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8 months ago

Are we all irate with Ab here or is it just me?

8 months ago
Reply to  ronfreeman2020

Just you dude

napoleon wilson
9 months ago

bill clinton introduction was fantastic ,i do hope he returns next week


9 months ago

I agree with Ab on this one. I see what Zero_One is saying and I agree with him in principle. The issue is that the “white, Christians” are total cucks. I know that they’ve been psyop’d and probably messed with biologically but they (for the most part) chose comfort. I don’t even know what “white” means but the people most consider as white, Christian Europeans/Australians/Americans are not, for the most part, reproducing.

I live in a rural part of Florida and my son runs track with a boy who has 7 brothers and a sister. They are outliers but I think, in the recent past (50-60 years ago), this was way more common. Even my cousin, who has 4, is constantly getting snide comments. People say stuff like – “get a TV” He gets shamed for reproducing with his wife. These comments are coming from other “white” people.

There are a few communities that are doing better. All of the ones I see doing well, are centered around a shared set of beliefs and values – Amish, Mennonite, Mormon, Orthodox Jews (I know most don’t consider them “white”). It used to include the Catholics but that has gone by the wayside. They have joined the “Borg”. The materialist, athiest worldview is winning the war. I don’t like it any more than the next guy but it is what it is.

The world is changing and whoever (or whatever) is running this show is going to get their “Brave New World”. You can rage against it but I don’t think there is anything “we” can do.

I don’t have any issue with Zero_One expressing his beliefs but I don’t think it’s going to have any impact.

9 months ago

God scattered the people at the Tower Of Babe. because people work better amongst themselves within there own cultures. The RCC is seeking to lobotomize society into one homogenized
mongrel global society. Individuality is the enemy of the the Papacy…Individuality will be gone in a couple decades. Just speaking from a worldly perspective, Iv’e seen with my own eyes that North America has completely fallen off a cliff since 1957 and today is unrecognizable to me..The difference is like night and day. (just strictly speaking from a worldly perspective)

The US via Pres. Lincoln went under martial law in 1862 thus making everyone enemies of the state via 12 Statute 319..it has never been resended even after 160 years…

God got out of the nation building program 2000 years ago. Now, all peoples, no matter race or creed can repent and obey/believe (pisteu? in the Greek) . Obey the gospel and die to self,and departing from sin via heart purity and brotherly love. On this hangs the whole law of the Spirit said Paul in Galatians 5…

The kingdom is very few in numbers said Jesus taken through a very narrow gate. Via the Harlot of Institutional Christianity (Churchianity) Now the gate is widened allowing wolves, devils, and tares to enter in on the broad Hwy.

The bible says Jesus was a man of NO REPUTATION, I then ask; how are we gonna obtain one?

The idea of worldly hero’s is derived fro King Herod’s name….Hero is yet another masonic term that has been deployed by stealth into society’s mindset.

What is known as Christianity is the 5 foolish virgins described in Matt. 25, having no spiritual oil in their lamps, and also identified as the great Harlot in Revelation 16 & 18, Religion is the greatest device known for fleecing the flock. Of whom Jesus said depart from me I never knew you, ye workers of iniquity. Christianity is the cult that hijacked the true Christian faith that was once delivered to the saints for the purpose of the common salvation of mankind….However Peter said God is long suffering and desires that none should perish, but rather that all should come to repentance.

sincerly, Willybob

9 months ago
Reply to  willybob

Tower of Babe, that was some wild T and A for sure…crazy

9 months ago

one of the requirements was to speak English. That has gone out window today.

9 months ago
Reply to  willybob

AB has learned to somewhat see out of one eye, but still blind in the other,,,

9 months ago
Reply to  willybob

And in a possible causation relationship analysis of form and function you will notice that when one does the sig hiel poz(s)we. (Say it like poze_air) Anyways the rising of the arm interferes with the sight of at least one eye possibly two being that they are crossed

9 months ago
Reply to  willybob

I apologize for being crass AB…