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10 months ago

@FAC 1305 @Rick, 5 MINUTES/early on, -Yeah I agree! -The corporate food supply, injecting, inoculating, vaccinating, basically poisoning, genetically modifying and who knows what?! Farm animals, pets, farmed people (us!). “The Island of Doctor Moreau” basically; Yeah, don’t watch that one.  ~ Then Rick shares his witness account of questionable airplane traffic and exhaust thereof that alters the sky, the weather, doesn’t feel right. As the environment, insects, animals .. some plants seem to vacate, diminish, and yes they call it climate change and blame us. That is why this is the trickiest of all conspiracies as it divides even… Read more »

dave j
dave j
10 months ago

I was very pleasantly surprised with the discussion of all the problems with Wooz news between AB and Rick… Yes Wooz news is a character in the Masonic play.

10 months ago
Reply to  dave j

yes dave as was i ,theres fineline between perpetuating the masonic play by unveiling it for altruistic reasons ,and making money of the masonic pantomime ,both acheive the same outcome

unfortunately i believe it was the latter with our wooz news ,sounds like a nice kid ,hits all the beats ,even explained it,s part of the pantomime in his ips interview

but as we know without masons pushing irrelevancy and conjecture in an entertainment form the truth scene would not accept half of the crap that passes for research

my work is free to all

10 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

yes i called out WOOZ on day one. He is a fraud of course. he is just trying to “make” money and false witnessing “pain and suffering” so over all not good.

10 months ago
Reply to  davej

and i had my suspicions as anyone with any credibilty knows fakeologist

10 months ago
Reply to  napoleon


10 months ago

unfortunately rick because you don’t read the blog or forum ,you are totally backwards in the understanding of the millenium fall-con and i am very very very dissapointed in the same way the others were ,i am sure you will understand when reading the blog or forum ,star wars is taken from foreknowledge 911 and told in basic golden dawn rosicrucian alchemy. star wars is taken from the 911 event and lucas weaved the heroes journey around it , that is why the j tobin plaza (twin tower complex) is americas favourite spaceship,when viewed from the goldball (koenig sphere) basic… Read more »

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Last edited 10 months ago by napoleon wilson
10 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

The New Atlantis describes a utopian society governed by a scientific institution, the House of Salomon!!read on some say the Rosicrucians actually possessed all the supernatural powers with which they were credited. According to this theory, the true Rosicrucian Brotherhood consisted of a limited number of highly developed adepts who possessed the secret of the Philosopher’s Stone and knew the process of transmuting the base metals into gold, but taught that these were only allegorical terms!!! allegorical terms!!! allegorical terms!!! this is the basis of rosicrucianism aswell as perverting bible scripture to fit their dawn of man on sep 11… Read more »

Last edited 10 months ago by napoleon wilson
10 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

And because the 911 event and the twin towers all 7 buildings represent the chamber of reflection and resting place of the original wizard of oz Christian Rosencreuz founder of rosicrucianism i shall show the mirroring of the miniatures destruction two decades prior and the ship that bacon prophesized to transport us to the new atlantis = the house of salomon ,became the solo-mans temple (the millenium fall-con) when viewed form the the gold ball (koenig sphere) prize of alchemy or self illumination ,stand at the koenig sphere and look up just like danny did.come and play with us danny… Read more »

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Last edited 10 months ago by napoleon wilson
10 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

The dark father jupiter interacted with gemini on 911 as a part of the celestial solomons temple ,the skyclock star wars the dark father is darth vader and the twins are luke and leia ,one even has an a lightsaber that matches the twin towers antenna. the shining jack torrance is the dark father and attacks the twins ,ill decipher the shining for you star wars is the perfect execution of rosicrucian alchemy using v.i.t.r.i.o.l. or oz schema for the gullible. but the shining is kubricks tribute to 911 alchemy and george lucas ,kubrick loved lucas’s epic of september 11… Read more »

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10 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

yes jlb you are correct 911 was a ceremony

10 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

think how easy the entire 911 argument fails because they can’t debunk me hahhaha

you need some qualifications in the house ,i can show my working on all levels
psinematic ,philosophical,historically ,alchemically ,politically id call on jay dyer he is good,all too easy raise and lower my gullibilty level ,

get some qualified masons in or clues forum veterans ,we got 1200 pictures and spaceship heck bring the whole masonic family ,

imagine that a group of qualified truthers reading the blog

i dare you

Last edited 10 months ago by napoleon wilson
dave j
dave j
10 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

At some point the manifestation of ignorance is itself called self delusion.

They literally do not want to see the truth because when they do see the truth they know they will have to dismiss all the fairy tales within their head.

