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3 months ago

Whilst the MM fan boys over at POM self implode,

whilst the Ab haters over at FayeGaiapedia spin off into dictionary land,

whilst The Goldbuggers over at the Racheologist Forum2 drag the Fakeologist brand down to their level,

whilst the audio over at Discord is not much more than a practice area and validation point for ambitious (yet still controlled) “truthers” and alternative media moguls of the future,

Premier “Fakeologists” here on the blog are chatting JAZZ.


3 months ago
Reply to  Vespadouglas

lucky were in fakeologist then isn’t it

3 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

Free thinking, not luck, brought me to Fakeologist.com

3 months ago
Reply to  Vespadouglas

Over on POM a commentor has exposed Talkoutyourarski and his MM fan boy Josh (cutting through the fog)
This “joker” calls out the covid fraud, the Charlottesville fraud, Mathis, Josh’s links to Israel and argues that masons not Christians run America.

But hey NapW thinks he’s a shite houseclown.

off the top of my head i’d say one of the houseclowns possibly penned that joker shite xulk”

? NW

3 months ago
Reply to  Vespadouglas

pale immitators that is correct!! run america ,mathis is scared of the wizard of oz like most frauds are or that star wars ,wait til egypt smash israel https://fakeologist.com/forums2/viewtopic.php?t=573&start=2310 it’s the same mentality as fake nukes phil having fake in front of his name copying fakeologist or tim truth or tim ozman ,everyone now must emulate as best they can my theosophy of 911 you get too worked up i said the fakeologist will be the only one left https://fakeologist.com/forums2/viewtopic.php?p=15120#p15120 find me a challenge loverboy here i’ll make it psimple fakeologist is the the best site honest as fuck ,so… Read more »

Last edited 3 months ago by napoleon wilson
3 months ago
Reply to  napoleon



What a wanker!

3 months ago
Reply to  Vespadouglas

you are funny petal

no heroes ,just funny baddies

Last edited 3 months ago by napoleon wilson
3 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

You’re not funny flower

3 months ago

some pschedelic jazz for for armunn,bonzo style

rage against the machine for toby ,was toby the child in labyrinth ?

3 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

Not that kind of “Jazz”, but more like this, if you are able to sit through 45 minutes of music: Tears of transcendence always emerge when going through the journey of this piece. The melodic and harmonic textures at the beginning, the transformation into a voice asking for rain (11’40”), increasing, increasing… and then only whispering, as if giving up. A complaint suddenly emerges (20’13”) and goes on for a while, “why doesn’t it rain?”, no answer… Then a rhythmic almost “raindance” setting (24’30”) to call for it, interrupted with another prayer, another question “will you come, rain? I am… Read more »

Last edited 3 months ago by ArmunnRigh
3 months ago
Reply to  ArmunnRigh

another time i will sit through it jazz scares me ,theres a style i can’t put my finger on that i like and im hesitant to sift through hours of it searching for the recipe ,i doubt there is one .and the mad bastards playing it i could watch in silence but as a kid 15 to 22 we had a couple of student establishments less than 10 mins walk from my house in withington village manchester and gazing at a skinny kid abuse the piano with his talent or his mates backing him with some crazy chick on vocals… Read more »

Last edited 3 months ago by napoleon wilson
3 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

The fact that it gets overcrowded is a sign that people want this and not the crap they are given. Thank you for sharing! I hope you enjoy the piece I sent, if you get to it!
Kind Regards!

3 months ago
Reply to  ArmunnRigh

Many years ago, I so enjoyed the Jarrett Koeln concert from 1975…

Most of us are given such a narrow band of music to entertain. It is throttling to our emotions and imagination.

Thanks for sharing this..La Scala is wonderful .cheers, db

3 months ago
Reply to  dirtybenny

Yes, Köln Concert is a masterpiece on its own and clearly the best entry point into Jarrett’s solo improvised works. Among several others, Sun Bear Concerts, a series of live recordings he made in Japan, are also incredibly miraculous: