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1 year ago

@Rick: just listening to the first 5 mins of your show, and it massively reminds me of what I experienced 2 years ago. Rashes, loss of smell, feeling unwell for a long time. I also lost sense of taste, and then when it was back certain foods tasted terrible – eggs, anything fried, onion garlic – it all tasted and smelled bad, like rancid oil or cleaning product. And I know of several people who experienced the same set of symptoms! Those symptoms have gone now though. I too wondered if shedding was in play, but I’m also open to… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by YouCanCallMeAl
1 year ago

always interesting rick

dave j
dave j
1 year ago

Finally found a book I was looking for in my collection. Symptoms a complete home medical encyclopedia the year 1976. I have taken pictures of the pages in question you will see that anyone calling covid-19(not real) anything but the common cold or flu including all of the known symptoms is in fact a liar. Now then the only thing that needs to be determined is what is their intent if they are an antichrist they are liars from their father therefore they are just simply lying to you that is all they know how to do. If they are… Read more »

dave j
dave j
1 year ago

All war is a hoax. There are no skirmishes do not false witness death Rick or you going to make me a list and I’m going to place each and everyone on to your very soul is that clear.

Do it or hold your peace

Last edited 1 year ago by dave j
1 year ago

Nonsense Rick, Covid is fake, stop pushing this it is ridiculous.

dave j
dave j
1 year ago
Reply to  Maggie

Yes Rick ,he is an antichrist, unless i misunderstood him.

all antichrists are LIARS , they can not help it as they are children of say-10.

Last edited 1 year ago by dave j