FAK682: Frank M. and Lynn Ertell

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  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BxdttHY59b4
  2. https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/p/organizational-chart-bank-for-international
  3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/East_Palestine,_Ohio
  4. http://eastpalestine-oh.gov/notices/department-of-public-safety-daily-update/


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1 year ago

Lynne wonders how they removed all the asbestos from the towers in 911. My question would be – how does Lynne know the towers has asbestos in? It seems to me that if the towers were built as props, you would do the minimum to create the impression of a viable building; no asbestos is necessary.

napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  YouCanCallMeAl

911 was and is a closed set ,any test after the fact would have gone through the same sources that judy wood did when showing the collapse in court ,its all part of the patriot act from the sellouts,

and there would have been safeguards to make sure no asbestos was used ,apart from the pipes etc,definitely props

Since asbestos-related disease has been identified by the medical profession in the late 1920s, workers’ compensation cases were filed and resolved in secrecy, with a flood of litigation starting in the United States in the 1970s, and culminating in the 1980s and 1990s.

i suppose they would follow building codes ,
imo no asbestos,

napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  YouCanCallMeAl

some links etc shh

911 is the gift that keeps on giving ,its spawned so much ,and the magic behind is comporable to the qualities of an iceberg, we saw a tiny partt of what it actually was

this is william ramsey


From The Book of Lies: “7, the septenary; 11, the magical number; 77, the manifestation, therefore, of the septenary. Through matter, because 77 is written in Hebrew Ayin Zayin (OZ), 

There is a great deal of information out there on Building 7 as well, including it essentially being an occult-Masonic construct (Salomon building anyone?). It’s 47 stories and trapezoidal shape can attest to that (the 47th Problem of Euclid, also known as the Pythagorean Theorem, “represents a perfect symbol of Freemasonry“). 

solo-mans temple

Do a search for 9/11 and Sirius and you’ll find that the only K-9 (K=11…11-9…9-11…maybe I need to slow down a bit) who died on that fateful day was named…….SIRIUS. Sirius was dog number 17…17 is The Star in the Tarot…which according to occultists depicts the star of SIRIUS. cough. 
If you think it’s overkill that they would name and sacrifice a dog merely to add another layer to their occult script, well then you still don’t really get how these events work. The more symbolism they cram into the rituals, the more powerful the ritual becomes.

From “The Most Dangerous Book”: “Today’s Coptic calendar (also called the Alexandrian calendar) is based on the ancient Egyptian calendar and is still used in Egypt, and also by the Coptic Orthodox Church. The first month of the year is named Thout, after Thoth, and thus the first day of the New Year is the 1st of Thout. On the Gregorian calendar, this date coincides with September 11th–so that date is not only New Year’s Day, but, more importantly, it is the symbolic, or observed, date of Sirius’ heliacal rising.” 

1 year ago

“The more symbolism they cram into the rituals, the more powerful the ritual becomes.”

I would say:
“The more symbolism they cram into the rituals, the more powerful they believe the ritual becomes.”

I don’t believe it becomes more powerful. I do believe that if I pay attention to their nonsense, I am giving them my power/energy/time though. The reason I think this is because I’m literally giving them my time and energy!

My position is that it’s hugely valuable to learn how one has been tricked. And it’s great to deconstruct the trickery. And help others to understand the tricks. But that it is most healthy to live a life that refuses discuss their terms – do not engage with the nonsense, except under duress. So yes uncover, then reject and then ignore.

