FAC1325-Return of Viking Helga

Rick starts off with Wildtimes, Rezmuttjeff and Rollo, and later Ab is joined by Viking Helga and Calmcardken.

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8 months ago

I can’t say for certain there was mass executions during the Bolshevick revolution, I wasn’t there and haven’t looked at the primary source documentation myself. But I know people kill each other and I know a few who have killed a person, not in war or revolution, but I figure if they are able to do that for seemingly trivial shit that the jews of the pale settlement who had hundreds of years of a history of animosity towards the Slavic people could theoretically be capable of it too.

Dave j
Dave j
8 months ago
Reply to  jcp509

Yes all that will be laid upon your very soul no worries.

8 months ago
Reply to  Dave j

If I’m not speaking the truth, I’d kindly appreciate it if you’d go explain that to the folks at Coyote Ridge correctional facility so they can let let my friend out because nobody has ever killed anyone. If not, then at the very least consider it a thought experiment to test whether “nobody died nobody got hurt” is a gross over generalization. I will grant you that controlled demolition and strategic population relocation is a driving feature of the objective of warfare but not that people don’t die from accidents, disease, famine and yes people killing people.

8 months ago
Reply to  jcp509

hi jeff ,next time your in the audio give us a rundown of what 911 was and how it’s evolved over time if you can and your current understanding .

always good to see an audiochatter in the blog

Dave j
Dave j
8 months ago
Reply to  jcp509

Rage for me killer, you’re nothing less than a spiritual murderer.

Absolutely nothing more and absolutely nothing less.

Last edited 8 months ago by Dave j
Dave j
Dave j
8 months ago
Reply to  jcp509

Here’s what you’re going to do sport you’re going to make me a list your personal witness 1 2 3 4 first names last names of all those that you claimed were killed in the Bolshevik revolution and then I will place each one of those onto your very soul now get to it.


You will stay on point as well.

You live by the s word of your own mouth .

No one made you bring it up killer

Now you will stand and deliver and bear your witness

Last edited 8 months ago by Dave j
8 months ago

heres nolan showing you war in it’sreal oz yellow brick roads galore ,the protagonist door raises to show the inverted world ,a ship the sky and a wall make the palestine flag, ,then we get the gullible apes and flying monkeys heading into oz helicopters not paragliders ,even the slag pile is emerald green indicating the emerald city ,inversion ,one side one army backward and forwards people have watched tenet a number of times and have no idea what it was about ,i guessed before it came out,and yes the the wheeler tha briefs him briefs dorothy in return to… Read more »

Last edited 8 months ago by napoleon wilson
Dave j
Dave j
8 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

Cheers NW

Dave j
Dave j
8 months ago

The Bolshevik revolution was a hoax.

It like today was a change of guard a state of mind not a killing of bodies

Nobody died nobody got hurt there was no killing Fields

Once again rezmutt…. “No corpses for you.”….

Signed the corpse Nazi

Dave j
Dave j
8 months ago

Good show ab, way to be the observer. Just the facts as being stated.

Dave j
Dave j
8 months ago

For those that need it,
War is a hoax.
War is controlled demolition and strategic relocation
You need to remember this every single second of your life for the rest of time do not have a discussion where you then sideline this and forget that war is a hoax there is no war.
Language matters

Last edited 8 months ago by Dave j