10 months ago
Reply to  dave j

what choice do i have dave ?

oh i’m watching your jack the ripper video as i type.

Last edited 10 months ago by napoleon wilson
dave j
dave j
10 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

Your only choice is to keep on doing what you’re doing I will watch it and read it if that’s any consolation

10 months ago
Reply to  dave j

yes it’s of great importance to know you watch what i make ,i thank you i remeber the days of discussing ideas from the blog ,maybe just rose colured glasses on my part and i hate to say i predicted it ,but i did you see ab’s work understanding over the past 10 plus years and decade long expert blog was always the backbone ,a place where any idea gets disected ,stitched back together, turned inside out and back again by no nonsense truthers but it does seem lots of them have moved on to pasteurs new ,and the current… Read more »

Last edited 10 months ago by napoleon wilson
10 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

https://www.universalcompendium.com/tables/soc/jtr.htm some more numbers there ,you probably done the ages etc etc ,but for anyone else here we are great video dave Jack the Ripper’s Attributed VictimsName Age Attack Date Attack/Body Location Likely Ripper Attack Result of Attack‘Fairy Fay’ Unknown 26 Dec. 1887 Around Osborn Street and Wentworth Street No [Victim never existed] Annie Millwood 38 25 Feb. 1888 White’s Row Some Survived Ada Wilson 39 28 Mar. 1888 Maidman Street, Mile End (residence) No Survived Emma Elizabeth Smith 45 3 Apr. 1888 Osborn Street No Died 4 April Martha Tabram 39 7 Aug. 1888 George Yard Yes Died Mary… Read more »

10 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

It is an eye opener for me to read your 911 view in such a succinct manner. I congratulate you on your compelling and obviously correct critique of the star wars movies and your even more compelling connection to the Big Day. I dips me lid.

10 months ago

thankyou frank that means alot ,ive gotten so used to getting my acknowledgements via ab’s truthers having to ignore me (everyone knows who i am)hi simon hi lyn . that when real nods come my way it is jarring . yes i solved 911 but more importantly ,i got a kick out of the desperate measures from houseclowns ,imagine having to speak to fakeologist and say you don’t read the blog ,that’s what i said would happen ,and i said were off to see the wizard ,i am a little twisted oh i can’t predict what honest men will do… Read more »

Last edited 10 months ago by napoleon wilson
10 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

ab passed the test first day ,every truther or wacked out truther website apart from ab’s since then has failed miserably, all your boys that wanna pretend they are truthers or altruistic anarchist failed ,and i gave them plenty of chances to redeem themselves ,i put up with all kinds of fun accents and claptrap from mini nukes to sega saturns ,iv’e been picking my teeth with the pointy end of the stick after eating hubris the horse original simulant rode in on the fucking truth scene ahahahahahaahaha agreeing on a lie does not make it the truth ,the truth… Read more »

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Last edited 10 months ago by napoleon wilson
10 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

and if the boys chosen to spin plates and given the specific paths to lead us down in the 911 maelstrom can’t address me ……..

well then i just beat the illuminati as it were …..didn’t i !!!

liber oz cockends

10 months ago

I agree – that is the best explanation (of thousands) that you’ve given.

10 months ago
Reply to  realalex

not changed since day 1 allowing houseclowns to ignore the blog is not my fault ,or providing ab with a helper thats dodgy as fuck every year , i had to leave gaps July 3, 2019 at 4:15 am #858160 REPLY | QUOTE https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/bc17ee915333ac29711ce1c42e1e68db?s=80&d=mm&r=g napoleon wilson Participant millenium fall-con 2001(satr wars clues) BRAINTARCTICA . governments and countries,lol ,lol MILLENIUM FALL-CON ( satr wars clues ) SEPTEMBER 11 2001. Basically its star wars trilogy MILLENIUM FALL-CON 2001 ( the 2001 sep 11 attacks) the miniatures we see collapse hadlots of significance You know as well as i do the outcome of this event… Read more »

Last edited 10 months ago by napoleon wilson
10 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

Perhaps there’s no change in your understanding, but there was a big difference in your communication of the idea, imo. Far less cryptic.

10 months ago
Reply to  realalex

fair point i had to go back and show my working out ,got 96 percent in maths at school but failed cos of no working out ,and i still can’t write down maths as it required
but the answers are correct

10 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

so the boys that all call each other shills over the years ,shit their pants from miniatures on 911 ,fine

but then they shit their pants cos they woke up in oz ,should be paying attention

now the only choice is to hope of ridicule ,im the main event houseclowns this is what you get paid for ,do your job earn your money

dont make up your wages with wack comments in the forum ,or half ass attempts to garner support from the fakeologist

he gives less fucks than me

ill do you all with americas favourite spaceship
