FAK824-John Robinson Part 3

  1. Walking and Talking 1-17-24
  2. JohnRobinson101
  3. https://fakeologist.com/fak820-john-robinson/
  4. https://fakeologist.com/fak821-john-robinson-part-2/
  5. cabbagetownpeople.ca/person/ernst-zundels-bunker/
  6. Zundel can be deported, Federal Court rules – The Globe and Mail
  7. All Zundel videos fake11.com/zundel
  8. Jim Rizoli mirror https://www.bitchute.com/video/Wz15zHB5Fttd/

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6 months ago

and wether anyone likes it or not mr robinson is part of the bigger picture that was going on ,i meant to say that a few days ago

6 months ago

now would there be a susceptibilty from holohoax to another more intriguing or shocking idea i know the ultimate lie is its all a pantomime and has been since 1900 but after a while the holohoax would not get you high as the last time need to persoanlise it ,and the avergae jew aint gonna spend ten minutes looking into holohoax ,so freshen it up what else were the nazis doing ooh what were they really doing ? dowwn there in braintarctica or up there in agartha anyway all im saying is you can be a truther till the cows… Read more »

Last edited 6 months ago by napoleon wilson
6 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

i just put the deck of cards in order as best i can and every now and agian three or four sequence sorts it’s self out

let’s assume these charysmatic men that are a force of nature as ab calls it have a drive that is beyond that of their entourage

weve seen that in l ron hubbard ,jim jones ,and who was it that said zundels name etymology becomes playing with fire ,well holcaust means burnt oddering ,so putting the hollocaust out would be playing with fire

oh and dont under estimate the power of a good analagy

6 months ago

oh and remember radical thinking wether it’s controlled or not ,does beget more radical thinking like a virus lol so controlled telling truths or controlled telling half lies will lead to more thinking in acute ways ,especially at the start of conspiracies mid 60s on so zundel was part of a movement the bllavatsky chick is said to be the inspiration for hitlers aryan ideas ,if he did have any i don’t know ,but them theosophists had the backing of the church half a decade before hitler and ww2 so we can see a clear connection with what 911 was… Read more »

6 months ago

Re: The deportation. of Ernst Zundel in the immediate aftermath of 9/11, and as a very real CONSEQUENCE of the staged 9/11 “blood libel”.
The new legislation imposed as a consequence of 9/11 actually wrecked the lives of real people.
In that sense, to call it a “hoax” is to do an injustice to the real victims of this blood libel.
To call it a “false flag” (frame-up) under these circumstances, would be more accurate.

6 months ago
Reply to  lynnertell

There are NO “false flags” at fakeologist. com.
There are hoaxers, liars, actors, media fakers and fraudsters busted on a daily basis.
Alternative, MSM conspiracists, such as your “shouty” self are heard but seldom listened to.

6 months ago
Reply to  lynnertell

NDNGH 9112001nyc zundel and “john” are clowns.

No pipe bomb period

No terror attack period

War is a hoax period

Are you part of that crew as well or would you like to stop the bullshit Lynn.

You are a fool or simply acting like one.

Last edited 6 months ago by Davej
6 months ago
Reply to  Davej

DaveJ….You are a troll and only here to cause trouble….thats why I blocked you and you buddy from my bitchute channel.

6 months ago
Reply to  Jim Rizoli

Be silent Jim if I need something out of you I will place these three symbols


Now you run along and you keep your unlearned mouth shut

6 months ago
Reply to  Jim Rizoli

Jim, I recently heard you on Fakeolohost and agree with your claim as the ” most dangerous revisionist.”. You most certainly are that. Look forward to visiting your site.

6 months ago
Reply to  lynnertell

911 was a dream told ya’s that ,i also shown yas how to wake up