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napoleon wilson
1 year ago

the top of the hoax pyramid ,is called the millenium fall-con 2001 satr wars clues

1 year ago

sonudz gudd

napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  Typoerror

hiya buddy ,thanks for your appearance ,always good when we can hear you

your still my favourite verbal perambulator

napoleon wilson
1 year ago

14 mins in we have the question whats the greatest hoax,franks says ball ,i agree

but discussion of the millenium fall-con will retire the masons and frauds ,and any other fuck that tries to pretend to be a fakeologist

but i do believe the earth shape is the biggest ,after all any honest man can solve 911

napoleon wilson
1 year ago

i like ab’s children being tolerant of his views ,thats more than most children nowadays groover,and i am happy he is their hero ,and correctly he should be.

ab you don’t have to break your neck to do audios ,let your boys(wacked out mods) do some ,lsp surely has some behive tutouring he could enlighten us with

napoleon wilson
1 year ago

2 hour 26ish the discussion turns to rollo and his act, franks aware of it ,even ab says we give him the info and he ignores it ,yes i have done that for years now, and it’s ignored

well your discord has been in action nearly a year ,and not produced anything,so can you justify using a broken product for a year? ,and its nearly four years since i said the actors stopped reading the blog ,buyers remorse ?

using a product that does not deliver for years ? houseclowns are a pale immitation of men ,but look like real truthers until they have to back it up.

just find honest men that can read the blog ,ill do the rest

dave j
dave j
1 year ago

Enjoyed the talk with Frank and ab

However this might be a farce
So I will let you determine the value. I am not sure of the efficacy of one who claims to be in anarchist and yet quite literally owes his entirety and existence to the mana from the corporate tit.

Oh and I did not fail to notice the rage Factor was easily met when the Lord Jesus Christ was placed in front of him. Hypocrisy has no part of the truth when you sense it dig deeper.