what I’ve noticed? Nobody panics when things go “according to plan.” Even if the plan is horrifying!

Last edited 7 months ago by napoleon wilson