FAK741-John Lukach

  1. https://fakeotube.com/video/5145/fak601-john-lukach-and-emmanuel-stone
  2. Past John Lukach shows on fakeotube
  3. https://estateartistry.com/blog/hang-on-hannah
  4. Hanna recovery: https://estateartistry.com/blog/reversing-vaccine-injuries
  5. https://irp-cdn.multiscreensite.com/73bf25b2/files/uploaded/The-DMSO-Handbook-for-Doctors.pdf
  6. How To Add Silica to Your Drinking Water
  8. John Lukach on Mind Medicine with Charles Kovess – 22 July 2023 | TNT Radio
  9. Cure Your Cancer By Christmas!
  10. Thulium – Wikipedia
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11 months ago

Hey Ab I don’t see a download for this show.

dave j
dave j
11 months ago

If that is John in the picture covering his face he might do well to cover his mouth as well.

11 months ago
Reply to  dave j

Hi Dave. That picture on the cover of my last book is actually Larry Mastri, the guy who did the typesetting and formatting. We had a hard time finding a similar stock image so he offered to provide one. -John

11 months ago

I read a bunch of your comments under my clip on the fakotube channel and you really attack me in creative ways. I know all the places my story is weak, I totally get where all that doubt comes from. I really liked the comment about Eric’s anti-nano triangle being an illuminati symbol, I mean, that was just brilliant.  I am really good at tagging all the hidden handshakes those guys embed into everything, but I admit I completely missed that one. Probably because I’m talking about someone that is part of my own “home team”, but that was completely coincidental. Still, it bugs… Read more »

11 months ago
Reply to  John Lukach

toxic spears

beer does not cause gout ,beer causes fun

glad the girls better ,us mancs are resiliant , whatever direction individuals are heading in the further away from any injection the better

Last edited 11 months ago by napoleon wilson
11 months ago
Reply to  John Lukach

cos between you and me john ,if i was shonky businessman trying to get an advantage in the next wave of medicine i’d do what the medical industries do and send a hot chick to liaise ,don’t start crying we know how business men in the know like a good crisis and that’s what the big harma boys do ,but they send out chicks to get contracts ,maybe it was to see if your theory held water ,i don’t know ,and theres a confidence about you i like ,anyway thats all just putting stuff out there remember weve had people… Read more »

dave j
dave j
11 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

Time always tells

11 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

by the way NW… i do not C/\C anybody Miss(ing) that “extended) or (Operational) “lion(s)paw” masonic Grip along the shame faced man on the cover of this episode….of the Spiders weave a web and the Owls find a tree to Nest, the Lion Sleeps tonight…i however see 2 shinning “C”

Last edited 11 months ago by davej
11 months ago
Reply to  davej

with no technical expertise ,i can be described as a ludite regularly,so i rely on others to dispell myths

also dave i am hyperskeptical of sob stories and have been since the start of the poisoning narrative .

also masons have been aware of me and the millenium fall-con for a good few years now , this entire medical narrative relies on snake oil salesmen at every level

Last edited 11 months ago by napoleon wilson
dave j
dave j
11 months ago
Reply to  John Lukach

I Will review your work Moses…er …John…so yes “peace” until I reset judgement on it.

11 months ago
Reply to  John Lukach

I notice you kept throwing jabs in at Dave J after complimenting him on questioning the deal with Hanna. Why? You said it was fair game to question and then you throw shots at Dave for being skeptical. I’m skeptical too of Hanna and her story. Taking a quax to see her man or travel with him? Caving to peer pressure? Then again Ab said his daughters had to be given an ultimatum of either take the vax (they wanted to socialize with their peers, peer pressure?) and be booted out of his house or don’t take the vax and… Read more »