FAK737-Lynn Ertell on 9/11

  1. 9/11 MEMORIAL SCAMS, VICSIMS, Etc – Page 81 – Cluesforum—Exposing Mass Deception
  2. The New York Times on the Web
  3. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour – Wikipedia
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1 year ago

Back in the day over at the Lets Roll forums Matt Campbell joined in the discussion about his brother. Simon also engaged in the conversation, it was good fun.
Despite the Lets Roll forums getting hacked and taken down, I’ve managed to find the thread with Matt via the wayback machine.

The List of the Dead at Windows on the World on 9/11 – 76 – Page 8 – Let’s Roll Forums (archive.org)

1 year ago
Reply to  antipodean

Thanks for finding that, Anti. The whole fascinating thread is archived. Another recent video with Matt Campbell is here: https://www.ukcolumn.org/video/an-inquest-denied-matt-campbell-demands-911-answers I am not going to entertain any thoughts that a. Geoff Campbell and other ‘victims’ never existed – a very silly piece of misdirection instigated at Cluesforum in the face of masses of concrete evidence b He died on 9/11. Either Matt is completely naive or he’s gatekeeping. The Risk Waters conference was an important part of the 9/11 psy-op. I’d missed a bundle of Risk Waters releases to cement the hoax 20 years later: https://www.risk.net/comment/7869951/911-the-colleagues-we-lost-and-the-years-that-followed + internal links from… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  xileffilex

Thanx Felix, I’m still not convinced Geoff Campbell existed given his back story being full of holes.
But to be fair to Clues Forum Hoi did start this thread where members could question if some of the vicsims were actual real people.
The last remaining piece of the 9/11 puzzle is what actually happened to the real existing people who disappeared after 9/11.
My research into vicsim Robert Eaton was recently reignited, when the charity set up in his name was finally wrapped up, his 3 sisters were present at the event..

1 year ago
Reply to  antipodean

they got 50grand and a facelift ,good post

1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

Who got 50 grand & a facelift?

Last edited 1 year ago by antipodean
1 year ago
Reply to  antipodean

it’s a joke ,when you listen to part 1 of the megachat you’ll hear ,just out of interest you said The last remaining piece of the 9/11 puzzle is what actually happened to the real existing people who disappeared after 9/11.

wanna elaborate on that for me

1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

with other films we have imdb to see what other productions they were in you see.

1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

Not really.

1 year ago
Reply to  xileffilex

I’ve just watched the video featuring Matt. Less than a week old.
What’s Matt done to his hair, is he going through a mid life crisis?

1 year ago

lyn tells me to concentrate on 77 bombings ,sorry seetheart no can do us “british” 911 truthers are not letting you kids off that easy ,ha ha your countries been blaming the wizard of oz for way too long ,and 77 means oz ignorant!! oz is always the bad guy .i hope lyn doesn’t rely thermal detonators oops thermite for that pyrotechnics display ,or wands hahaha, so i gather lyns another like matt who can only allude to the millenium fall-con ,fucking psilly scared truthers, i got 77-oz for ya’s rick says jfk had 911 coded into it , j=10… Read more »

Lando-Calrissian-Cloud-City-Administrator (1).jpg
Last edited 1 year ago by napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

nice post NW.

1 year ago
Reply to  davej

cheers dave
thank you

Last edited 1 year ago by napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

the one thing i noticed about all the 911 researchers ,especially ones that come to fakeologist is ,their research is finding out what other researchers have said about 911 ,blah blah of tashhag truth 911.com etc etc says this or or vibration.freedom says that forgive the made up names but you get the dance,,,,,,,,,,,anyway alls we hear is they said this and they said that ,well i’m saying even that way of pretending your a 911 truther goes out the window when it comes to describing what napoleon wilson says about 911 does’nt it we here at fakeologist are not… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by napoleon wilson
dave j
dave j
1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

Yes indeed