
  1. https://twitter.com/AndrewUAP/status/1568823736081719296/photo/1
  2. https://twitter.com/GeorgeHackensc2/status/1511605830843437058/photo/1
  3. howtotakecareofyourpenis.com
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1 year ago

As per my comments in this podcast, I think the Victorian death stats indicate that investigation of the jab is required.

The twelve months ending in October 2022 have the highest count of registered deaths ever experienced, at 47,887. Until April 2021, the previous 6 years had an average of 40,000 registered deaths per year.

In my opinion, that is BIG increase, with no indication that the trend is going to ease. This trend clearly commences at the same time that large scale jabbing commenced.

To claim it is coincidental without further investigation is beyond reckless.

1 year ago

I’m shocked you trust these numbers propagated to us. Over five hundred thousand deaths from the Coronavirus, was what the mass media kept telling everyone in 2020 in the United States. Being in the United States that’s like an average of ten thousand deaths per state. Yet when I went by cemeteries, there was almost no activity in 2020. What happened to all those bodies? They vaporized, right? Maybe we were lied to about an invisible demon that didn’t exist and therefore was killing nobody? You go by stats and I go by my 5 sense reality. If I don’t… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  grandillusion

The figures come from these two sites Causes of Death, Australia, 2021 | Australian Bureau of Statistics (abs.gov.au) Deaths registered per month | Births Deaths and Marriages Victoria (bdm.vic.gov.au) I do trust the numbers on registered deaths because i think that careful records are kept of the CESTUI QUE TRUST for the purposes Vatican book keeping. Unlike you, i am receiving plenty of evidence of increased death rates. My long time working colleague plays golf with a group of 55 to 75 year olds and approximately ten out of sixty or so of those people have died in the past… Read more »

1 year ago

Frank – you can submit FOI requests to large cemeteries/crematoria if they are run by public organisations. Apart from bodies lost at sea or in fake media psy-ops/reassignments, these figures ought to mirror what the Government is telling you. There’s no other way to dispose of bodies.

dave j
dave j
1 year ago

thanks for your time Frank and AB

1 year ago

I think Facebook and everywhere else are two separate crowds. I have no Facebook which means they won’t let me even look at the links. If someone wants to reach the Facebook crowd they must use Facebook. On most platforms i operate a person would be complained against for leaving a Facebook link. Expecting them to leave Facebpok is laughable. I listen to most of Abs content. I used to listen to all FAKs live but always miss the starts. Now I download most of them besides the Tiago ones. All of the Tiago content on these Faks was Boring… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  fakeologist

My pleasure. I love the content keep up the great work you are worth the time to comment.