Deception Day 666

Illusion Warfare Report #10

6am, the 6th day of the 6th month… the Allied invasion of Europe began.

But was it really like the opening scene from ‘Saving Private Ryan’? ?

Lets take a deeper look.

After living through 9/11. The Scamdemic, Ukraine, Gaza, etc… we know they lie about death and death numbers.

-We are well within our rights to look back at any WORLD STAGE EVENT and ask questions…

Was it actual death or the illusion of death?

This is Slapton Sands (Devon, England).

It was used as a D-Day invasion rehearsal ?? area due to its uncanny resemblance to the ‘UTAH’ zone in Normandy.

There are many costal locations in Britain that match the Normandy aesthetics.

The MOD took over Slapton and evacuated the locals.

Removing unwanted eyes from the area.

Rehearsals were very realistic.


The soldiers are told what they are going to experience before they even get there.

We call this ‘INCEPTION’, it’s a form of Pre-Hypnosis.

Decades later, after a local man discovered a tank in the waters, the MOD had to explain the happenings around Slapton…
ALLEGEDLY American Troops were killed in a series of blunders. A ‘Cover Up’ was put in place for the sake of public and military morale.

Double Bluff?

Do you believe BagPipe Players and Camera Men would be able to move around an enemy occupied beach?

“In wartime, truth is so precious that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies.” -Churchill

OPERATION BODYGUARD was a colossal pre D-Day deception campaign.

Successfully fooling German forces to defend Calais and Norway,

Leaving Normandy relatively open

Yes, of course D-Day happened.

But were there actual enemy troops firing actual bullets at actual allied troops?

To the left of the ‘real’ landings zones there multiple SIMULATED (Decoy) fake landing operations taking place.

Op TAXABLE and GLIMMER, check for yourselves..

You can question the Holocaust all day long, can’t question D-Day tho.

In Western Europe, every village, town and city has a Death Worship Monument.

UK, it’s usually an Obelisk with Anglo-Saxon names carved into it.

Little kids go there on school trips, search the family name.

Shadows, Silhouettes.

….the dark shape and outline of someone or something visible in restricted light against a brighter background.

(P.S Not my footage)

The RAF released ‘Chaff’ all along the French coast line.

‘Chaff’ is small strips of Aluminium that mess with enemy RADAR, creating the illusion of large aircraft numbers and activity.

So the RADAR on all sides would be showing air activity.

I’ve kept this thread very conservative.

Things like Drones, Projectors, A.I created and manipulated footage, Green Screens, Holograms, etc…. The ‘They’ have had this technology all along.

I focus on the ‘How’ the illusion is brought to life, the immersive theatricality.

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1 month ago

This may be a good time to remind everyone about my “HONOR THE FALLEN” research (2013) concerning the alleged fallen US and British soldiers in the Iraq and Afghanistan “freedom operations”:

1 month ago

While Lez might be posing it extreme, i think directionally there is more truth than not. The old men I spoke to who were in one way in WW2 noticed next to nothing next to propaganda and availability of goods. (countryside living) Or they didn’t want to talk about it. We always assume that it’s because they have trauma because they might have killed someone. But have they? What if they were just ashamed? Sitting in a bunker? Or a trench? Full of fear? Shitting and pissing their pants? Crying for mommy? But did we ever count the names on… Read more »

1 month ago

Lots of questions here.

But it appears you are solid in the ndngh con

1 month ago

This is great from Lez. The problem that remains with the idea that no one died, is touched on by Lez: In Western Europe, every village, town and city has a Death Worship Monument.UK, it’s usually an Obelisk with Anglo-Saxon names carved into it.Little kids go there on school trips, search the family name. I agree that everywhere in the UK has these crosses with names. My issue is that looking at the names, I recognise some of the families – they still live in the area. Of course, I don’t know everyone listed on the local monument…. But that… Read more »

Last edited 1 month ago by YouCanCallMeAl
1 month ago
Reply to  realalex

This is absolutely concurrent with my thoughts. My village has numerous memorials, festooned with links to names related to local families that I grew up with. Many of these people are/were real Were they shot? Were they offered a new life in the new world? Did they merge into local culture? Did they die in an accident? Answer : all of the above To claim nobody died in war or nobody got hurt in war ( whatever war is) is a scripted meme. Millions of men mobilised with guns, tanks, planes and bombs. But Nobody ever got hurt. (. Locals… Read more »

1 month ago
Reply to  Vespadouglas

The theatre of war.
The theatre.

Nobody ever died in war.
Nobody ever died in theatre.


1 month ago
Reply to  Vespadouglas

My grandfather fought in Burma in WW2

One day he left camp to follow a reconnaissance detail of around 100 men into jungle.

They were ambushed.

6 men and my grandad returned.

He was Mentioned in Despatches.

But of course (shills will tell you) it’s all lies.

