Discord on the radar again

Discord is on the phony radar again. The “need” to contain and control information is paramount in an info war, which what WW3 is all about, and what these phony stories are all about.

Our discord, at fake11.com/discord, our backup at fake11.com/discord2, or our backup template at fake11.com/dt, are all afterthoughts and not to be trusted to stay online. For that, use our forums at fakeologist.com/forums2.

The documents, which were shared on the Discord app last month and spread to other corners of the internet, appear to detail Ukrainian and Russian military capabilities and offer a look at American intelligence gathering on other countries, The Washington Post has reported.

Source: Discord chat app draws attention after U.S. intelligence leak – The Washington Post


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1 year ago

do you reckon the insurance payouts for solo-mans temple getting ransacked ,will be thrice as great seeing as all three groups masons,jews,and jesuits got jacked.

just a thought

1 year ago

it must be all that content that comes out of the discord ,

all your valuable posts disappear ,pop them in the blog for everyone to see ,especially you bible bashers ,rock n roll

1 year ago

the discord that is ignorant of the blog

the discord thats full of clues forum muppets,masons bible bashers ,and tepid discussion,the thinkers hahaahahahahaa

6 months and the discords highlight was pete shae saying beachshae to purple play.

wind it up

that discord that is moderated by reddit

better dust off a familliar voice to distract ab ,hmm
liber oz

1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

Perhaps nobody comes to the blog because………. ozma, liber, mason, houseclown, dorothy kubrick rhetoric that floods it, is dull and repetitive

1 year ago
Reply to  Vespadouglas

no here it is so pay attention , 911 has been solved on an honest website ,and everyone of the 911 truthers have masonic money backing there clever asses,you couldn’t bribe my gullible ass ,no amount of money in the world is worth finding solo-mans temple when you splice the past solomons temple ,destroyed by nebudchadnezzar on 911, with the modern day solomons temple ie the twin towers ,which supposedly were also destroyed by sadam hussein on 911 a reincarnation of nebudchadnezzar in his own words, through the funding of terra-ism,blame it on an alter of luke skywalker call him… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

the millenium hilton ,monolith black mirror reflects the millenium fall-con
i am a monster

oh and let’s see how clever you girls are

black mirror
whats the connection ,and it’s not charlie brooker

the titles are straight from september 11 ,when you know the trick that is.

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1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

your ramblings here are the same boring ramblings you posted last week. and the week before that. you proved my point perfectly.

1 year ago
Reply to  Vespadouglas

another who can’t address the premise

what is it about solving 911 don’t you like
honestly do tell ,

are you another bellend that can’t understand building don’t turn to dust?

it’s not judy and her wand is it ,we had one of them he couldn’t bribe me either,and caused a fake ruckass,

psiriously what is it,did you lose someone on 911,or are you just another one of the noisemakers

tell me

boogieman came in and sat on all the houseclowns knees ,so i know whos who

Last edited 1 year ago by napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

wow again

1 year ago
Reply to  Vespadouglas

i proved my point years ago petal

and i have left giants in my wake ,iv’e covered 911 from heaven to earth and back again to space

devised the story and honed it so as only nomarks with no credibilty can comment in the blog ,or not so subtely ignore it ,

i am a monster

1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

enlighten us Jack. who are the giants you slayed?

1 year ago
Reply to  Vespadouglas

didn’t slay any of them ,i stand on the shoulders ,can you read

smj was the main giant that helped me

1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

“i have left giantS in my wake”……name 3

1 year ago
Reply to  Vespadouglas

A wake, of course, is the wave a boat creates underway as it displaces water. Whether you’re on your way to a fishing spot, just cruising or heading in from the action, you could be endangered by another boat’s wake, and you might even put another boat in peril by your own wake.

not sure you know what wake means

i finished the puzzle
with a head start from the giants

Last edited 1 year ago by napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

so what giants have you left in your wake?

1 year ago
Reply to  Vespadouglas

all of them ,i solved 911

1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon


1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

this is where a well established fakeologist tried and true steps in to quell ,and make us all take stock of the fact no one died

wait for it

i’m kidding

anyway this has been! fun glad xulk got a shout out in the latest be told with rick and ab

a must listen as always
vespa thankyou xx

1 year ago
Reply to  Vespadouglas

so vespa douglas ,youve been here for a long time now , any reason you grew some balls today?

or did the houseclowns lose a monthly doner

1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

girls/ladies dont have balls

1 year ago
Reply to  Vespadouglas

iv’e enlightened you ladies enough ,have i not ?

i must be employing atleast a dozzen houseclowns at this point

and remember the level of humilty i need is more than a pretend fakeologist who openly says i don’t read the blog .but a tad less than sock account that can’t repeat my premise ,theres dozens of them .

it’s a small area

here i will demonstrate

out of all the eye candy prizes to choose from ,the winning shelf area is small ,88 percent of truthers are masonic cocksuckers

i prove that daily on fakeologist.com

1 year ago
Reply to  Vespadouglas

as i said before i aint’ that clever ,but all the answers were at fakeologist ,ijust had a spaceship when i came

i’d say i’m upto date on most topics

now i got a nice magenta jacket ,and i have entertained people

oh and a spaceship

1 year ago
Reply to  Vespadouglas

oh and i can tell you about the stars that were celbrated on sep 11 2001 and jupiters journey ,or why the coptic new year is relevant to said solomons temple maybe you wanna do predictive programming ,well i got that down to a tee,even found the psi-pher or we can do crowleys oz numbers on planes ,or oz at every point of 911 ,from funding to shanksville to becoming a fall-guy for 911 ,cos the psipher is still the same as jfk or 911 only this time this COz oz went worldwide during covaids. we can discuss oz programming… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  Vespadouglas

so are you a fan of kubrick ,im not nor star wars ,but the clever apes all kept saying that monolith was relevant so i smashed it funnily enough the same with the shining Kubrick established the layout of the hotel twice before making us do a double-take with Danny’s third trip. Room 237 didn’t necessarily get anything wrong, as filmmaker Rodney Ascher interviewed some of the most seasoned critics on the subject matter. The scene itself, however, makes perfect sense if you believe time has elapsed to allow Danny to get to the top floor on his tricycle. his big wheel Room 237 doesn’t have anyone pipe up and point out… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  Vespadouglas

are we including spam ?

