FAC1188-Gaia supershow







Barbie Chop Shop#8564

Dr fustercluck#8494



? ?W?????*????T? ?#8666


banana breadcrumbs#7374

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1 year ago

At around 4 hours and 14 minutes, Misom talks about a nurse friend who works in the biggest hospital in Bern, Switzerland who told her about what is going on with people showing up sick with cancers or unknown illnesses. That’s what I think the goal of these poisonous CONvid injections are for. To make people sick not to kill them. Big Harma needs customers for life. So Big Harma invents the poisonous injections and have their poisonous solutions (medications, injections, toxic transhuman technology, hospital medical poisons) ready to go. With the automation of the workforce growing, the powers that… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  fakeologist

Nitrogen – 78% Oxygen – 21% Carbon dioxide – 0.03 %

now i don,t wanna sound far fetched

but what does lowering Oz levels do,

we are lucky gaias volcanoes spew out air for us ,she,s a good mother , no seriously what does lowering Co2 do ,the reason they are doing it is bullshit ,but what the fuck would happen.

1 year ago

7.hours 32 gaia puts it in to perspective ,the science was made up before hand ,the space model was exactly as they expected when they got up there. not to mention but the dr does the lem ,”which is kinda silly” this is for the doc https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hugo_Gernsback To describe the book as a novel is stretching the definition of that word to the screech-point. It begins with the hero, Ralph 124C41+ (who possesses one of 10 gigantic minds on Planet Earth) rescuing beautiful Alice212B 423 from an avalanche, simply by turning up the juice in his Manhattan power mast and… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by napoleon wilson
dave j
dave j
1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

I am looking for the talk i did on the IDEA of the (spiritual homosexual)….AB said it might have made it into one of these longer talks….have you ran into it…it would only be a few minutes long. i did it in the Live recording chat room a few days back

1 year ago
Reply to  dave j

dave j so sorry i missed this comment ,5 days i am truly sorry ,never ignore anyone ,and i have bad news i couldnt figure out where it is, i did have a look , 5 days oops

Last edited 1 year ago by napoleon wilson
dave j
dave j
1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

thank you for your time. I know if you have not heard it might have made the cutting room floor or was not properly recorded by the live Craig bot room.

Again thank you Napoleon.

maybe Ab can find it is not long and it helps to clear up some confusion on the matter

1 year ago

gaias quite correct kubrick would have gone on location to shoot the moon landing ,because he was that much of a perfectionist, 6,hours 45 we get moon talk ,dr makes alot of sense

Last edited 1 year ago by napoleon wilson
1 year ago

gaia starts off this epic chat with misom ,and some interest in the rumours that the templars took over switzerland ,some cryptids and etymology ,patagonia , wildstalyns has a lab ,which i am really interested in ,i make my own web fluid aswell, frank makes an appearance doctor was on form with some great thinking as always plus a joke or two that flew way over misoms head, dad jokes are on the up ,wildstalyns won with his joke i think.,take a vote i love all the mud flood stuff,and i too follow martin leidtke flat earth british channel,and since… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  fakeologist

no sir i have boogieman helping me ,in his own way of course , hope no one thinks i condone his name calling and disruption ,he may have done his masters a disservice we shall see,its a pleasure to listen to fakeologists ab where ever they are in the world

i have not hit 6 hours yet,so dont applaud

6 hours frank makes another appearnce on what i guess is the machine E.T.fashioned to phone home

Last edited 1 year ago by napoleon wilson