FAK831-Lynn Ertell

  1. Holocaust (TV Mini Series 1978) – Full Cast & Crew – IMDb
  2. Sophie’s Choice (1982) – IMDb
  3. https://fakeotube.com/audio/6747/zundel-for-pm-1968-9-interviews
  4. Concertina – Wikipedia
  5. Has the U.S. Congress really borrowed trillions from Social Security to use for government spending? – Quora
  6. The Importance of Planning: 2019 – Fakeologist Forums
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5 months ago

Pls forgive one more comment but “Lynn Ertell” sounds a “dead” ringer for a friend who supposedly died in 2016. This friend, Mark, also knew quite a bit about China, had been there (in the Eighties) w his “uncle” a son of a Warlord who came to Washington DC and opened a (yes Chinese) restaurant, …It.was quite a big well known place w photos of Presidents and other hoaxers on the walls. Mark later inherited money from this guy. Anyway, you know what I’m saying Lynn ?

5 months ago

I certainly agree Zundel had a sophisticated world view for a 29 year old. But he had a focused reference point, being the destruction of Germany, and being a German himself, a solid point of origin by which to gauge developments, such as creeping communism. Here in the US 29 year olds were caught up in all manner of distractions like college, career, anti-Vietnam protests, Leave it to Beaver, apple pie, flag waving, and other assorted BS designed to keep us stuck on stupid.

5 months ago

It seems to me that commies are always against nationalism. The Reds in Russia were for the rank and file, definitely against Russophilia. Mao fought against the Nationalists. In Vietnam they probably used Nationalism because they were under siege. The commies here and now (USA/Canada) are completely opposed to Nationalism. wtf. Can we try to know something.

5 months ago

lyn eventually you will give an opinion on what ab shows you it is polite ……………….eventually but til then heres some fun reading Norman rose to his feet, tapped the heavily panelled wall of his library and said with calm emphasis: ‘I could walk through this wall and do no harm to it our myself if I were so minded.’” (Andrew Boyle, Montagu Norman, pp. 86-87.) https://postflaviana.org/the-freemason-invention-of-the-nazi-party/ A Theosophist Oversaw the Financing for the Nazi PartyMontagu Norman, the Governor of the Bank of England from 1920 to 1944, was a dedicated Theosophist. According to biographer Andrew Boyle, Norman typically shared his… Read more »

5 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

https://www.allreligionsareone.org/Ernst%20Zundel.xhtml small bit on zundel not much ,don’t really affect the true stories of persecution westernised germans were subjected too after the war and there are thousands im betting , ab is always open for a goodlink or site i reckon, theres more on other chaps though not much on zundel Ernst Zündel was a German provocateur agent of the Catholic Church, used to play the role of Holocaust denier in a staged trial. From 1958 he lived in Canada. His mentor was Canadian Adrien Arcand, related to jesuit trained director Denys Arcand, who published Le Goglu with advertisements of the Bronfmans and was in contact with… Read more »

Last edited 5 months ago by napoleon wilson
5 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

and the good thing about how my monkey brain works is the same as i had with william cooper ooh years ago about ufos i worked out right or wrong ,that in order to get men to devote a large part of their adult life to truth telling or a cause they must believe they are doing something worthwhile ,now in the bigger picture of how the world works there is a goal ,you cant always use conmen to further the con ,there were communists not all crank jews ,and there are steely eyed rocket men at nasa that have… Read more »