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5 months ago

zero one is a joy to listen to,the mans a fakeologist welcome matey ! https://postflaviana.org/the-freemason-invention-of-the-nazi-party/ The Nazi Concept of the Aryan Race Comes From TheosophyThe concept of the “Aryan Race” was not used by Germanic people to self identify before Blavatsky, who invented the application of the term that was subsequently used by the Nazi Party. She asserted the mystical notion that humanity is now in something she claimed was the fifth Aryan root race, which she saw as having emerged from the previous fourth root race (the Atlantean root race) beginning about 100,000 years ago in Atlantis. Blavatsky, The… Read more »

5 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

the hucksters that blame jews are my faourite ,the get ouf of jail cards these fuckers use are hilairious you got phil perpetuating a psilly wars fakery in oz as predicted and showcasing rubber babies ,boogieman going the other way saying its all real and babies are not bouncy ,and in between abs doing his best to provide some semblance of fakeology all these truthers might aswell be historians with two years conspiracy candy and a mouth full of cavities they want us to phil for them it could be anyone you want to blame as a scapegoat the green… Read more »