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1 year ago

Enjoyed the guitar and singing though.

dave j
dave j
1 year ago
Reply to  Maggie


1 year ago
Reply to  Maggie

DaveJ you and Pshea should form a band, very melodic
The other stuff seemed a let’s show JLB how drug addicts
behave, it was funny but long.

dave j
dave j
1 year ago
Reply to  Maggie

Cheers indeed. I think that is a good idea for sure.

1 year ago

Oh my, that was weird, couldn’t understand what that was all about.

napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  Maggie

i thought we had to endure the sycophant moderators pretending to be fakeologists ,so as not to let the audio fall into a slanging matches like this did ,i thought pete did well ,i suggest making pete a mod, he did let it all flow over him ,without resorting to passive aggressiveness.

i always forget pete knew me as millenium, not (napoleon wilson)apollyon whills-on ,thats for the masons and their lackeys .

and when you mention my name dave ,state the premise of 911 toys ,it makes it easier to separate me from the other frauds.

oh and pete doesnt have a head set so he can’t hear you ,seems everyone is having a pop at pete ,and jlb and ips has the feds after dave ,invite typo back ,lets get some stability in here.

im sorry ,i just find it funny ,not as ffunny as the polish space program joke delivered in english by a romanian,that was something else,no i am bewildered ,because i know nothing of the bible but see three chaps debating the intricacies of god passionately ,yes moderate that dorothy hahaahaha,you’ll need a whip and a chair

napoleon wilson
1 year ago

love the music pete , mod pete up ,


napoleon wilson
1 year ago

the flat earth topic ,is far from over ,theres a healthy amount of people still talking about it ,i suggest whatever empowers you to go against the normal thinking ,is a good thing

and why not everything usually backwards ,so were already familliar with how shit doesn’t work ,just nevver told how it does work.

when the boys bring up tycho binary system ,there is something to that ,it doesnt rely on the earth shap as far as i remeber ,still brought up alot of good questions and ponderings ,cheers

dave j
dave j
1 year ago

No thank you to any discussion of milk toast.

Moderation is deception

napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  dave j

course it is ,,so is avoiding answering questions ,or Filibustering,

let’s keep an eye on the prize here ,freedom of speech,and that definitely did’nt hapen

,when peter was free to speak it was in answer to a question you had inserted into the narrative, and not progressing ,you two can play that all day ,it’s no skin off my nose

i don’t believe we live on a tree or an eye .

the best part of fakeologists ,when you have paid attention read all the important posts ,seen how other websites and blogs react to said posts

in that you can include the flat earth 911 nukes and evolution,and moi

,and have a good idea of who floats between the main websites ,commenting or not commenting in my case ,as i said years back ,is the reading between the lines and figuring what people think ,nlp,etc etc ,whos keeping what plate spinning , however the legerdemain is delivered by people to stifel or further confusion in fakeologist,

yes i get something out of every single audio ,lack of comments about the audio,or an abundance,,new topics ,old topics ,

napoleon wilson
1 year ago

you can call me a pussy or a girl i don’t care ,but the main caveat i got out of you three girls arguing over the skipping rope,in fairness frank just listened ,any what i got was that in discussion about the flat earth, you were all so in agreeement it went straight to a discussion about what we live on / in without hesitation,or diversion , that was very heartwarming

what have the romans ever done for us ,

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1 year ago

so then what is left for you to do?

r4m i guess or not

1 year ago
Reply to  Maggie

I wish you would come back, seems now it is chaotic

1 year ago
Reply to  Maggie

Napoleon I mean

1 year ago
Reply to  Maggie

Thanks for clarifying.. Lol

napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  Maggie

i bet dave and pete will be friends by thursday,and i finally figured out boogiemans temper ,he’s kevin kline character in a fish called wander ,

flips in a second, in a funny way of course

boogieman is a legend ,some of the names he’s called people is awesome,velocet could work wonders

1 year ago

time will tell.

napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  Maggie

i cant play guitar ,i dont have members followers or fans ,the stuff i post is all off limits ,even the bible belt community ignore me ,maggie i’d end up doing an audio and commenting on it myself ,afterwards.
just like sex

anyway i said this is it over ,the audios will be dead soon ,i have no idea how non fakeologists only get into the discord ,

what are the odds on finding only universal studios tour members ,in a restaraunt in disneyland oblivious to the fact they are in disneyland ,nope maggie cannot do it

heres some pictures
The ‘Black Brethren’ are those who have ‘shut themselves up’, become encased and closed off from the Universe, exactly as Vader is encased in black armour.

Not convinced yet? Try this quote from one of Crowley’s Holy Books:

‘… Thy messenger was more terrible than the Death-star.’

The messenger of the Emperor is of course Vader, who possesses (and represents) a power far more terrible than the Death Star – the dark side of the Force itself. As it is said, ‘The power of this battle station is insignificant compared to the power of the Force.’

