Disney and the war machine – also Kubrick deconstruction

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Good new podcast about conditioning and propaganda with some great points. This one’s for Napoleon Wilson. Are we still calling it predictive programming?

[WAKE THE DEAD] Sean McCann on Good Vibrations podcast with Mark Devlin ep.232 ‘Full Metal Disney’ #wakeTheDead https://podcastaddict.com/episode/153460283 via @PodcastAddict

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napoleon wilson
1 year ago

Venus and Jupiter will next “kiss” on Feb. 7 2032 when they will come to within 21 arcminutes or around a third of a degree of each other. Planetary conjunctions occur when solar system planets appear close to each other in the sky over Earth.

this is the basis of rey ,our woke dorothy in star wars is venus and kylo ren ,our soy fuckwit jupiter having a kiss in star wars episode 9

what you must remember is ,if reality is bullshit ,then go to the source of the stories ,ergo the stars in the sky explain alot

between you and me ,i’m still in awe of the fakeologists ignoring my gullible ass,not the houseclowns they can ignore me all they want and are too easy to spot ,they dont read the blog ,now you know why

and all i did was ransack solo-mans temple ,tell you who made 911 movie ,and be awfully sexy

the artistocrats have a method and a psi-pher ,you lot still ignore star wars smh,and no offence to any legit 911 researchers ,i have a fucking spaceship masons won’t touch with a tenfoot barge pole ,your 911 research came from these fuckers

big shout to all the masons with piss on their backs ,it’s chucking it down again.

fancy blaming ozama thats shits fuctup

napoleon wilson
1 year ago

anything from kubrick ,lucas or nolan is basic arrogance and clear insight into the next two decades of media/subversion ,making up an enemy.,and restrictions ergo solutions and the main three directors leading up to the three big events,

moon race coldwar nuke threat ,911 terra-ism ,understanding religious fundamentallism ,then covaids climate catastrophe and nuke threat .

i’d be more specific ,increasing people volutarily paying tax by getting donald duck to pay taxes shows how easy it is people are thick ,take that to the nth degree luke skywalker is a mirror of ozama bin laden

it all depends how much of the hustle you wanna explain

i can explain why famous images are used acutely or specific archetypes ,but theres only one ferrari ,rolex , faberge ,banksy ,giger,smj etc etc

so there must be the ultimate predictive programming ,that all this came from ,and we just see copies cheap immitations ,but if no one is paying attention ,shit gets filed away in reality filing cabinet

mines the best still
twin tower spaceship ,then 911 hangar bay , and the ONE world trade centre spaceship
1999 ,how did george guess ,ha ha

napoleon wilson
1 year ago

now in answer to myself ,because i just do ,

we see a blunderbust of programming going on but the main one people are’nt picking up on addiction going to look for more of the same ,binging out on box sets and all other manner of shit ,the main bad guys are set up ready to go ,wait till they go door to door looking for E.T.

the whitehouse officially recognised the possibility of a mothership in space


The object’s orbit also hinted at other forces besides the sun’s gravitational pull influencing its movement.
Scientists dubbed the object “Oumuamua,” the Hawaiian term for “scout,” which Kirkpatrick and Loeb offer in their research paper as an example of a possible mothership with probe capabilities.

1 year ago

I abhor the “predictive programming” moniker thrown about by every truther on the net. What does it even mean? I believe it is a term that has been purposely introduced into the truther lexicon to quash creative thinking about the nature of this place and how events manifest.

Oh, it’s another example of “predictive programming”…no need to further think about how this actually happens, which might reveal secrets about the nature of this place.

It is similar to the way that the term “scripted” and “metascripting” are ascribed to so commonly. What does that mean? Is a simulation inferred? Or are people in black suits gathered around a corporate table actually writing scripts? Is is it AI/SI generated?

It is another term injected to immediately suffocate further brainstorming about what has occurred and consideration of possibilities of how events manifest.

Considering how prominently and commonly these 2 terms are embraced as truther dogma, it says all you need to know about the nature of the inquiry.

1 year ago
Reply to  Fakeologist

It’s not the words per se as much as what the words mean that I am opposed to. The phenomenon that we observe deserves discussion and those terms of “predictive programming” and “scripting” abort the discussion as a closed matter. It is as if it is an accepted understood observation, ala gravity.

My view is it is a mysterious occurrence for which there is no clear understood mechanism. By postulating potential mechanisms, we may get some clues as to possible ways in which this place works. Sigils, talismans, archetypes, attention, mantras, spells, and intention are all on the table for me. I would prefer calling it voodoo….at least it would open up the discussion.

napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  dirtybenny

i listened to that audio ,it was good
however when attempting to disect kubrick alot of clever apes fill in the gaps where there aint any,

kubrick is quite literal ,wether its all apes equal in the dawn of man scene ,then moonwatcher the ape with a skull n bones ,comes under control of the blackangularrock (monolith) and preceeds to lead his club weilding gang and take over the waterhole.

the reenacting of this event in full metal jacket  Sean McCann pointed out excellently the mirroring from the dawn of man scene in 2001 ,

and the bifrication of the childs mind into clubs growing up ,the main club being the mickey mouse club , and they draw attention to private joke-r stood in front of a cinema saying

I Wanted to be the First Kid on my Block With a Confirmed Kill

this always reminds me of the kids in the 70s saying i saw star wars 33 times etc etc in a news report to a news reporter . a new club as it were.

cowboys comment about no horses in vietnam stood out too ,there are horses in afghanistan though so don’t worry….. cowboy

and ofcourse i am a fan of room 237 thats the documentary
Room 237 is a 2012 American documentary film directed by Rodney Ascher about interpretations of Stanley Kubrick’s film The Shining 


remember though i was always looking for the third type of monolith ,and the meaning of the monoliths from clever apes relies on evolution,i draw more from the mirror versions scrying so to speak which reflect esoteric or fictional realities and voila this gives you 911 ergo star wars ,the millenium fall-con

john dee shit

to the placing of these monoliths in specific places in psi-ence ,and tycho delivered a binary system like luke grew up with ,tatooine tatwin .binary systems ,2001 ,caveboys destroying megastructures

yes all literalism

and kubrick does not let us down for instance the monolith in the tycho crater on 2001 space odyssey ,the crater is emerald green found on 2001 ,this is a literal mirror of the aftermath from 911 ,where all that was left after our wizard of ozma and his club weilding apes attacked ,was a monolith

thats how you show blaming the wizard of oz on 2001 ,a monolith in a green crater on 2001 ,quite literal

almost infantile ,but so is 911 .

please remember how gullible you are and that the narrative from kubrick was these people the public will ,with the right programming end up believing oz attacked on 911 .

one narrative

this is why star wars is off limits ,this is why 2001 was called a space odyssey ,this is why in the shining is danny wears 42 jumper inverted in the mirror as jupiter interacting with gemini,jupiter the tinman symbol is 24 it’s an allegory of the stars in the sky on that day ,jupiter is special he interacts with gemini ,dark father chopping down the twins ,and ofcourse danny has an imaginary friend called tony,I-HEART-NY,

kubrick uses alchemy in anthropomorphising the planets into oz characters

makes sense when you understand the absurdity of blaming ozma on 911 ,a literal mirror of luke.AND JUPITER IN THE HOUSE OF GEMINI ON 911


my shining theory is correct as is my star wars and 2001 theory etc etc ,the same programming was adopted by nolan also

Aleister Crowley’s primary occult numbers of 11, 93, 77, and 175 were the flight numbers of the four hijacked planes which were used in the September 11th 2001 mega ritual.
“Liber OZ” (or “Book 77”) is a single page by English author and occultist Aleister Crowley

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napoleon wilson
1 year ago

this is all old now ,unless you have found fakeologists that can accept the premise of 911 being a psi-fi movie and all the events before upto and after being psi-fi ,

unfortunately you won’t as most are masons ,and that means no star wars, no oz, and no miniatures ,abs not which is why i can post stuff that only the adept can see,specifically torturing the houseclowns is sweet, i do look insane to ab though hahahaaa he’s cool.

it’s easy to be a fakeologist you stand on the shoulders of giants ,clowns don’t support my weight or my theories but they have deep pockets full of crypto.


i do get a bit embarrassed with the shills that don’t read the blog but say they know the truth about 911,

or the ones that don’t do forums etc

you’d think i would be used to it after so many years hahaah,

i did say theres only a handful of fakeologists ,and talking to people who don’t read the blog is boring me,so i left and have answered who made the 911 movie ,and proven the folks who made the movie ,inserted images and sequence of events from 911 into said movie star wars.

i have shown the psi-pher is easy to back engineer,and explained how crowning the babylonian solomons temple was done in the 70s ,with the towers star wars and ozma bin laden myth mirroring luke a male version of dorothy’s alter ozma turns into ozama

,their arrogance in putting all this on display is the trick ,not because your fooled no,because the gang of lads think they have a big secret .

well theres no secret is there ,the next logical step to solve 911 which i answered in 2014 was ,who made the movie ,or miniature new york skyscrapers

it’s not my fault the truth don’t pay well ,i am poor

i suggest find a new gig if your not happy with where this is heading ,and your quickly running out of distractions aswell so hurry up.

 iv’e shown the the funding of this archetype based on a mirror image of luke skywalker ,was called operation cyclone ,calling it operation twister would be to heavyhanded
Operation Cyclone was the code name for the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) program to arm and finance the Afghan mujahideen in Afghanistan from 1979 to 1992, prior to and during the military intervention by the USSR in support of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan. The mujahideen were also supported by Britain’s MI6, who conducted separate covert actions. The program leaned heavily towards supporting militant Islamic groups,
Operation Cyclone was one of the longest and most expensive covert CIA operations ever undertaken.[2] Funding officially began with $695,000 in mid-1979,[3] was increased dramatically to $20–$30 million per year in 1980, and rose to $630 million per year in 1987,[1][4][5] described as the “biggest bequest to any Third World insurgency”
oz schema for the osmosis used to sell terra-ism its fucking embarrasing
Operation Cyclone
1979 to 1989 CIA programme

operation cyclone to fund ozma bin laden ,get to fuck twister operation funded ozma ,the wizard of oz


yes predictive programming is not the phrase i would use either

whats in a name anyway

1 year ago
Reply to  dirtybenny

A form of “thought-terminating cliche”, which is itself—ironically—becoming one.
