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napoleon wilson
1 year ago

iv’e ransacked all them masonic temples ,made earings out philosphers stones ,smashed them emerald tabletsand made order out of chaos ,done all them things,even made pavlovs dog bite shrodingers cat

lets pop opEc through the ozma v.i.t.r.i.o.l. psi-pher shall we
The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries is an organization enabling the co-operation of leading oil-producing countries in order to collectively influence the global oil market and maximize profit.

beep boop beep beep

opEc now becomes ……..

a fucking tin man!! with reversed opEc for a name
“I am C-3POhumancyborg relations.” ?C-3POhumancyborg relations.close to opec’s description ,and he ends up in a sack goldman sack ,ooh solving 911 is tight

i like my job ima fakeologist
One day, I saw a child playing with a ruby the size of a tangerine. The bandit had been throwing them away…….


napoleon wilson
1 year ago

lets give you girls something easy to understand ,i know my ideas will never be discussed by cgi fucks or judy wood fans and 911 toys are still the final nail in the duplicitous houseclowns coffin

but i do like to show off,and you can’t back or debunk me cos it retires all your truthers you thought were legit hahaahah

so with the understanding that the v.i.t.r.i.o.l. in the chamber of reflection spawned the childs book wizard of oz (ruby rosicrucians) introduced this degree round about the same time they took over your country ,and 100 years later the theosophical alchemical journey manifests it’s self via frank l baums book The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, published in 1900, is the first fantasy written by an American to enjoy an immediate success upon publication.

so we shall assume everyone knows 911 and the theatre was all agreed upon in the 70s minimum,and also assume that self any respecting fakeologists understand ozma bin laden was invented for this.

the v.i.t.r.i.o.l. filter don’t get any easier than sadam hussein

watch and pay attention

they knew they was gonna blame their asset sadam hussein ,and say he was responsible for the funding of 911 attacks in new york carried out by ozama bin laden ,put that through the george lucas ozma psi filter before it can be put into the childs space opera

sadam hussein will now be filtered through the same process v.i.t.r.i.o.l. in the oz chamber that gave you dorothy following the yellow brick road to green shards basic v.i.t.r.i.o.l. beep boop beep beep ………………..

awaiting caharacter bio……………sadam husseins name now becomes lando calrizzian (land of oz) calrizzian , so crafty george named him after the land of oz ,in fitting with the chamber of reflection ruby rosicrucian ceremony ,which openly blamed ozma bin laden on 911,ergo blaming ozama puts you in the land of oz .

place= land of oz calrizzian he’s located on bespin planet (be-spin) how else do you get to oz a twister ,more (oz)v.i.t.r.i.o.l. bespin haha,planet called be-spin

city is called cloud city and is shaped like a steel twister (more oz)v.i.t.r.i.o.l. for new york immediately after the collapse ,(cloud city)

transport on cloud city= twin pod spaceships that look like ruby slippers ,more (oz)v.i.t.r.i.o.l.,

job = land of oz calrizzian is responsible for cloud city just as saddam was responsible for the funding of cloud city (new york after the collapse) land of oz calrizzian oversaw day to day running and keeping the tibana gas mines working ,tibana close to taliban,thats what they the terra-ists were called when the made the star wars and collapse film in the 70s lucas played with taliban and made it tibana.

description=land of oz calrizzian is a sadam hussain lookalike ,loves the ladies,responsible for cloud city ,where solo-man gets frozen in carbonite shaped like building 7 the salomon building .

so we see the psimple steps needed to create a masonic fantasy star wars from a masonic fantasy 911 (chamber of reflection ceremony(ruby rosicrucian)

george has a mind and half on him ,but the best fiction is always taken from reality

this back engineering of star wars and 911 is psimple ,if you know saddam will be attached to 911 ,and if you know ozama bin laden was a construct ,well george knew ozama was a construct,because luke sky walker was the innitial template for our jedis with a jihad, in short a mirror of luke is ozam bin laden .