You might recognise this scene, too…

‘the chamber was corrupt; the air stank… He enveloped me with his demon tentacles; yea, the eight fears took hold upon me.’

Garbage compactors, anyone? However, we all know what happened next:

‘I slipped from the embrace as a stone from the sling of a boy of the woodlands. I was smooth and hard as ivory; the horror gat no hold.’

Smooth and hard as ivory indeed, for Luke is wearing stormtrooper armour in that scene.

Book of the Law: ‘the obeah and the wanga, the work of the wand and the work of the sword, these he shall learn and teach.’

 the murderer of the father) is revealed to be the dark Osiris – this being the same secret that was revealed in the Egyptian Mysteries

Obeah = Obi. Wanga = Wan. Thus, Obi-Wan. And what device is a wand one moment and a sword the next? A lightsaber, of course.

It was noted film critic Roger Ebert who quickly noticed how Lucas had perhaps drawn inspiration from the 1939 film when he write in his 1977 review of what was then still called Star Wars:

“Star Wars” is a fairy tale, a fantasy, a legend, finding its roots in some of our most popular fiction. The golden robot, lion-faced space pilot, and insecure little computer on wheels must have been suggested by the Tin Man, the Cowardly Lion, and the Scarecrow in “The Wizard of Oz.”

ab had a guest called william ramsey who would be familliar with two of the 911 ingredients ,i think the third 911 ingredient oz schema everywhere closes the loop ,and make 911 embarrassingly easy to reverse engineer.

liber oz

when the clever apes decide to work out what 911 was ,i will head in.

theres not much left to work out
,technical side shown ya who could have pulled it and have prior knowledge of the imagery,

biblical side shown ya solomons temple got crowned on 911

magical side or mk ultra side ,shown ya how luke is a mirror of ozama,male alter,dorothys was ozma ,so add an a for a man ,and we get ozama

shown ya the inserting of the visuals and narrative inserted into the same programming films

and finally finished it by showing the oz schema ,none of any of the world ever seen before in videos and imagery that has been scrutinized for years.and no one saw it ,christ

Aleister Crowley’s primary occult numbers of 11, 93, 77, and 175 were the flight numbers of the four hijacked planes which were used in the September 11th 2001 mega ritual liber oz .

who is the bad guys running tings ,he aint jesuit jew or mason ,he’s older

but i tell you what aint no jesuit jew or mason wanna let slip solo-mans temple is a spaceship.

so i am the bad guy ,in terms of ideas ,ha a fucking spaceship lol

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napoleon wilson
1 year ago

thinking back dorothy ,wildtimes ,brianv ,says he’s familliar with mk ultra programming ,do a deep dive into luke and ozama ,as mirror archetypes.birthplace ,home ,training,religion,conquests,family,etc etc

after that has been discussed ,and you found the dozens of counterparts between ozama and luke ,you will see the start to see the version of mk ultra used in star wars as a delivery method for the 2001 space odyssey .

at that junction ,you will understand how to extrapolate star wars from the official 911 story and realise who made the movie for 911,remember they just demolished buildings ,the story is all in your head ,the possibility was put there years before ,magick

https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Aiwass

Aiwass is the name given to a voice that the English occultist and ceremonial magician Aleister Crowley reported to have heard on April 8, 9, and 10 in 1904,this is what george lucas copied to get the telling of 911 from r2d2 point of view,the script changed over a few years,but it’s all crowleyism,and copying his writngs into psi-nema ,genius and a little sad

nothing i say is new ,well ,some is shh xxx,and ricks talked about isaac weishaupt,william ramsey has been on fakeologist before ,fuck me i gleamed most of it from the discord and other truthers,

jay dyers done his bit also ,this is a group clever ape venture ,and all the apes left dodge

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napoleon wilson
1 year ago

love the judy wood song ,has anyone got pete to write the lyrics down,

remeber i dont say demon or entity and rely on you filling the gap with whatever snarling winged boogieman your monkey brain comes up with,and i never say fucking realm,or throw a religious bone out there

and i didnt rely on anyone else to make sense of 911 ,i had to make sense of why the clever apes were all talking about crowley and 2001 and mkultra ,

like an esoteric version of ready steady cook

now everyones fucked off to kfc

1 year ago

Woe is you? Never say everyone….its never everyone

napoleon wilson
1 year ago

some of petes livestreams and whatnot sophtware


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napoleon wilson
1 year ago

pete has talked to all the flat earth actors ,and called them all actors ,my theory on the moon is its all the lights in the sky projected at once ,from one point outward ,like a welding spark and what is left is the moon but the flash or light spread out spherically to create the celestial sphere.

its not a rock and has qualities of solidity ,shadows craters etc etc,so think sonoluminessence bubble ,

and water above ,special water above that holds light ,same process as a welding fleash leaves on your eyes

1 year ago


1 year ago

Where is P Shea’s youtube channel or other material? He’s the legendary psyopticon slayer!

1 year ago

“Only one of the Best shows ever cast”

-*pompo audio cast “reviews’