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1 year ago

when someone says double slit experiment ,i start grinning
i am awful

oh and not because of the psientific experiment ,

1 year ago

Following the recent livestream, I would like to submit a collection of thoughts, primarily relating to the ideas eloquently orated by Silas on the topics of ‘thought’ and ‘spirit’. This contribution is not intended to endorse or contradict the information already presented but expand on the general conversation. Poles & Holes During the livestream, Silas mentioned the circumpunct (a circle with a dot in the centre) when describing the Monad. He did not use this word but I knew what he meant immediately. I would suggest that this symbol may also relate to the generative principle, the phallus inside the… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  thepanicmaster

don’t go !!,your message went to spam,matey !!

Last edited 1 year ago by napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  thepanicmaster

Following the recent livestream, I would like to submit a collection of thoughts, primarily relating to the ideas eloquently orated by Silas 

why don’t you and solomon do an audio ,none of the lads read the blog

1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

You mean Silas? Probably will at some point. We have already spoken elsewhere not recorded.

1 year ago
Reply to  thepanicmaster

i look forward to it ,he’s a bright kid

Last edited 1 year ago by napoleon wilson
dave j
dave j
1 year ago
Reply to  thepanicmaster

Silas….. Never heard of them what is he the new guru