FAC1404-John Le Bon vs Esoterick

esoterick_, livingman1, streamerbot., fakeologistv8, anounceofsaltperday, clockwork113, dtrain0852, verilicious, s.gauthier, johnlebon, tobysfreedom, .typoerror, dwrex_, notshocked., poopaids_copy, buzzingfrets, farcevalue and of course DaveJ (trigger warning for Uncle V)

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3 months ago

====================================== From the original poem by Scotland’s greatest poet Robert Burns: Farewell to all our Scottish fame Farewell our ancient glory Farewell even to our Scottish name Sae fam’d in martial story Now Sark runs over the Solway sands And Tweed runs to the ocean To mark where England’s province stands: Such a parcel of rogues in a nation! What force or guile could not subdue Through many warlike ages Is wrought now by a coward few For hireling traitor’s wages The English steel we could disdain Secure in valour’s station But English gold has been our bane: Such a… Read more »

3 months ago
Reply to  lynnertell

Burns was a Freemason and a British Government Civil Servant.

3 months ago

I’ve met jlb accidentally before and can confirm he’s a creepy weirdo in real life. I may call in and tell what happened because it’s pretty funny

3 months ago
Reply to  fakeologist

5 years soon since i told ya not to allow masons to dictate your audios

i did say back then ab

theres literally you and three others who are legit ,set the standard

Last edited 3 months ago by napoleon wilson
3 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

your blog do what you like

im a fakeologist though
would like to be abel to search the blog for fakeology ,and not listren to chancers

Last edited 3 months ago by napoleon wilson
John le Bon
3 months ago
Reply to  Karmakunt

Go on then, call in (thumbs up)

Last edited 3 months ago by John le Bon
3 months ago
Reply to  John le Bon

put your number in the blog

3 months ago
Reply to  John le Bon

I’d have to say I’m too good looking for this show but ya never know I might wake up ugly and bored one day with no friends. I’ll leave you to hang out with women that you pay for, I think that works well for you. It makes me laugh when holy men(Ab) hang out with and support unholy filth (jlb). I don’t know rick but I get the vibe he doesn’t need to pay for hookers.

John le Bon
3 months ago
Reply to  Karmakunt

Of course you won’t call in. That was just another lie.

That’s the thing with JLB haters: they need to resort to lies.

But at least you got a reply from me on this blog, probably the highlight of your 2024 so far.

3 months ago
Reply to  John le Bon

Who’s better European or Asian hookers?

3 months ago
Reply to  John le Bon

Regardless of he said he said…. Do you know who this person is and do you know what they might be talking about ?

3 months ago
Reply to  Karmakunt

jlb has masonic members that all headed over here after i solved 911

3 months ago
Reply to  Karmakunt

Please do when you get a chance call in I would like to hear that

3 months ago

i think the lads in the audio should not be abel to say anything unless its written down in their discord first , seeing as thats the standard the government frauds want me to set by using that hacked and mirrored platform ,the blog is far far superior to the drivvel delivered by the disney asthma sufferers who embarrass themselves daily or you can set up a fucking audio about the blog.i heard these cockknockers say the audio is for people to meet and share ideas , ahahahaahahahahaaa the audio is to discuss the blog retards the audios are embarrassing… Read more »

Last edited 3 months ago by napoleon wilson
3 months ago

Both of my grandfathers (passed years ago) were in WW2 and my uncle was in Vietnam. My uncle has told me stories but none included face to face “combat”. He was an aircraft mechanic and the base he was stationed at was “bombed” or mortared but who the hell knows where those things actually came from. He never saw anybody. He also said everybody had to go on patrol around the base but he never saw “Charlie”. He did allegedly lose a couple of friends (apologies for bringing death into the room) during the controlled demolition and according to my… Read more »

3 months ago
Reply to  watermanchris

That echoes my memories of pestering my two uncles and father in law about their experiences in “WW2”. I was born in 1953 and TV use was new and by the time I was 5 or six it was in every home that I visited. “WW2” movies were shown and promoted relentlessly and the Americans were always the “good guys” and the “enemy” was depicted as sub-human and deserved to be “wiped out”. The “heroes” always had engineered some fantastic rescue or “killed” a large number of the enemy. So it was a source of great consternation as a young… Read more »

3 months ago
Reply to  ricky

Most of the fighting was done on the eastern front, between the Soviets and the Axis powers. It is not necessarily evidence that the war was a hoax that your relatives in the military did not experience combat. If you were a Soviet and your military relatives had not experienced combat, it might be evidence.

3 months ago

Do not spread the false witness of so-called War.

Wars The hoax that is controlled demolition and strategic relocation..

Nothing you say to think and or feel matters and or changes this fact.

Now go away quietly if all you plan to do is lie and spread the false witness of war death and mayhem am I clear

3 months ago
Reply to  ricky

I am anticipating David Johnson calling me a ‘false witness to death,’ so will clarify. I don’t know whether or not war is entirely a hoax. I’m not saying that war is real, I’m only saying that this particular reason for believing that it is fake, that military relatives saw no combat, is not necessarily conclusive. I’m not saying that war is real. For the most part, I lean towards the hoax position, but I don’t know enough about it to have a definite conclusion. Edited: I said something redundant: ‘I don’t know whether or not war is entirely a… Read more »

Last edited 3 months ago by Jacques Bourbon
3 months ago

How did you extrapolate from my post that anything I wrote was in any way conclusive of anything other than my relatives saw no combat? However I neglected to mention they grew up during the depression, they were strong and tough, avid hunters and great marksmen, yet no combat. One thing that appears to be a truism after studying “fakeology” for many years, if one part of a story turns out to be false, chances are all of it is.

3 months ago

https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-tmus-us-rvc3&sca_esv=ffa6a5b912f672b6&q=Crete+world+War+II+parachutes&uds=AMwkrPtPkB6C9GASQWE9Fpu8PJQRcCbOuLYm8Mr8KWskqIyx1OgDwzv7s8X-m–hyHkXdkL8dT3Yh6jzVL4UaeV6vYT3kZIxp3jauxVLjwQrWrHv787QAChqy4D4COPxIGyvIzvdtjd1AZl5EaZK2lQBYMMLdgy5hu15nDUmU6ZVw8vpIwUPLZAe43SeCr9QUd_lwxo7vnRvl8Zel-xFaHw9FZxro3UrTGylVjdYlmRvtpxMvQrCYS3hwlk30fr840MPZYOL4RWHnEIc9P0AKUe7itRTulx0tqyMSD8hMp1aLFdwl9ifOkQwpDlfZ0B87lPSLo0JPX-jFu03hzfcBHD3mioCidDd7dgZtAlGdksYs5-BisYSed65tYpuzb4-IioJT5_ts2_W&udm=2&prmd=ivsnmbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjYjJWQp9aFAxUmIkQIHYkWDHUQtKgLegQIDRAB&biw=412&bih=767&dpr=1.75 The link above is for images to the so-called Crete parachute invasion. For any of you liars that are posting stories through audible or text chat that your so-called relatives were fighting and captured in war. First and foremost stop your b******* Second open up that link above and post the picture that you claim shows so-called War, post the picture that shows a blackened sky.. show anything that’s true post the so-called letters that you have from your relatives War is a hoax war is controlled demolition and strategic relocation. Nobody died and nobody got hurt by War… Read more »