1 month ago
Reply to  Vespadouglas

Nobody died that day.
Nobody got hurt that day.

NDNGH in war is DBA.

Last edited 1 month ago by Vespadouglas
1 month ago
Reply to  Vespadouglas

Nobody got shot or bombed
Nobody died in battle ever
No civilians were victimised

Persuasion was the key.

1 month ago
Reply to  Vespadouglas

I’m not under illusion that people lie, especially in war. I’m more certain that people lie than die, frankly. I can summarise the ‘no-one died no-one got hurt’ view like so. Its not that people don’t die. Its just that the fighting part itself is scripted – its not what is portrayed. However, there are accidents – people throwing up bridges in days, travelling here and there, with heavy machinery and weaponry, dealing with many others who are scared and would shoot in fear – all that rapid change, destroying and building of infrastructure, huge troop movement, confusion and fear,… Read more »

Last edited 1 month ago by YouCanCallMeAl
1 month ago
Reply to  realalex

Official stats are irrelevant.

People died….. Period.

“NDNGH in war”is DBA

1 month ago
Reply to  Vespadouglas

Official stats are irrelevant. They are interesting however if you want to show that the entity providing the stats is acting in bad faith. If you are acting in good faith and someone points out a mistake, you will double check the mistake and correct it. If you are acting in bad faith and someone points out an error, you ignore it. In going through that process, you do at least learn whether you are dealing with good faith or bad faith. If you then establish that it is bad faith and there is no correction or explanation, you no… Read more »

Last edited 1 month ago by YouCanCallMeAl
1 month ago
Reply to  realalex

“You heard about your Burmese grandfather from family testimony. I don’t deny that he died, or the circumstance of his death – I simply don’t know.”

My grandad came home…. Uninjured but practically deaf.

Not family testimony.
First witness account.


Last edited 1 month ago by Vespadouglas
1 month ago
Reply to  Vespadouglas

Your opinions do not supercede

1 month ago
Reply to  Vespadouglas

Funnily enough, I wrote about ‘facts’ too.

The upshot is that a fact used to mean testimony but now means something like ‘consensus expert opinion’.

I find your certainty about the past surprising. Surely around here we recognise that all information is spun for a specific effect. And that real people can be conscripted into these larps, play their role AND remain oblivious to the reality? All those nurses injecting vaccines to counteract non existent viruses, etc.

Last edited 1 month ago by YouCanCallMeAl
1 month ago
Reply to  realalex

Are you of the opinion that nobody died in war

1 month ago
Reply to  Vespadouglas

I don’t know, cos I wasn’t there (I think I explained this above). I do know that historical accounts and media lies though.

I’m always interested to hear how people who think they do know this or that, got to that point. I don’t think there is the basis for them to be as certain as they seem to be.

Do you think you know that war is as presented? Do you know that there were all those casualties, from people shooting each other? Or are you just repeating a story you haven’t verified personally?

1 month ago
Reply to  realalex

“Do you think you know that war is as presented? Do you know that there were all those casualties, from people shooting each other? Or are you just repeating a story you haven’t verified personally?”

These questions deserve no response.

People die and get hurt in conflict.




1 month ago
Reply to  Vespadouglas

These questions deserve no response.

Well thanks for taking the time anyway.

What does DBA stand for. It’s not database administrator…. I think… I don’t think you associate with dirty benny either!

Last edited 1 month ago by YouCanCallMeAl
1 month ago
Reply to  realalex

“What does DBA stand for. It’s not database administrator…. I think… I don’t think you associate with dirty benny either!”

Perhaps a bit more listening and reading is required on your part.

For anyone who is unaware, but not spouting opinion instead of fact it’s

Discredit By Association

Last edited 1 month ago by Vespadouglas
1 month ago
Reply to  Vespadouglas

Discredit By Association

Thanks. Who is being discredited? Who has the credit?

Is the good name of many fakeologists/conspiracy theorists being dragged through the mud by the likes of Dave j and JLB? Lol

Last edited 1 month ago by YouCanCallMeAl
1 month ago
Reply to  realalex

Indeed, yes

1 month ago
Reply to  Vespadouglas

Who is the arbiter? Who doles out or withdraws the credits?  

Perhaps the public decide? (Please, no.)

Can truth, and the investigation of truth, have anything to do with it, if the subject is a taboo one – eg with regards to war or is it that some topics are verboten and no further inquiry is possible?

I wish the person/organisation with truth credit would please step up, and answer the question of ‘what is truth?’ for us!

(Personally, I suspect getting any answers is up to the individual.)

1 month ago
Reply to  realalex



Last edited 1 month ago by Vespadouglas
1 month ago
Reply to  Vespadouglas

I’m glad I got that wrong. Pardon me for not following your previous posts.

Last edited 1 month ago by YouCanCallMeAl