FAC1361-Sunday Extravaganza

New voice Morgan from Onterrible!

fakeologistv8 vikinghelga tobysfreedom francois5743 dwrex_ ssj3trunks jigglypuff5237 LindaC33andcounting#4960 poopaids_copy farcevalue streamerbot. notshocked. armunnrigh not_sure1255

4 thoughts on “FAC1361-Sunday Extravaganza

  1. napoleonnapoleon


    morgan welcome to fakeologist i look forward to your forum posts,canada is destined for a clone army you see ,it is written in the stars (episode II)the clone wars !!!

    toby there are no more gatekeepers since i solved 911 petal ,just houseclowns and trumans town extras ,some get lines!! ,i think toby could use examples instead of the term gatekeeper, for instance because masons control the truth narrative behind 911 and the skeptics and blogs ,the “gatekeepers” lol will never discuss the masonic ceremony of 911 ,gatekeeper implies these people have secrets for me aahahahaahahahahahahahaahaahahahah and are interacting with honest people ,thats naive lover
    psimple maffs

    best part about the consensus reality is the propping up by actors or parties of interest

    just make sure you are correct matey and you will get the ignorance and ridicule of confirmation
    god bless xxx

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