v.i.t.r.i.o.l in the chamber of reflection gave you the wizard of oz

using same process baum did and using 911 architecture events and characters as templates in our skywalker journey , gives you star wars

wrap them all up in j tobin plaza (the millenium fall-con)toy made from 911 event , and you got yourself a secret ready for gullible apes

all the houseclowns have to do is ignore the wizard of oz ,the witch hole in shanksville,the tinman in the 911 museum,blaming oz,ding dong the witch is dead

bunch of fucking chancers,don’t even have a contingency plan for me ,well apart from ignore me or pretend to the fakeologist ,psiriously girls ,theres enough big brains now ,you should be abel to resolve this gullibla ape throwing shit,you boys can’t even read the blog on air hhaahahahaahhahahaahahahahahaahahah


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napoleon wilson
1 year ago

now i understand that truthers with masonic members won’t like this ,and their masonic benefactors pay them to talk about other bullshit,also the judy wood wand posse clues forum police and hoaxbusters massive that inhabit these lands ,oh and the chaps that hacked me and wanted me to hang myself including the psilly racist pops from rollo and the boys ,yes so theres a few that won’t like the millenium fall-con


after all we are talking not only the miniatures on 911 were talking america’s favourite franchise star wars being extrapolated from 911 official story 24 years in advance,and them making toys from the collapsing towers surrounding buildings etc etc

aswell as mk ultra being used to implant luke skywalkers alter not ozma thats dorothy’s alter ,lukes alter is a male called ozama bin laden ,led the rebels ,return of the jihad

identification of something implicitely states what it is ,not what it isnt

kept my end of the bargain posted in all the correct forums ,told you the blog would be ignored by frauds ,said the footage was miniatures and not an abstraction of mk ultra oz programming judy wood ,and took you to see the wizards of oz

i am a monster


napoleon wilson
1 year ago

ricks abilty to chat unhindered and be interesting was highlighted by frank in his and the fakeologists latest audio

i wholeheartedly agree ,theres a nack to connecting the dots

addressing the destiny of america is the only game in town and ricks fully aware of that .

napoleon wilson
1 year ago

emerald camelot

rick says jfk had 911 coded into it ,
j=10 f=6 k=11,mirrored becomes
j=10 f=6 k=11
k=11 f=6 j=10
11-09-01 and he is right 100 percent

wisdom of the rosicrucian mirror

here is the 12 rosicrucians round table, no king arthur the king kill 33 ceremony on 11 22 63 fixed that particular step to asscension, ,that theatre company and their puppet put on a good show ,if i only had a brain shh

,number thirteen 13 member is oz hidden ,not really though is it ,enlightenment my arse ,bunch of masons that can’t think for themselves ,this avoidning the wizard of oz is funny as fuck ,and i aint believer in lucifer or venus or some such myths

agrippa’s diary

cannot resolve 911 toys can you girls oops

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napoleon wilson
1 year ago

rosicrucians ,oz and other shite

Little is known about the precise origins of the Chamber of Reflection. There is some consensus that it first appeared in France around 1750, and the Hermetic nature of its symbolism indicates the direct or indirect influence of the Rosicrucians. Author and occultist Robert Ambelain goes as far as suggesting that the Rosicrucians deliberately infiltrated Masonic lodges in order to spread their ideas. Rosicrucian degrees appeared in some French rites during the second half of the eighteenth century

In chemistry, vitriol is iron or copper sulfate salts and their derivative, sulfuric acid. The name comes from the Latin for “glassy,” after the resemblance of iron sulfate to shards of green glass. Vitriol is symbolized alchemically as the “green lion,” a poisonous substance that appears when metal is degraded by acid. Sulfuric acid, or oil of vitriol, was used in the synthesis of the lapis philosophorum- the Philosopher’s Stone. One unique peoperty of sulfuric acid is the dissolution of metals- all except for gold, on which it has no effect.

