
Also Fundylmental, ? ?W?????*????T?, Dr fustercluck, wildtimes3

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1 year ago

im not even in the discord ,i have been put in a room cos the goodd cops and bad cops ,are ultimately gaycops i am overwhelming apparently ,that means scary as fuck and popping me in a seperate room does not bother me i love cubes ,or squares ,of hyperdisco’s ,but keep the music down and don’t wake the moonchild (anakin) mystery of the hotel from 2001 Bowman could be rain-bow man ,this chap Christian Rosenkreuz, especially with the royal arch rainbow and the french masonic hotel room at the end ,thats where rosicrucians got into masonry well apparently bowman… Read more »

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Last edited 1 year ago by napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon


join the telegram

1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

join the telegram it’s hilarious !!


1 year ago

atleast the fellas in the telegram try and pretend ,this is a shambles from what i can only class as time served heroes of mine .

fakeologist is evolving grab a bone

Last edited 1 year ago by napoleon wilson
1 year ago

oiver half a year now since the government was put in charge of the discord,


can we start a discord fresh, lose the clues forum lackeys ?
good cops and bad cops.

it’s even affecting clues forum not having the reddit team to filter uppity posts
one active topic

Last edited 1 year ago by napoleon wilson
1 year ago

i didnt hear that man

i swear

1 year ago

i swear to god i never heard that man 2h06 never heard that before that’s disgusting you scare people we all see it ,more than my spaceships the boys have so much invested in the fake truth gangs ,you know them there the ones that shit themselves when a name is mentioned all of em,every fucking truther channel ,and i mean every fucking truther post or blogger ,they all read this to and the owners of them blogs can suck my dick afterwards ,truthfully i see a bunch of fucking cowards the on loan filler members from retired hasbeens ,the… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

thats seriously disgusting behaviour unwarranted ,from what i can guess is the same dogshit i stood on by solving 911 nearly four years ago in the discord

not hard with tutelage,your not getting any of that tutelage listening to the same dogshit over and over ,

i,m fucking livid

Last edited 1 year ago by napoleon wilson