In myself, I don’t find special numbers or names. I have found lots of provided BS that I try to uproot, inc encoded BS. It’s nothing to do with me.

napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  YouCanCallMeAl

i am not a fan of symbolism ,heres glyndas wand at shanksville ,no symbology need for 911 ,it’s all too easy now to show people

napoleon wilson
1 year ago

i am a fan of pointing out the oz-mosis,

it’s just a shame so many masonic truthers got their gullible ass handed to them ,

you go back a decade it ,meaning 911 was all masonic ,well that’s not true now is it ,i have 100 times more oz symbology thats crowley and star wars and mkultra and programming than that bullshit religion they sold the american houseclowns.but the real religion was star wars ,and the modern myth ,

anyway i don’t think symbology is wasted it is a language ,but the psi-pher is just as important

that train crash stood out to me because of jimmy stewart playing a murderous clown ,greatest show on earth

1 year ago

Somebody really needs to do a deep dive into this Delillo character. His 10th novel, Mao II (1991), includes major themes of “large crowds” and “political terrorism”.
Mao – reduction gematria = 11…therefore Mao II = Duel 11s
From Wickedpedia on Mao II:
In predicting an age of terror in which “the major work involves midair explosions and crumbled buildings,” DeLillo was eerily ahead of his time in contemplating the profound effect that political terror was soon to have on American society. The question of the efficacy of art in the context of dogmatism and violence of a massive scale is central to the narrative. In preparing the novel, DeLillo’s editor at Viking, Nan Graham, said, “Long before he had written anything Don told me he had two folders — one marked ‘art’ and the other marked ‘terror.'”[2]
More on Mao II:
The protagonist, Bill, which happens to be an author as well, laments that novelists are quickly becoming obsolete in an age where terrorism has supplanted art as the “raids on consciousness” that jolt and transform culture at large. –that’s a whopper!

Underworld was published 6 years later (1997) making it…wait for it…his 11th novel.

1 year ago
Reply to  backwoods


napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  backwoods

yes a character ,who seems to know the power of art and how it’s weilded


1 year ago

Great find! If only the essayist understood media fakery -he’s so close to getting it. Also, it sounds like Delillo wasn’t privy to the agenda on big events post 9/11. They couldn’t let one single author have too much foreknowledge.

napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  backwoods

this kid is shit hot ,i’m probably only a year older

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“Jesus of Nazareth. The radiant name. I am enthralled by the luminous figure of the Nazarene.” (THE SILENCE p. 42.)
“He was there to conceptualize , to apply overarching ideas and principles to such matters as troop deployment and counterinsurgency. The third floor of the E ring at the Pentagon. Bulk and swagger.” (POINT OMEGA p. 19.)
“Armies carry the gene for self-destruction. One bomb is never enough. The blur of technology, this is where the oracles plot their wars.” (POINT OMEGA p. 52.)
“This is deep time, epochal time.” (POINT OMEGA p. 72.)
“They come swimming out of deep memory.” (THE SILENCE p. 6.)
Today we return to Don DeLillo: the 2010 novel POINT OMEGA and the 2020 novella THE SILENCE (his most recent work.) POINT OMEGA concerns the War on Terr0r, rendition, and ZBig/Mitchell war-planner anxiety, juxtaposed against desert landscapes and postmodern art. The book predicts the panopticon and all-encompassing tech– in the transition period between Big 9 and the GreatRezet. THE SILENCE predicts Cyberpolygon.

1 year ago

jpeg won’t send for some reason.

comment image

napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  backwoods

wouldnt predicting what sequence the collapse happened, and what the remnants looked like be more compelling

shortly after the twins luke and leia arrive in cloud city ,han solo,solo-man gets frozen in carbonite,or after the twin towers collapse the soloman building gets enveloped in cloud colud city, your brain caught it

remember at the moment hes building 7 ,,you see the twin towers echoes either side as light on jabbas wall

first thing solo-man or solomon building 7 see’s is the same as the view from solomon building 7 ,before it really collapsed ,gullible as fuck,han solo comes back for the finale

in solomons temple they tell you the truth ,from a certain point of view ,liber oz

WTC-Area-With-building-Numbers-Wikimedia-Commons-CMYK-WEB (1).jpg
1 year ago

Underworld book cover

napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  backwoods

not that the book and cover is not compelling ,i am a fan of all the programming leading up to 911,the fresh kills is a great paralel

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