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1 year ago

were there any witnesses to alleged jesus christ’s death?

1 year ago
Reply to  dante

lower golgotha was empty at that time of the morning ,or the crucifixion was covered in smoke ,so no one could see

1 year ago

I don’t trust Boogieman is making good faith arguments. He claims the planes were fake but insists that one person fell from the Twin Towers. This contradictory position presents a logical problem. No planes presumes the media footage has been tampered with.

Last edited 1 year ago by Tim Ozman
1 year ago
Reply to  timozman007

you get literal on fakeologist ,and in rebuking the statements ,but meta in your channel ,what game on lover? primary occult numbers of 11, 93, 77, and 175 were the flight numbers of the four hijacked planes which were used in the September 11th 2001 . “Liber OZ” (or “Book 77”) is a single page by English author and occultist Aleister Crowley oz planes leave oz shaped holes ,in oz fields ,and get memorialised with the good witch’s wand . iam a monster orion is osiris ,so the space plane over the earth on 2001 is os-iris nose out plane,… Read more »

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Last edited 1 year ago by napoleon wilson
dave j
dave j
1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

I am happy NDNGH

1 year ago
Reply to  dave j


thats comedy

oh lsp was a joy to listen to,aswell as the boogieman ,lsp get original simulant to come back to fakeologist ,bring that big brain back into the equation ,officially anyway

boogieman ha

1 year ago
Reply to  timozman007

just listening to your latest now as i type kiddo,
great as usual
so your not a mason now ,

i’m not sure that’s how it works ,check the apron pocket for an instruction pamflet,tell you what lets ask original simulant .
He always has an answer ,and will take time out of a busy day to answer the more important questions

1 year ago
Reply to  timozman007

heres some other shit you and your boys can’t say ,as it leads to a spaceship toy of 911 ,but you can use the oz schema for shanksville and judy wood.and the funding of al qa eda operation cyclone, https://fakeologist.com/forums2/viewtopic.php?p=7942#p7942 is it ok to ignore topics as a fakeologist bit crude of a title but so am i, remember to be a fakeologist means you have skills ,we all have different skills ,some just smash the place up others are less incredible. anyway knock yerself out boogiemman isn’t it time for a new name seeing as im the boogieman now?… Read more »

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1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

i am a big believer in cross pollenation ,here tim your latest,you should always promote yourself ,fakeologist is the place

the more the merrier ,and you do your bit better than anyone ,you should become a fakeologist

this is a good video

i hope you all remember stir crazy ,and the special word richard has to figure out ,that makes the bull angry.

same thing works with masons psi fi and their bull

Last edited 1 year ago by napoleon wilson