1 year ago
Reply to  Vespadouglas

the 911 bar is set to a high standard ,ignore it all you want
i ain’t worried about it or your meta script posse ,but i do like taking the piss

and knowing that controlled fucks aren’t allowed to bring a new stance to 911 helps

you lot can stick with your 15 year old script
mines 46 years old

and as much as brian stavely helped and simon shacks sep clues , the big clues come with established truthers heading into fakeologist crying saying cgi and running off

it’s embarrassing ,

Last edited 1 year ago by napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

check the archives…….the blog was popular, then you arrived.

1 year ago
Reply to  Vespadouglas

i am a monster and your a little gayboy what did you think would happen when ab set up a website to solve 911 did you think all fags like you like treading water ,when i got hear petal they were treading water with masons ,well fuck them ,i solved 911 told ya who made the miniatures collapse and found a story that’s scarier than a bulgarian pinup so button it or debunk me lover ,cos you know what happens when clever apes see where this is going ,they fake their deaths or start a carion up khyber appreciation society… Read more »

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1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

your* a little gayboy…..wow

1 year ago
Reply to  Vespadouglas

just wanted to make sure my comment got read xxxx,i love all you really but blaming of 911 on a technique of mind control ozma programming is not acceptable ,and pointing out the origins of the lies and oz schema and programming everywhere is not off limits for me ,i didn’t take an oath and no cunts ever given me money ,so i am free to post whatever the fuck i want you see what i have done is laid out a path for truth that no houseclown in this current climate lol can follow ,none of them and this… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Vespadouglas

I interact here as little as possible because of Napoleon Wilson.

I’d post much more if he wasn’t here at all.

1 year ago

explain the collapse again ,and post all your judy wood .
the more the merrier and no bribing this time
i think iv’e proven my point aswell
take the floor ill wait until i’m called

and you were doing fine with the sock accounts

Last edited 1 year ago by napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

A mix of GCI planes, pyrotechnics, shape charges, thermate/thermite, and oscillating frequencies.

1 year ago

to which bush replied ,too much can go wrong make a model film it we’ll air that

1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

The self fellating must be painful at this point.

1 year ago

there is no opposition to my stance ,show me some fairy magic

and i have shown my working out ,it’s just there’s way too many muppets being paid to believe footage which is ……………….

my ways betterer

1 year ago

are speaking from experience?

i’m kidding

no the wealth of knowledge i got from the above names is imeasurable and i’m just returning the favour ,sure i interact with crackpots like yourself

but this is fakeologist and it is the only place where real people get to give opinions ,sometimes we won’t agree but a healthy discussion can be the most rewarding things ,in my opinion anyway

1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

No sock accounts.
GFTO since 2008 when infowarts went poof. My real name is Jacob Appleman. I’m in the countryside betwixt Kansas City and Lawrence. USA. 45 year old male.

What’s your real name, place of residence and occupation, again?

1 year ago

im denny

1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

napolen wilson is a play on words apollyon whills-on

but funnily enough nap is den in my psi-pher
i am psi-lly
psi-pher is upside down and backwards ,like how they named al qa eda from ape a planet

Last edited 1 year ago by napoleon wilson
1 year ago

He claims to be a university cleaner from Manchester, UK

1 year ago
Reply to  Vespadouglas

Big Job these days, I hear. I graduated from University in the summer 2000, I’ve heard they’ve gotten quite messy in the last quarter century.

1 year ago

My name is Scott. In 2000 I was a Publican/Licensee in North London, in my 30s. On 9/11, just after watching “the planes hit” I had to drive my young family past Canary Wharf where some of the UKs tallest buildings are. The hoaxers/media scared the shit out of me at the time so I returned to Scotland early 2002

1 year ago
Reply to  Vespadouglas

goodwill hunting was listening to ab and smj and frank and rick and chris and john adams and unreal and jay dyer and tom d and ips and lyn and original simulant and dave j and fetzer and brian s stavely an pete shea and delcroix and on and on and on or the mathematical equivalent podcast oh and we got typo it’s turning into an AA meeting ,anyway as i stated no one of consequence or credibilty interacts with me anyway ,as i said i made the footage real overnight with the help of some magic ,psiriously though i… Read more »

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Last edited 1 year ago by napoleon wilson
1 year ago

I don’t think you’re alone.

1 year ago
Reply to  Vespadouglas

ozilating frequencies ,any vids ?

1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon


1 year ago
Reply to  Vespadouglas

does’nt matter ,the person i’m really speaking to got the message

Last edited 1 year ago by napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon
1 year ago

This is an advertisement for Discord. Draw attention to something that is bad or make it taboo so people want to try it. I think Ab has mentioned that the future of the internet is not websites or blogs, but corralling everyone into chatrooms or social media like Facebook or Instagram and therefore making everyone think that’s the internet versus searching for stuff on different websites like blogs.