FAC1398-Zero1 returns

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tobysfreedom, zero_one_fakeologist, buzzingfrets, aeon_aton., dookiefoot., johnlebon, notshocked., verilicious, farcevalue, clockwork113, not_sure1255

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napoleon wilson
9 months ago

i know a story
Hussein found hiding in holeTHE ASSOCIATED PRESS
BAGHDAD, Iraq — Without firing a shot, American forces captured a bearded and haggard-looking Saddam Hussein in an underground hide-out on a farm near his hometown of Tikrit, ending one of the most intensive manhunts in history. The arrest was a huge victory for U.S. forces battling an insurgency by the ousted dictator’s followers.

Saddam saw himself as a modern reincarnation of Nebuchadnezzar, and to prove it, he spent millions building a massive reconstruction of Babylon.

So what is the picture all about? The bible tells the story of Nebuchadnezzar in book of Daniel (4:33) stating:
“…The same hour was the thing fulfilled upon Nebuchadnezzar: and he was driven from men, and did eat grass as oxen, and his body was wet with the dew of heaven, till his hairs were grown like eagles’ feathers, and his nails like birds’ claws…”

“…“the mad king crawling like a hunted beast into a den among the rocks; his tangled golden beard sweeping the ground, his nails like vultures’ talons, and his wild eyes full of sullen terror. The powerful frame is losing semblance of humanity, and is bestial in its rough growth of hair, reptile in the toad-like markings and spottings of the skin, which takes on unnatural hues of green, blue, and russet…”]

Indicators that the World Trade Center represented the Temple of Solomon

The Temple of Solomon’s most salient architectural feature; its signature element is the twin pillarsThe World Trade Center featured twin pillars.
The pillars of Solomon’s Temple are at North and South. The twin towers of the World Trade Center are at North and South.

The World Trade Center As The Temple of Solomon

Solomon’s Temple along with these twin pillars were destroyed on Tisha B’Av 586 BCE, the 9th day of the 11th month of the Hebrew calendar. Additionally, building #7, collapsed despite never having been hit by a plane, it did however have it’s interior gutted just a few years earlier by it’s new owners, the Salomon Brothers, in what was described as the most extensive alterations ever made to a new Manhattan office building.

https://www.nytimes.com/1989/02/19/real … llion.html

The owners of Salomon Brothers are themselves descendants of Haym Salomon, a Freemason and the primary financier of the American Revolutionary War.


 The Temple was destroyed in 586 BC by Nebuchadnezzar,

Obsessed with Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein, the Bush administration misled the American public into believing Iraq was connected to the September 11 …toppling solomons temple

9 months ago

This was a terrific audiochat. I embrace Aeon Aeton’s take on the language magic that has been foisted on us. I like the idea of the interrogation of whether supernatural energies are at play here. JLB had me laughing out loud at the Hogan’s Heroes soundclips and his artistic use of the soundboard. Zero One questioning the foundations of communication technology went to the heart of fakeology. Kudos. This is a great topic of inquiry. The interaction of Aeon, Zero, JLB, etc….was a wonderful conversation.

John le Bon
9 months ago

I used this episode as the basis for JLB Chats 24.


It took me a few hours to split the file into three, balance the audio, remove the dead air, and add relevant clips, to improve overall listenability.

My sincere thanks to all of the panelists who brought good energy to the call, I think FAC 1398 is among the best of 2024 and probably one of the top 10 or 20 fakeo audiochats of all time.

Cheers to Ab and all the people who make fakeologist dot com possible.

9 months ago
Reply to  John le Bon

Man, I was cracking up when you were playing the soundboard for “Not Sure”. It was comedy gold! Well done, Johnno. I’m going to send through another tip but I don’t care if you go to Vienna. Whether or not there’s a car there in a museum is unimportant. The important thing is that the number plate on Franz’s car being AII1118 is part of the official story. The whole event seems ridiculous and made up to me but it is what is being taught to the normies.

If you just want a weekend away in Vienna, I support your decision to go.

I enjoyed when you asked “Not Sure” about his “research” and he told you he has a book and he trusts the “church fathers”. Has he ever tried to trace the sources of these stories? If course not. He’s very well studied on fantasy. It’s like being an expert on the history of Hogwarts. He won’t see it, though and will probably get upset if he reads this comment.

Unfortunately, his username is so close to “Not Shocked”, a great contributor with a truly skeptical mind. “Not Sure” is a believer and it was sad to see his waffling when John asked him for some evidence. It was obvious to me, and it should be to anybody listening, that he has none. He just has stories he parrots.

