
gaffle (butter knife)#2632
Dr fustercluck#8494
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1 year ago

i do enjoy a challenge ,and farcevalue asking what aspects of god do people see in their life , is a fantastic question which is still creeping and crawling round my brain.

theres an entire system in place that to some explains away the miracles and to some only fuels the intelligent design argument, i am the latter ,but still unable to put my finger on it,

gaia lose the techno on your podcasts

1 year ago

At 4 hours and 32 minutes in, Linda brought up how she used to be able to use telepathy to communicate with her children and now she can’t because they’re indoctrinated into the system. Also at 5 hours and 7 minutes in Farce Value brought how people might have been telepathic at one time. I think Telepathy did exist before wireless radio frequencies really kicked into overdrive. We are flooded with so much electromagnetic waves, so who knows how that throws off people being able to communicate telepathically. I think the goal of the powers that be was to get… Read more »

1 year ago

Wow, a commercial free, bumper/interruption free, audio chat. When’s the last time that happened? Very easy to listen to. Livingman could only dream this was possible. Can this be the future of Fakeologist audio chats?

Tehsystem sounds like that Fakeologist Chad from Northern California and also like a young Mark Hamill. Please Napoleon Wilson, don’t get triggered.

Last edited 1 year ago by Grand Illusion
1 year ago
Reply to  grandillusion

too late………. Flight 93 Pa. crash site marked by boulder The 17-ton boulder was recently moved into place by a stone company that’s building the entrance road at the memorial in Shanksville,the road which is a cross section of an eye ozmosis the only way to learn. they put a dorothy,s house shaped boulder over the witch shaped crash site let that sink in ……… the hole that looks like the wicked witch , got a boulder that looks like dorothy,s house in the wizard of oz put on top . and i thought my jokes were bad next field… Read more »

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Last edited 1 year ago by napoleon wilson