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Podcast: Play in new window | Download
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remember peter judy wood is all part of the oz narrative ,the v.i.t.r.i.o.l involved can never be discussed by gullible apes ,imagine finding out america keeps blaming oz or the iconic moments have a wizard of narrative ,you see what i did to these fucksticks ,disney asthma for years,and the shambles of ignoring the blog,remeber controlled opposition cant touch 911 toys
but i made it a game
imagine that
love the judy wood song peter ,and i am really enjoying aeons visits ,hopefully you won’t consider me rude for not coming and saying hello in person ,it has been a few years since i spoke to either of you,and with the amount of agents ab is now dealing with my position is as strong as it’s gonna get until an innocent enters the frey,it’s been four years now so ,not long till one comes along.and then ill pop in
heres some mirroring images of rosicrucian v.i.t.r.i.o.l in the chamber of reflection ,i still think the twins goin to see land of oz calrizzian on cloud city is funny as fuck
all the best den
oh and weve had a few dozen audiostreamers like adam miller, rick ,russ, lyn ,farcevalue,chris kendall are just a handful that all say yes they know what star wars is ,well they clearly don’t pay attention to star wars or the blog ,is it the fact j tobin plaza is the millennium falcon solo-mans temple ? cos i met a few shitbags since i joined fakeologist that can’t resolve the toys
the twin tower complex was built to emulate ruby rosicrucians founder Christian Rosencreutz tomb with a gold sphere in the centre ,all the 7 buildings that george lucas used to create the millenium fall-con spaceship were and are the walls etc and the doorway or mirror to see this alchemy was highlighted in 2001 a space odyssey ,when rain-bowman acheived enlightennment kubricks version of dorothys journey back home (rosicrucian oz schema and rainbows ) when bowman enters the monolith on 2001 the first and second are in basins or troughs ,and where was the monolith on sep 11 2001 in a basin new york’s counterpart the millenium hilton,not really to cerebral there. 7th heaven, metatrons cube, solomons temple ,the millenium fall-con spaceship solo-mans temple
the millenium fall-con
Sefer Zerubavel , also called the Book of Zerubbabel or the Apocalypse of Zerubbabel, is a medieval Hebrew[1] apocalypse written at the beginning of the 7th century CE in the style of biblical visions (e.g. Daniel, Ezekiel) kubricks space station is a wheel , anyway the vision placed into the mouth of Zerubbabel,[ who laid the foundation of the Second Temple in the 6th century BCE. The biblical leader receives a revelatory vision outlining personalities and events associated with the restoration of Israel and yes that matches lukes journey but lukes imagery is of 911 from rosie coloured glasses ,(Star Wars) the End of Days, and the establishment of the Third Temple.
What is Nineveh called today? Nineveh – World History Encyclopedia Mosul, Iraq = Mos isley
locallising a myth for the entire planet,localising it for the end of the millenium ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,george lucas quote ,metatron to his friends
Mosul, Iraq = Mos isley
31 mins
locallising a myth for the entire planet,localising it for the end of the millenium ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,george lucas
yep it’s the shit being a fakeologist
1 hour 45 mins peter asks who prepared the 911 movie we saw ,it was i.l.m industrial light and magic ,unfortunately peter that kind of talk will get you banned as the agents in place never want that question answering .
that is because agreeing on a lie fullfills the masonic destiny of america becoming the whore of babylon and ushering in their feeble attemmpt at giving the americans a false messiah(apollyon),one story ,one scarlet chick doing the rounds ,and that can only be acheived with supposed american masonic men following the rosicrucian alchemical process ,that is v.i.t.r.i.o.l. this process birthed the childrens story we all know as the wizard of oz .
which is why we see oz schema at all of 911,and also is why the controlled truthers that have been getting money for apparently telling the truth ,cannot say the wizard of oz is always americas bad guy
nor do they want the public to know the precise masonic ceremony the chamber of reflection ,
fortunately i have outlined all these proofs in the millenium fall-con ,and made the masonic liars and houseclowns helpless to defend it, as it highlights americas favourite psi fi and fantasy star wars was extrapolated from the story that is 911,these men need a secret to make them feel special i guess?,and shows clearly muricas favourite toy the millennium falcon from star wars is the twin tower complex when viewed from the koenig sphere (gold ball) whis is what is left after v.i.t.r.i.o.l or the process of purifying gold.ergo stand at the sphere and look up you will acheive enlightement ,
and because i am not controlled and never sold out the fakeologist , i am here to explain that the process which gave us dorothy’s story ,is mirrored by luke sky walkers journey ,but his journey is strewn with 911 imagery and characters and new york architecture ,it is his v.i.t.r.i.o.l. journey after all ,which does fit zerubabels vision from michael or metatron for the new temple ,which i have shown is solomons temple,herrods temple ,and the twin towers modern day solomons temple all spliced together to make the millenium fall-con solo-mans temple ,and all toppled on 911 apart from solo-mans temple which is why 2001 was a space odyssey
you put that in any other website like clues forum or pom or lets roll it would shut down overnight.yes
i fucking dare you pussies and houseclowns to talk about that .audiostream change the world
17 mins ,aeon and peter address trans percentages in the real lol world ,we do see more i agree ,is it like buying a car ,once you have a particular type then you notice others driving the same car phenomenon, anyway pete always names one of my videos ,chance i suspect ,i do use common phrases as do artists,anyway im restarting 17 mins
fakeologist audio chats rule