V.I.T.R.I.O.L (Masonic/Alchemical Motto)
 In Freemasonry, the motto is a common component of the symbolic “Chamber of reflection,” where a Mason contemplates and reflects on the nature of death. In both Freemasonry and Alchemy, the motto refers to a process of internal, spiritual purification.
 V.I.T.R.I.O.L.” or vitriol (sulphuric acid) is interpreted as “visita interiora terrae, rectificandoque, invenies occultum lapidem”, or “visit the interior of the earth, and purifying it, you will find the hidden stone.” This is another way of saying “look within yourself for the truth.” The motto originated in L’Azoth des Philosophes by the 15th Century alchemist Basilius Valentinus.
Although the impact of the chamber’s furniture must of necessity be personal, the symbolism relates to hermetic and alchemical correspondences. The chamber itself is symbolic of a cave, introducing the candidate to the alchemical element of earth. (He will meet the others in the temple.) The skull (often with crossed bones) is an obvious symbol of mortality, and coupled with the hourglass, points to the brevity of mortal existence. Bread and water indicate simplicity. The rooster symbolises the alchemical principle of mercury, which partnered with the salt and sulphur, symbolise faith, hope and charity.

so the light is a rainbow or the ingredients that get you enlightened are baulms oz theosophical metaphors as a base of translation ,originally scientific ,but now you are dorothy iin the elites little experiment and all they had to do was set up a club , masonic vitriol or oz schema is not invisible ,whatever form it takes ,no petri dishes or bunsen burners needed for this experiment , so what story can you pretty easily make from going in a dark room with a fucking chicken,thinking internally reflecting as it were ,encountering alchemical reactions following the gold path all the way to the standing green shards then emerging to see all your friends in a new light ,what oz again
you reckon

they metaphorically killed oz on 11 22 63 ,and then 2001 .9 .11 they blamed oz he was born again 33 years shh,with liber oz planes ,aswell all the other vitriol ,and as much as you wanna think you pay attention ,you dont none of us did at the start ,

they say if you wanna know who rules over you ,whos the one person you can’t criticise ,i think it’s fascinating

anyway thats why murican masons blame oz cos it’s the chamber of reflection buffet cart ,Revelation 10:1 And I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud: and a rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire: This angel is described as “another” angel. The word “another” or “allos” in Greek means “another of the same kind”. Another mighty angel translated “strong” 9+11=10:1 the luciferian or rosicrucian alchemt states this is what they want ,they hijacked the bible and plastered oz all over 911 ,liber oz

It usually has for its background the dark and dreary cloud, and it is always seen when we turn our face from the Sun. We cannot look toward the Sun and at the same time see a rainbow

the star chart of the freedom tower is the star of solomon 1776 feet ,and the hermmetic syringe replaced the millenium fall-con solo-mans temple

n Masonic symbolism, the Rainbow appears as the sacred depiction of Lucifer, the Light Bearer, and it indicates his Brightness. On Masonic diplomas is inscribed the verse, “And God said. Let there be Light, and there was Light.” In fact, the use of God’s name here is a typical subterfuge whose true meaning in known only to the higher degrees of Freemasonry

liber oz

1 year ago

Ricks love for the potato guy crowe777 is hilarious

“He’s real”


Grand Illusion
1 year ago
Reply to  Vespadouglas

Rick has a Hard-on for Realologists like Crrow777 but I will still listen to what Rick says because he does a good job of questioning our culture creators.

When Rick and Rollo got cancelled in 2022 and Ab decided to start a new broadcast called Rick and Ab, I was initially skeptical because it just doesn’t feel like Rick and Ab have the same Fakeo chemistry but I think Ab does well getting Rick back on track if Rick happens to veer off into Realology Land.

1 year ago
Reply to  Grand Illusion

I used to enjoy listening to Ricky ” two times” but I find that his patter and attempt to brand himself has become tedious. Be told, guaranteed.
His constant promotion of frauds like crow, watt, kendall etc is very tedious too. Very tedious.