I’ve tried to investigate “The Salem Witch Trials” and the stories of human sacrifice by the Aztecs. Both times, it went nowhere. Now, I’ve seen believable videos of Mexican cartel violence and those folks are allegedly descendants of the Aztecs. The stories they are told, plus copious amounts of drugs probably lead them to that behavior.

No paper or writing of ANY kind could possibly survive for even hundreds of years. I’ve mentioned before, but there is a bill in the official congressional record from 1876 where the “Declaration of Independence” needed to be “restored” because the ink was disappearing and some of the signatures were no longer legible. Mind you, the Declaration of Independence at that point was only 100 years old and it was protected but it was withering away. Stories about things like the Dead Sea Scrolls or The Codex Vatinicus and The Codex Siniticus (THE Primary sources for what is known as The Bible) are absolutely absurd.

JLB says it best – humans LOVE stories.

9 months ago
Reply to  watermanchris

Here is a link to the official history of the “Declaration of Independence” https://www.archives.gov/founding-docs/declaration-history

Most people won’t take the time to investigate. If you read that story (I have no idea if it’s true but it makes sense to me), you will immediately see the problem with stories of ancient scrolls and papyri being found in caves, land fills, and monasteries. They are ridiculous.

I have no issues with people who believe in The Bible or The Quran, as there are truths in those books, but they aren’t thousands of years old. That’s obvious to me.

9 months ago

greetings all

The object of the satanic controlled system is to keep people from seeking and obeying God. “For God rewards those who diligently seek Him”, Hebrews 11-6. Gods word and your conscience will tell you what is good and what is evil…side note: profane languish is a sin that will keep one from entering the kingdom, said the apostle Paul.

The wicked who do evil deeds are contrasted against the righteous on every page of the bible. These have the mark of the beast, marked in the forehead signifying evil thoughts, and marked on the hand signifying their evil deeds. The apostles James and Jude identified these as “brute BEASTS” fit for destruction…love suffers when it cant give, and self sufferers when it cant get, and is always unsure if he is getting enough, thus he has no rest or peace mind.

The book of Ecclesiastics says the books of the world are many and to no end, while being very tedious. He said cutting to the chase; the whole purpose of our life is to obey God and keep His commandments…everything else is confusion of faces.

bastardized words like ‘human’ were infused by stealth and instilled in the minds of people over time. The word “Hue-man” means the colour of man, which is a fictional character, a monster. God did not create humans, He created mankind for His pleasure.

“kids” are symbolic of rebellious goats in the bible, whereas lambs are godly followers. Children are to be like lambs following their parents instructions.

Being civilized is subjective worldliness and was invented by the elite. What we should strive to be is godlized living in His image like we were created to be.

The book of Proverbs describes the word “smart” as someone who is being mischievously evil..

Never be proud of anything. “Pride” and the derivatives thereof is over 60 times in the text and is always bad…rather walk and work in humility with integrity having no pride. Be pleased with good deeds not proud of them, God the Father said “this is my son of whom I am well pleased”,

The bible said Jesus who humbled himself and was a man o NO REPUTATION. I ask you then; how are we gonna obtain one?

“good” is an extension by way of the influence of God working within man, and evil is an influence of the D-evil.  The D-evil is a doer of evil. The apostle Paul said that “Satan is the god of this world”. The apostle John said ‘the whole world lieth in wickedness”, ie>The world is awash with lies,,,

The goodness of God is woven into the very fabric of our existence. It’s the engrafted word that is able to save the soul, said the apostle James. …

James 1-20    ‘Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, and receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls’.
This is repentance encapsulated……

‘Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word’, ”for man does not live by bread alone, but by every word of God:”. “The LOVE of money is the root of all evil’ …”for what does a man profit if he gains the whole world but looses his own soul’…..”Godliness and contentment is great gain”, not godliness and worldliness.

Sincerely, Willybob? ? ?

napoleon wilson
9 months ago
Reply to  willybob

for what does a man profit if he gains the whole world but looses his own soul’

excellent willy and the basis of every great story ever written or film for a reason

9 months ago

Yes indeed Evil{}livE (literally the idea of reflection) it is one or the other.

Pompo once said…..
“When you deal with the lowest common denominator, the manifestation of voice heard through the audible spectrum of these so-called casts…..that right there…..is of and in fact the lowest common denominator.”

And he was right.